The Life of Lewis - Cover

The Life of Lewis

Copyright© 2021 by Lewis Lucas

Chapter 8: John’s Teatime Treat

Pedo Sex Story: Chapter 8: John’s Teatime Treat - Lewis is 15 and decides to get a Saturday job. Finding one in a Video hire shop helping Mike the manager, he finds himself earning a bit extra every week by having some interesting fitness tests followed by some relaxation including sex lessons and experiences which he thoroughly enjoys.

Caution: This Pedo Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/Fa   Ma/Ma   Ma/mt   mt/mt   Teenagers   Coercion   Consensual   Rape   Gay   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Incest   Torture   Anal Sex   First   Massage   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Petting   Doctor/Nurse   Teacher/Student  

John arrived home at quarter to four, he went out into the back garden to let Danny know he was back. John asked him how his interview had gone to which Danny replied that it went well, “Another success I’m glad to say.” He commented.” Apart from the two we know about, let’s hope that’s all of them,” John said with some feeling. Saying that he’d go and put the kettle on, he went back into the house.

Danny finished off the job he was doing and put his things away. Locking up the shed, he went into the kitchen and washed his hands. John made them both a drink and they sat at the kitchen table. John said, “I met Keith’s parents in town, they were full of your praises as apparently after Keith’s visit, he was ‘like his old self but with more confidence’ to quote his dad. He’s got a job as well apparently. His dad said he was surprised as it’s nothing like anything he ever wanted to do, but at least he’s happy and he’s earning.”

Danny smiled to himself, thinking back to his advice to Keith about taking any old job for six months. John continued, “They were asking about you, they clearly have no idea about your age, they wanted to know if you were a professional councillor. I told them you were self-taught and did it voluntary, usually only for people who come by personal recommendation.

They told me to thank you for giving them their son back and that they had wanted to get you a thank you gift, but not knowing what you liked made that difficult.”

John pulled an envelope out of his pocket and put it on the table.” They asked me to give you that instead and to tell you that it is a small amount to pay to get their son back.”

Danny picked up the envelope and opened it. Inside was a bundle of currency. Pulling it out, he counted it, it came to two hundred and fifty pounds.” Danny was amazed, “I can’t take all that,” he said. “Yes, you can,” John told him. Think about it, imagine ten years down the line, you’re married and have a child. They go off the rails and you don’t know what to do. Then some stranger comes along, waves his magic wand and hey presto, your child is back again, just as they always were. Wouldn’t you happily pay that much for such a prize?”

“I suppose so,” Danny said, “But what am I going to do with it, I don’t want to have to start explaining how I earned it.” John thought for a moment, “Do you have any personal saving or investments,” he asked. “Only a building society account for when I’m saving up for anything special, but mum often sees that.” “Well, here’s an idea if you don’t want to spend it,” John said, “Why don’t you buy some Premium Savings Bonds. You can buy them in your own name, but use this address, then anytime in the future, you can just change the address. Who knows, you might win the top prize of a million pounds.”

“That would take some explaining too,” Danny said, “But it would be a nice problem to have. What do I have to do” John told him, “You just take your cash to the Post Office and fill in a form, then your savings bonds are posted out to your address, which in this case, would be here. You get a Bond for each pound and each bond gives you a separate chance in every draw. Plus, you can cash them in at any time in the future.”

Danny liked the idea, so John wrote his full address and post code down for him.

Tucking the piece of paper away carefully in his pocket, they hugged and then Danny asked, “What’s your choice tonight. You can sit in the armchair, and I’ll go in you, or you can choose a position and you can go in me.”

John only took a second, “Will you go in me in the chair, then perhaps next time if you’re still sure about it, we’ll swop positions?” Danny agreed right away, saying, “Only if you promise you’ll go in me next time.” John put his arms around him and hugged him, then kissing his head, he said happily, “I promise.”

Danny took his hand and led him through to the front room. Standing him in front of the armchair, Danny took John’s shirt off then kissed his nipples. As he did, John stroked his head. Next, Danny slowly undid John’s belt, then his top button, then slid his zip down on his trousers. As his trousers dropped a little, Danny pushed them the rest of the way down, so they were round his ankles.

Danny put his hand in between John’s legs and felt his soft cock over his shorts. John smiled and told him, “Your touch is always lovely.” Danny hugged him, then ran his hands over John’s bare back, then slid them down the back of his shorts and massaged his cheeks. John told him, “On the skin it’s even better.”

Danny slid his hands round to the front, still inside John’s shorts. He took hold of his cock with one hand and played with his balls with the other. He was pleased to feel some movement in John’s cock. Taking his hands out, Danny took hold of the waistband and slid them down slowly. As Johns hairs came into view, Danny stopped, leaned forward and kissed them. As he did so, something under the waistband moved.

Pulling them down a little further, uncovering his cock, which had stiffened slightly, Danny gave that a kiss, making it stiffen a little more. Then he slid them right down to his ankles. John sat down then, and Danny took his shoes, trousers and shorts off altogether. Danny instructed him to sit as near the front as he could, then he put a cushion behind him and told him to lean back. When he did, he said, “Now put your legs up on the arms.

Once John was settled, Danny knelt in front of him and kissed his cock, took it in his mouth and gave it a suck, then did the same with his balls before kissing the muscle between his legs and finally running his tongue around the opening to his bum. That produced some lovely noises from John and a wave of his now much stiffer cock.

Danny got up and fetched his container of olive oil. He dripped some on the opening of John’s bum, then ran it round with his finger, making John cry out with pleasure. Putting the nozzle against his bum, he gave a single squeeze and shot some oil inside him, producing the usual laugh from John who was not yet used to the tickle sensation it gave him.

Putting his container down for a moment, Danny took his T shirt off and then slowly undid, then removed his trousers. John watched with pleasure, especially once he could see the bulge in Danny’s shorts doing a dance. His own cock gave a wave in response. Then Danny slid his shorts down, pausing once his hairs were on view and watching John’s cock do another dance before dropping them completely and stepping out of them.

Danny stood facing John, he was now naked, and his cock was stuck out hard and straight in front of him. Picking up the oil container, he put a couple of drips on his cock, then slowly spread it all over his cock, watched by John who was not only enjoying what he was seeing, but getting excited at what was to come.

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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