The Life of Lewis - Cover

The Life of Lewis

Copyright© 2021 by Lewis Lucas

Chapter 6: Lewis Goes Hunting

Pedo Sex Story: Chapter 6: Lewis Goes Hunting - Lewis is 15 and decides to get a Saturday job. Finding one in a Video hire shop helping Mike the manager, he finds himself earning a bit extra every week by having some interesting fitness tests followed by some relaxation including sex lessons and experiences which he thoroughly enjoys.

Caution: This Pedo Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/Fa   Ma/Ma   Ma/mt   mt/mt   Teenagers   Coercion   Consensual   Rape   Gay   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Incest   Torture   Anal Sex   First   Massage   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Petting   Doctor/Nurse   Teacher/Student  

After Callum had gone, Lewis sat down and texted Aiden. ‘If possible, could you locate a William Herbert Preston for me. He gave him Callum’s address and added that fourteen years ago he had been a mechanic for the local council looking after the bin lorries.’

‘I don’t suspect him of anything,’ he added, ‘He’s just a missing dad.’ He knew it would be later in the week before there might be any results, so he locked up and headed over to Ellas. The wedding was only two weeks today so there were lots of discussions and planning still going on.

Susan, Ernie and Rupert were also round. That was quite a regular thing on a weekend nowadays. Especially as it was becoming clear to everyone that Gemma and Rupert were becoming very attached to each other.

Reg had booked rooms for everyone who wanted to stay overnight. Those included a twin single room for Ella and Gemma to share and another one for Lewis and Rupert to share. Julie had enlightened Reg to Ella and Lewis sleeping together, but they decided it wouldn’t be fair to Gemma and Rupert to be the only ones left on their own.

Ella and Lewis accepted the decision, disappointed but still happy that Julie had accepted them sleeping together on other occasions. This discussion had been held in private between Julie and Ella then Julie had relayed it to Reg and Ella to Lewis.

The next day Sunday was to be the last day in their old houses, the following week they would move into their new home. The evening finished off as always with a game of Cluedo which Reg came within a hairsbreadth of winning.

On Sunday, Ernie, Susan and Rupert were at Julies helping them pack up the last few things. Lewis spent the day at Reg’s doing the same. As they sat having a coffee at one stage, Reg said, ‘I’m so glad you got involved with Rupert. Not only have you given him a new and happy life, but you’ve also done the same for me.’

‘That sort of thing seems to happen a lot around you, doesn’t it?’ Reg said grinning. ‘Yes,’ Lewis agreed, ‘It’s all Mikes fault, the guy I work with on a Saturday at the video shop.’ When Reg looked puzzled, Lewis told him, ‘Not long after I started working there, he had a relative near my age who was clearly having a problem but wouldn’t tell anyone what it was. He asked me if I’d try and find out what was up.’

‘I was persuaded to give it a try and to my surprise I succeeded. It seemed he found it easy to open up to me. Then soon after he asked me to see one of his friends and it snowballed from there.’

‘Now I know you well,’ Reg said, ‘I can understand that. Incidentally, Julie told me about you and Ella sleeping together. She also told me what you said to her when you first met her. I just want you to know that I have no problem with it, and I can accept that you already knew that you wanted to marry Ella so soon because I was the same when I met my first wife. And my second one to be as well.’ he added with a grin.

‘One thing that’s bothering us both,’ he said, ‘Is Gemma and Rupert. It’s looking very much as if they are getting very attached. Ella thinks they are already a lot more than just friends. Our problem now is, if they decide to sleep together, can we or even should we say no. Apparently Gemma has already sussed out about you and Ella, although as far as we know she doesn’t know anything about the shop.’

‘How would you and Julie feel if they wanted to?’ Lewis asked him. ‘Julie of course, still thinks of her as her baby,’ Reg said. ‘Me, I have no experience of children at all, we weren’t fortunate enough to have any. The first hug and kiss I ever had from a child was from Rupert during the adoption.’ He smiled to himself at the memory.

‘So, Julie and I have discussed this just between ourselves. We have decided we shouldn’t stand in their way for our own reasons. But as parents we shouldn’t encourage it either. If you will accept the responsibility, we would like you to make the decision for us, if and when it arises. Whatever or however you decide, we feel sure will be better for all of us.’

‘That’s always assuming I know before the event,’ Lewis said. ‘I agree it’s very likely, as we all spend a lot of time together. But if they really wanted to, they would soon make their own opportunity. I’ll do what I can if I can. One thing I’m completely certain of, is that Rupert would never let it happen without being certain Gemma was ready and without taking the necessary precautions.’

‘That’s a big relief,’ Reg said, ‘I could never imagine discussing sex with a teenager in a month of Sundays.’ ‘That’s strange.’ Lewis said smiling. ‘How do you mean?’ Reg asked. ‘Well, you have just done exactly that with me.’ Lewis told him laughing.

Reg looked startled, then as he realised, he laughed. ‘Indeed, I have,’ he said, ‘Well I never. Mind you,’ he added, ‘I suspect that in many ways you are already long past being a young teenager.’

They carried on packing and by mid-afternoon all was done and ready. Reg rang Julie who said they were nearly done. So, a quick decision was made, and they all met up an hour later at the hotel where the wedding was going to be.

