The Life of Lewis
Copyright© 2021 by Lewis Lucas
Chapter 8: Putting Things Right
Pedo Sex Story: Chapter 8: Putting Things Right - Lewis is 15 and decides to get a Saturday job. Finding one in a Video hire shop helping Mike the manager, he finds himself earning a bit extra every week by having some interesting fitness tests followed by some relaxation including sex lessons and experiences which he thoroughly enjoys.
Caution: This Pedo Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa mt/Fa Ma/Ma Ma/mt mt/mt Teenagers Coercion Consensual Rape Gay BiSexual Heterosexual Fiction Incest Torture Anal Sex First Massage Masturbation Oral Sex Petting Doctor/Nurse Teacher/Student
Burt went and sat on the end of the settee. Prompted by Danny, Joseph lay down with his head on Burt’s lap.
By then they were both fully hard. Joseph lay there feeling Burt’s hard cock against one ear and seeing his own standing up stiff. Yet the fact that Danny had come and sat on the edge of the settee and was looking at him didn’t seem to be worrying him.
‘Before we get rid of your bad memories,’ Danny told him, ‘I need to get you more relaxed with me than you are now. Nothing that’s said in this room is ever repeated to anyone. What I tell you about Burt is with his permission because he feels safe with both of us. I want to try and get you feeling the same. Just remember your cock is hard because it is excited. It’s what it’s supposed to do and it’s what mine does too. So, if it waves about, its fine, ok?’ ‘Ok,’ Joseph said surprised to realise he meant it.
‘Burt told me everything that you both did before Tuesday, and as he told you, I have done exactly the same. Now I’m quite sure that with the relief of Tuesday evening, you will have done something together since. Because Burt got relaxed enough with me to tell me what was happening to you both, I could ask him, and he would have no problem telling me.’
‘But what I would really like you to try and do, is to tell me yourself. Not right this minute, but after I have relaxed you a bit more. Once you feel able to do that, I will be able to tell you what to do to get rid of your nightmares.’
‘First off, I want you to turn over so I can massage your back from your shoulders to your feet and back again. Whilst I do that, I will ask you some questions. At the same time Burt will massage your head. You’ll no doubt have the pleasure of feeling his cock throbbing against your head too.’
Danny smiled at him, ‘You didn’t go red that time,’ he said. ‘That shows you’re feeling more at ease with me already. Turn over when you’re ready.’ Joseph turned with some difficulty. He had to get his head down on to Burt’s lap with his cock waving about. At the same time, he had to press his own cock flat so he could lie on his front.
Once he was settled, Danny massaged his shoulders. ‘Was Burt the first person to see your erect cock?’ Danny asked. ‘Yes,’ Joseph answered after a slight pause. ‘Was he the first to hold it when it was erect?’ ‘Yes.’ the answer came, a little quicker. ‘And then he was the first person ever to fire you?’ Danny stated. ‘Yes.’ came an immediate reply.
As Danny massaged over his bare cheeks, Joseph let out a quiet ‘mmm’ ‘When you experienced all those things with Burt, did you enjoy every one of them?’ ‘Yes,’ he said, again immediately.
‘Before you came to stay with Burt on this occasion, did you ever imagine any of those things could happen?’ ‘No, never.’ he said sounding certain. ‘How do you feel having told me you not only experienced them, but thoroughly enjoyed them?’ Danny said.
‘Amazed,’ Joseph told him, ‘Amazed that I can tell you and amazed that I don’t feel bothered about doing so.’ ‘That’s good.’ Danny said. As he returned up over his bare cheeks, he got an even louder ‘mmm.’ Then as he moved on up his back Danny asked, ‘I know you have always got on well with Burt. Can you tell me if your special experiences together have made any difference to that?’
‘Yes, definitely.’ he said as Danny reached his shoulders.
‘Ok, turn over please.’ Danny instructed. Joseph turned onto his back. As he did his ear got a gentle smack from Burt’s flexing cock and his own waved about glad to be free.
Joseph looked down and watched it, then looked up at Danny. ‘You’re puzzled why you’re not feeling embarrassed, aren’t you?’ Danny asked. ‘Yes.’ he admitted. ‘It’s partly because you are feeling safe and at ease with me, partly because Burt is also naked and is clearly at ease. It’s also because you are enjoying what you’re doing. All perfectly natural feelings.’
