The Life of Lewis - Cover

The Life of Lewis

Copyright© 2021 by Lewis Lucas

Chapter 1: A Neighbours Secrets

Pedo Sex Story: Chapter 1: A Neighbours Secrets - Lewis is 15 and decides to get a Saturday job. Finding one in a Video hire shop helping Mike the manager, he finds himself earning a bit extra every week by having some interesting fitness tests followed by some relaxation including sex lessons and experiences which he thoroughly enjoys.

Caution: This Pedo Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/Fa   Ma/Ma   Ma/mt   mt/mt   Teenagers   Coercion   Consensual   Rape   Gay   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Incest   Torture   Anal Sex   First   Massage   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Petting   Doctor/Nurse   Teacher/Student  

Monday morning at ten o’clock Danny went next door. He went in through the back door by arrangement, Paul had opened the side gate for him.

They had a cup of coffee at the kitchen table. As soon as they were sitting down, Paul asked, ‘What did you mean last night when you said about an Englishman’s home being his castle?’ ‘I think you know more about that than I do,’ Danny said smiling, ‘But let’s not go there yet.’

‘You have a problem. You admitted that to me yesterday and asked for my help. I can tell you that by doing so you have taken the first two major steps to solving any problem. That is to admit it and ask for help. The next stage is to feel relaxed enough with me to tell me everything about it. Then together we can fix it. That is all there is to it.’

‘Wait,’ he said as Paul tried to speak. ‘I don’t want to know anything about it until you are completely at ease with me. I know you want to get it off your chest and are keen to tell me, but it will work much better and have more success if we do it my way, ok?’

‘Ok,’ Paul said, ‘I’m in your hands.’ Paul had spent a strange night. He hadn’t slept well but instead of worrying about his problem, his mind had been churning over Dannys final comment last night. It was almost as if he already knew what had happened, yet how could he?

More to the point, if he knew, why hadn’t he reported Paul to the police. Even allowing for his promise not to reveal anything, if he knew before Paul had asked for help, he was under no obligation of confidentiality at that time.

He had ended up deciding that he had asked Danny for help because it was becoming too much of a strain to keep to himself. He had taken the step. He would put himself into Dannys hands. To his surprise he then fell asleep and had a peaceful night.

They finished their coffee and Danny said, ‘If you want to carry on, I want you to go through to your lounge, take your shoes off and lie down on the settee. From this point on, nothing you tell me will ever be repeated without your permission. If at any time you want to stop, all you need to do is tell me to go. If you do, my confidentiality is not affected in any way. If you want to try again at a later date, you only have to ask. Ok?’

‘Ok,’ Paul said, as he got up and headed for the lounge, followed by Danny. Once he was settled on the settee, Danny sat alongside him and explained about saying Go, Stop, or Pass.

‘If you’re ready to start, turn over onto your front and I’ll massage your back from your head to your feet and back again. Whilst I do, I will ask you questions. Only when we both feel you are completely relaxed with me will we look at your recent problem.’

The reference to his problem being recent made Paul feel even more certain that Danny already knew what it was. As Danny rested his hands on Paul’s head and massaged gently, Paul found that he liked the sensation. He decided to put everything out of his mind, relax and enjoy it.

‘Go,’ he said soon after. As Danny moved down onto his shoulders, he asked, ‘What’s your earliest memory of school?’ That was nothing like anything Paul had been expecting him to ask. He was speechless for a while as Danny massaged down his back. As he collected his thoughts, he decided that he was enjoying the massage, something he had never experienced before.

As Danny moved up onto his cheeks, he went rigid but remained silent. As Danny massaged down between his cheeks, he said between his teeth, ‘I’m sorry Danny, it’s not you, just bad memories.’ As Danny moved on down, he told him, ‘Don’t apologise, it’s not your fault, perhaps we can get rid of those as well as your problem later.’