After a lovely Sunday lunch, they all went back to Ernie and Susans as the weather was good. They sat out enjoying the sunshine. As everyone sat chatting, Rupert and Gemma got up and wandered around the garden chatting to each other.

It didn’t escape anyone’s attention that within minutes they were holding hands as they strolled. When they reached the corner where Ruperts mums ashes were, they stopped. Whatever they were saying couldn’t be heard, but Gemma put her arm around Ruperts waist. Rupert put an arm around her shoulders, then Gemma put her head on his shoulder.

When they eventually moved away, they kept their arms around each other. Lewis glanced around and was pleased to see smiles on all the grown up’s faces.


As he was leaving school on Wednesday, Lewis’s phone pinged. It was a text from Aiden.

‘Hi Lewis,

William Herbert Preston was arrested fourteen years ago for car theft. He was part of a gang that stole good quality cars, changed the engine numbers and registration details and sold them to unscrupulous dealers.’

‘The Judge sentenced him to the same as the other three involved, five years. But he recognised that he had only played a minor part and had never been in trouble before. He suspended four years of Williams sentence. He lost his job with the local council. He was released for good behaviour after six months. During the rest of the suspended part of his sentence we knew where he was because he got a job in a local garage.’

‘When his suspended sentence expired, and to the best of our knowledge he had been in no more trouble, we lost interest. I checked as I was passing the other day. He left eight years ago. The boss told me he was an excellent worker and had moved over to the next town to start his own garage. He attached the address he had been given but added I’ve no idea if it’s still going or if he still owns it.’

‘Hope this helps and good luck with whatever it is.


Lewis thanked him and promised to let him know if there was any outcome. When Lewis got home, he went up to his room and looked up the garage on the internet.

It was still trading under the same name, but he couldn’t see any reference on the website as to who the current owner was. Looking on Google maps he saw that it was just down the road from a railway station, the second station down the line from his own town.

He looked at the timetables. There was a train the next day that he could catch if he rushed straight from school. That would get him there at ten minutes to five. He should arrive at the garage just after five.


The lesson just before morning break was with their form teacher, as was the last class of the day. As the class emptied at break time Lewis hung back until it was just him and the teacher left.

‘Yes, Lewis?’ he said wondering what he was involved in this time. ‘I would like to try and catch a train at four o’clock today,’ he told him. ‘I wondered if you could find an excuse to send me out sometime after half three.’ ‘Shouldn’t be a problem,’ he said, ‘I’ll find you something to take to the head for me. Don’t take it, bring it me back tomorrow.’ ‘Thank you, sir.’ he said.

All worked well and four o’clock saw Lewis sitting comfortably on the train without having had to rush. He arrived on schedule and set out down the road to the garage.

He could see as he arrived that everywhere was still open and busy. He stood opposite for a while watching. The garage had a forecourt with petrol pumps and a large workshop at the back and to one side.

He could see a car ramp and a pit inside as well as several cars with bonnets up undergoing repairs. As he watched a customer arrived to collect his car. A man around forty brought him his keys and chatted to him as he got in.

As the customer drove away, he turned to find Lewis at his side. ‘How can I help you son?’ he asked cheerfully. Lewis put his hand out. ‘Hello, sir,’ he said, ‘My name is Lewis, I’m looking for Mr Preston.’ ‘That’s me,’ he said. ‘Mr William Herbert Preston?’ Lewis queried. ‘Yes,’ he said looking a bit more serious. ‘You’re beginning to sound official.’ he said.

Lewis smiled at him, ‘Sorry,’ he said, ‘But I have news of a personal nature and I wouldn’t want to divulge it to the wrong person, even accidentally.’ ‘Now you have got my interest aroused,’ he said, although not seeming worried.

‘Ideally,’ Lewis said, ‘I’d like us to go somewhere where we wouldn’t be disturbed or overheard for half an hour.’ ‘Even more intriguing.’ he said still not looking worried.

‘Can you give me any inkling?’ he asked. ‘It’s about Callum Preston,’ Lewis said. ‘He’s fit and well by the way.’ he added quickly. A mass of emotions flashed across his face. ‘I often wondered if this day would ever come,’ he said, ‘Although I always anticipated it would be Norman or Callum who turned up.’

He went quiet for a moment then he pointed down the street. ‘See the cafe sign down on the right,’ he said. ‘Go in there and ask for Dolly. Tell her you’re a friend of mine and I’ll be along in twenty minutes. Ask her to sit you in a quiet corner.’

‘Ok.’ Lewis said. As he turned away, Callum’s dad asked, ‘Why you?’ ‘I’ll explain when you come,’ Lewis said. ‘You should know that Callum doesn’t know I’m here.’ Then he walked away.

He found the cafe and Dolly made him welcome. He sat in a corner with the cappuccino and biscuits she had brought him. ‘I’m sure young lads can always eat biscuits.’ she told him with a nice smile.

Twenty minutes later Callum’s dad arrived. He spoke to Dolly and came over to Lewis. He shook hands with him again and said, ‘Please call me Bill, everyone else does.’ As he sat down Lewis saw Dolly was putting the closed sign up.

As she went into the kitchen Bill said, ‘If you wouldn’t mind hanging on for a moment, Dolly is just bringing us fresh coffees then she’ll join us.’ ‘It is rather private.’ Lewis said. ‘Dolly is both my business partner and my life partner,’ Bill told him, ‘I have no secrets from her.’

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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