The Life of Lewis - Cover

The Life of Lewis

Copyright© 2021 by Lewis Lucas

Chapter 1: Callums Monumental Decision

Pedo Sex Story: Chapter 1: Callums Monumental Decision - Lewis is 15 and decides to get a Saturday job. Finding one in a Video hire shop helping Mike the manager, he finds himself earning a bit extra every week by having some interesting fitness tests followed by some relaxation including sex lessons and experiences which he thoroughly enjoys.

Caution: This Pedo Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/Fa   Ma/Ma   Ma/mt   mt/mt   Teenagers   Coercion   Consensual   Rape   Gay   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Incest   Torture   Anal Sex   First   Massage   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Petting   Doctor/Nurse   Teacher/Student  

I’ve had an amazing weekend,’ Callum told him, ‘I’ve never felt so happy before. I still feel like I’m in a dream and will wake up at any moment. Each night when I went up to bed, Dad and Dolly each gave me a hug and a kiss. Then when I came down the next morning, they were clearly pleased to see me, and I gave them a hug and a kiss.’

‘On Sunday night before I went to bed, we sat around the table and talked a lot. ‘I told them what my solicitor told me. That my getting a suspended sentence was entirely due to some sort of evidence you had submitted to the court, plus me following your advice and going voluntarily to the police station with you. Dad said that having met you, it didn’t surprise him in the least and I was lucky to have you on my side.’

‘Dad said he was so sorry for all my lost years, and it was time he made up for it. ‘We want you to feel you can come and stay with us as often as you want. Come every weekend and holiday if you want to.’ he said.’

‘When I said that would be wonderful,’ Dolly told me that if the time ever arose that I wanted to come and live with them permanently, I would be very welcome. I burst into tears at that, and she came over to me and held me until I stopped. I’ve never experienced anything like the wonderful feeling that I got that seemed to flow from her to me.’

‘Dad said to discus with you how we should break the news to mum. He said he feels he should go and see her himself, but he’ll wait until he hears from you, as you are clearly the expert in these things.’

‘None of this would have happened without you,’ Callum said. ‘I don’t know how I will ever be able to thank you.’ ‘There is only one thing you need to do to say thank you,’ Lewis said. ‘When you came over just now you had a lovely smile of happiness on your face. The only thanks I want is to see that there permanently.’

‘You know the bench we sat on before we went to the shop,’ Lewis said. ‘If you meet me there after school, we’ll discuss breaking the news to your mum.’

‘Ok, that’s great thanks.’ Callum said as the bell went for class. He went off feeling relieved. Breaking the news to his mum had been worrying him, but he felt sure Lewis would sort it out.

After school Lewis found Callum already sitting on the bench. He was on his phone. As Lewis sat down beside him, he said, ‘Lewis is here now, I’ll ring you later, bye dad.’ He smiled at Lewis, ‘Dad just rang to ask how my day at school had gone. No one’s ever asked me that before.’ he said sounding both happy and surprised.

‘Whatever way we break the news to your mum, I don’t think she is going to take it well,’ Lewis said. ‘You have to be prepared for that. You must remember at all times that none of the problems between your mum and your dad have anything to do with you. None of them are your fault and you should not have to suffer because of them.’

‘You must also remember that neither your mum nor your dad is the important factor in any decision you make. It is you, no one but you. On the see saw of life, your end of the see saw has been decidedly held down in the doldrums for all your life so far. Whatever you decide from now on should restore an even balance or better still tip it the other way.’

‘Anyway, I think what we need to do is to break it to your mum gradually.’ He outlined his plan. ‘That sounds good,’ Callum said, ‘Yes, let’s try it please.’

‘They got up and set off for Callum’s. When they arrived, Callum shouted out, ‘Mum, I’m home and I’ve got Lewis with me.’ They went into the lounge and found Mrs Preston watching the tv.

They sat down and Callum asked her to turn the tv off as he had something important to tell her. ‘Clearly annoyed at having to do so, she did, then asked, ‘Who’s this?’ ‘This is my friend Lewis, mum. You’ve met him before. I stayed with him over the weekend.’