Once Danny was off his cheeks he relaxed and answered the question, ‘Getting knocked about by two lads at secondary school.’ His mind was in a turmoil, full of memories of the incident dragged up from his past, coupled with the pleasure of the rest of the massage. Even though it had brought back terrible memories, his senses were telling him that Dannys touch had been safe and lovely.

As he moved down his legs, Danny asked, ‘Can you tell me what they did to you?’ Paul went red and said ‘Pass.’ Then he added, ‘Sorry.’ Don’t be Danny said, we move along at your speed, we can come back to it later.’

Paul felt relieved at being able to pass but still a bit worried at the idea of returning to it later. He thought to himself, ‘It’ll be easier to tell Danny about the present problem than that.’

As Danny came back up his legs he asked, ‘Did the two lads concerned knock you about just the once or did they bother you on other occasions too?’ ‘More than once.’ Paul said as he felt Dannys hands massage his cheeks. He was amazed how nice it felt. ‘Did you tell anyone about it at the time?’ Danny asked as he moved on up his back. ‘No.’ Paul said. ‘Can you tell me why that was?’ Danny asked.

‘Because I thought it would make it worse for me, and also I’d have been too embarrassed to tell anyone about it.’ As Danny reached his head and massaged briefly, he said, ‘Turn over.’

Once Paul was settled, Danny smiled at him, ‘Lots of people find different things embarrassing to talk about,’ he told him. ‘The most common subject is sex.’ He noticed a hint of red on Paul’s face but didn’t let on. ‘I should tell you that in my counselling, I have dealt with rapes of both sexes and in all forms. So, nothing you tell me is likely to be anything I haven’t already dealt with.’

‘Surely, he can’t have guessed that as well, ‘Paul thought to himself, ‘But why else would he suddenly mention sex and rape?’ ‘I’m going to go down your front now just the same,’ Danny said. ‘With more questions naturally. Remember you can say pass as often as you need to.’

As he massaged his head, Paul decided the front felt even nicer, then when Danny moved onto his temples, that was such a lovely experience he could have stayed there for ever.

Eventually he said, ‘Go.’ and as Danny moved onto his shoulders, he asked, ‘Did the two who bothered you, do the same to anyone else?’ ‘I don’t know,’ Paul said after a brief thought. ‘They were known as bullies certainly and I know they attacked others. But whether they did the same to them I don’t know.’

‘Is this the first time you’ve ever told anyone about them?’ Danny asked as he massaged over Pauls broad chest. ‘Yes,’ he said, ‘I never thought I’d ever tell anyone.’

‘How did you get on with all the other boys at school?’ Danny asked as he massaged his stomach. ‘Fine,’ Paul said, ‘Some I didn’t mix with at all, and some were friendlier than others, but those two were the only ones who were any trouble.’

As he moved up onto the front of his trousers, Danny asked, ‘Did you have any special pals?’ ‘No, not really,’ Paul said, ‘I was a bit of a loner.’ As he spoke Dannys hands passed over his cock. Danny felt him tense up, but he didn’t speak. As he passed over it, Danny decided it was an average size.

As he moved onto his legs Paul relaxed as Danny asked, ‘What about the girls at school, did you go out with any of them?’ ‘Sort of,’ Paul said. ‘I went out with a girl in my class but not until a year after I had left school.’

Starting back up from his feet Danny asked, ‘When you left school, were you still a virgin?’ Paul went red again. He avoided Dannys eyes and said very quietly ‘Yes.’ ‘No problem with that,’ Danny said, ‘Lots of kids leave school still a virgin, despite what they would have you believe.’

‘Really?’ Paul said, ‘I always thought I was an odd one out.’ ‘The ones that brag are the ones least likely to have had it.’ Danny told him. ‘I wish I’d known that at the time.’ Paul said smiling.

Danny had massaged over the front of his trousers whilst he was speaking, apparently unnoticed by Paul. ‘Was your first sex a year after you left school?’ Danny asked as he massaged his stomach once more. ‘No,’ Paul said, ‘About eighteen months. We started going out twelve months after I left school. It happened after I went to work at her parent’s house.’

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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