‘Now, I’m going to go down your front just the same and with more questions. I’m not going to miss anywhere out,’ he stressed the ‘anywhere’ ‘But if you need to, you can call out ‘Stop’ at any time and I’ll take my hand away immediately, understood?’ ‘Yes.’ Joseph answered nodding.
As he massaged his chest, Danny asked, ‘Can you try and describe how your feelings towards Burt have changed.’ Joseph was quiet for a moment collecting his thoughts. ‘We are so much closer,’ he said. ‘It’s more like we’re brothers now than cousins. Also, I feel that I could tell him anything now.’
‘I’m sure Burt feels the same way,’ Danny told him. He noticed Burt nodding his head in agreement and smiling. Then he leaned over so Joseph could see his face. ‘I do too.’ he told him. Josephs cock throbbed as he spoke. That should have embarrassed him terribly but today all it did was make him feel happy.
As Danny moved down over his stomach he asked, ‘Have you had a girlfriend yet?’ ‘No,’ he answered. ‘Do you dream about having one?’ ‘Yes,’ Joseph said with certainty. ‘What do you dream about doing with them?’ Danny asked as he moved onto his abdomen. ‘Going out with them and having sex.’ he answered making his cock do a dance.
‘Before this week, have you ever told anyone else that?’ Danny asked as his fingers reached Josephs hairs and ran through them. ‘No, I couldn’t do anything like that.’ he replied. ‘Yet now you can not only talk about it to Burt but with me as well, so that’s good, isn’t it?’ ‘Yes, definitely.’ Joseph said.
Then he started making lots of happy noises as Danny massaged his cock and all over his balls. As Danny moved onto his legs, he said, ‘To be able to tell me what you have done. To be able to enjoy me massaging your cock and balls and all with me and Burt looking at you, tells me you are nearly ready.’
‘What I want you to try and do now, is tell me what you both did when everyone had gone to bed on Tuesday night.’
Joseph looked up at Burt. He smiled and nodded to him, ‘It’s ok,’ he said, ‘Go ahead.’ ‘We felt so elated,’ Joseph began, ‘Knowing that Oliver and Billy were locked up and it was all over. Also, that we didn’t have to tell our family what had happened to us. Although I can discuss it with Burt and now you, the idea of telling anyone else would horrify me.’
‘After I thought everyone had settled down, I went along to Burt’s room as I had done a few times previously. But whilst the previous occasions were lovely in that they were pleasure in amongst our pain and fear, Tuesday night felt so different. We were going to be together not because we needed each other’s support, but because we simply wanted to.’
‘As soon as I came in, Burt jumped out of bed and we hugged and er... ‘ ‘Kissed,’ Burt added in support. Joseph smiled. ‘Yes, it was lovely.’ he said. ‘Then we stripped off and had another hug and a kiss, totally naked.’
‘Naturally our cocks had gone hard, and they were throbbing as they got squashed between us. Then... ‘ he faded away. ‘Go on,’ Burt said, ‘It’s ok.’ ‘Then Burt said, ‘When I told you Tuesday would be the last time,’ he said, ‘I made you a promise.’ ‘You don’t have to do that,’ I told him, ‘It’s just great that it’s all over.’
‘I told him I’d suck him.’ Burt interrupted.
Joseph continued, ‘I’d like to,’ he told me, ‘So I got up on the bed and lay flat. Burt got up between my legs and put my legs up on his shoulders. He moved forward which made my bum lift up off the bed, then he leaned forward and took my balls in his mouth.’
‘As he caressed my balls with his tongue, it felt wonderful, my cock was throbbing like mad. Then he lowered my legs back down and took my cock in his lips. He started sliding his mouth up and down on my cock, it felt amazing.’
‘As he kept going, my feeling hit and grew so quickly. I had put my hands on Burt’s head. I tapped his head and said, ‘I’m getting close.’ He just went faster. It only seemed moments before I knew I was going to fire.’
‘I tapped his head harder and faster, ‘I’m coming any moment,’ I called out. Burt went faster still. I just couldn’t stop myself firing, I shot my load. Four times I fired. How I stopped myself screaming out each time I don’t know, the feeling was so tremendously marvellous.’
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