‘Leaving me on my own,’ she said, ‘I’ve had a miserable weekend sitting here.’ ‘But the weathers been lovely all weekend,’ Lewis said cheerily, ‘Why didn’t you go out and enjoy it?’ ‘I didn’t feel like it.’ she said shortly.

‘The reason I stayed at Lewis’s over the weekend,’ Callum said, ‘Is he’s been helping me with a Genealogy project for school.’ ‘What’s that?’ she asked sounding completely disinterested. ‘Tracing my family tree.’ Callum said. ‘Why would you want to do that?’ she asked. ‘I thought it might help me trace my dad.’ Callum replied.

‘You don’t want to find that good for nothing layabout.’ she said. ‘You’ve got me, what more do you want?’ ‘I wanted to meet him and see what he’s like,’ Callum said, ‘He’s still my dad.’

‘It’s all a waste of time,’ she said, ‘He’s made sure no one can find him.’ ‘We located him easily enough, Mrs Preston,’ Lewis said, ‘He’s only in the next town but one.’

‘Yes,’ Callum added, ‘I met him yesterday.’ ‘Well, you needn’t think you’re going to bring him back here,’ she said. ‘I told him never to set foot in here again. I suppose he’s still living with that floozie of his, what’s her name, Dolly?’

There was silence for a moment as Callum thought about what she had said. Then he asked, ‘Mum, how did you know about Dolly?’ ‘He’s living with her, isn’t he?’ she said. ‘Yes, you’re right, he is,’ Callum said, ‘But they didn’t meet until eight years after he left here. So how did you know about her?’

That clearly caught her off balance. ‘Oh, someone must have recognised him in that garage he works in, or perhaps in that café down the road his hussy works in.’ she said clearly uneasy.

‘So, all this time you knew exactly where my dad was, and yet you never told me?’ Callum said. ‘He’d have been a bad influence on you,’ she said, ‘Anyway, he might not be your dad.’ ‘What’s that supposed to mean?’ Callum demanded.

‘Well, he had deserted my bed long before you were born,’ she said, ‘I had other admirers. It could have been one of them.’ ‘You mean you have no idea who my father is?’ Callum said incredulously.

‘Does it matter,’ she said, ‘I looked after you didn’t I?’ Callum had tears pouring down his face as he said, ‘I always thought you did,’ he said, ‘But now I realise you just wanted an excuse to moan about dad. He is my dad. I know it, I’ve met him, and I can feel it.’

‘I’ve just realised,’ he said, ‘What that feeling is. I had the same feeling when Dolly hugged me last night. It’s love. You wouldn’t know anything about that would you. Do you know,’ he said looking her in the face, ‘In all my life I can’t remember you ever giving me a hug or a kiss. Come to think about it you’ve never even said a nice word to me either, it’s all been moans about you.’

‘I never wanted kids.’ she said switching the tv back on and ignoring them.

Callum looked at Lewis for help. ‘Don’t leave in a huff,’ Lewis told him. ‘If you decide to leave for good, do it after a good night’s sleep. Why don’t you go and stop at Georges overnight,’ he suggested. ‘So that you are completely sure. But pack a few things now in case you decide not to return.’

When Callum went upstairs Lewis said, ‘Mrs Preston, can I suggest you at least tell him you love him. If he leaves now, he might never return.’ ‘He can please himself.’ she said and returned to the tv.

When Callum came down with a holdall, he said, ‘I’m going to stop at Georges tonight mum.’ ‘You come and go like this place was a hotel.’ she muttered not taking her eyes off the screen.

Callum walked out, silent tears pouring down his face. At the front door he turned to Lewis who took him in his arms and held him whilst he cried his tears out. As he stopped, he gave Lewis a kiss and said, ‘Thank you, at least my last memory of here will be a nice hug.’

They went round to George’s. Callum introduced Lewis, then between them they explained everything that had happened. ‘Of course, you can stay here,’ George said, ‘Stop for as long as you like. If you did go to live with your dad, I’d miss you,’ George said, ‘But living with your dad will be great for you. You deserve some happiness.’

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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