The Life of Lewis
Copyright© 2021 by Lewis Lucas
Chapter 7: Caught In the Act
Pedo Sex Story: Chapter 7: Caught In the Act - Lewis is 15 and decides to get a Saturday job. Finding one in a Video hire shop helping Mike the manager, he finds himself earning a bit extra every week by having some interesting fitness tests followed by some relaxation including sex lessons and experiences which he thoroughly enjoys.
Caution: This Pedo Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa mt/Fa Ma/Ma Ma/mt mt/mt Teenagers Coercion Consensual Rape Gay BiSexual Heterosexual Fiction Incest Torture Anal Sex First Massage Masturbation Oral Sex Petting Doctor/Nurse Teacher/Student
Soon Billy was speeding up. Burt increased the volume of his cries to match. Billy cried out in ecstasy as he gave three extra hard thrusts in, he felt him shooting inside him. Burt screamed out, ‘Ow that’s awful, all my insides are on fire,’ and started crying.
‘I won’t warn you again,’ Oliver snapped at him, ‘Shut up or else.’ Burt did a masterly impression of someone stifling his cries of pain. Billy had come to a stop and was still inside him as he shrank. ‘Come on, my turn now.’ Oliver said.
Billy pulled out and stepped back, his cock hanging loose and limp. Oliver untied Burt from the vice as Billy untied Joseph from the mower. As they moved them round and re-tied them, Burt did a good impression of someone in agony as he walked. ‘That was even more painful than last time.’ he complained in a voice full of pain and suffering.
‘Don’t worry, you’ll get used to it,’ Oliver told him, ‘Next time it’ll be me who goes up you, and boy will I give you something to cry about.’
Joseph was now tied to the vice and Oliver moved over behind him. As he got into position Burt called out, ‘Please don’t rape him, he was in agony for ages last time you did it.’ Billy gave him a resounding smack across his bare bum and said, ‘Shut up, you’re starting to annoy me.’
As Burt screamed out with the pain from his bum, Billy said, ‘That’s it, I’ve had enough of your complaining.’ The next minute he had clipped the lead from the mower onto Burt’s balls. ‘Make another sound and I’ll start the mower up,’ he snarled. ‘In fact, you deserve a taste of it. He leaned over the mower and turned the key so that the engine turned over for one second.
Burt timed it perfectly. He started to let out a colossal scream, then collapsed onto the garage floor as if he was unconscious. He was silent but his whole body was twitching.
Because Burt’s scream had been brief, it didn’t disturb Oliver who kept going thrusting into Joseph. Billy looked down at Burt on the floor still twitching but he showed no sign of any concern.
He moved over closer to watch Oliver as he thrust himself into Joseph as hard as he could. Joseph let out a scream of agony of which Oliver took no notice. He just started thrusting in and out. Billy had moved closer, evidently enjoying seeing Olivers cock going in and out. He was rubbing his own cock as he watched.
Neither of them heard or noticed the back door opening slowly.
Earlier Danny and Tom had arrived with Aiden in his car. They parked down the road a few doors down from Burt’s and Danny signed into the radio alarm to see a dark garage.
Then the light came on and Burt and Joseph were seen opening the front door. Ten minutes later a car drew up outside Burt’s and two young men got out. They went into the garage and the door closed. Danny watched as everything in the garage unfolded.
As Billy started raping Burt, they drove up and coasted to a stop silently behind the parked car. They watched in silence until they judged Billy was halfway through, then they all got out and closed the doors quietly.
They went round to the side gate and opened it carefully. Hooking it open, they moved into the back garden and stood near the back door of the garage, waiting for Danny’s cue.
He watched Oliver give two thrusts into Joseph, then turned his phone onto video. Nodding to Aiden and Tom, he carefully opened the door. Oliver had his back to them, and Billy was too engrossed watching him. Burt lying on the floor spotted them, gave up his twitching and felt a wave of relief. A big beam lit his face up.
Danny moved forward filming as he went. He had a good shot from the side before Billy caught movement out of the corner of his eye. As he looked around startled, Aiden shouted out, ‘Police, you’re under arrest.’ He grabbed Billy and put handcuffs on him. Tom grabbed Oliver and yanked him backwards, so he was ripped out of Joseph. ‘You’re under arrest.’ he said. He put his handcuffs on him, and they were both read their rights.
Danny filmed the clip that was on Burt’s balls and followed the cable back to the plug on the mower’s engine. Then he unclipped him and untied him. Going over to the bench Danny said, ‘Hi Joseph, it’s all over now.’ He untied him and then told him, ‘I’m Danny.’
Burt came over still naked and gave Danny a hug. ‘You two get dressed,’ Danny told them, ‘Don’t wash anywhere.’ Billy and Oliver were going to be uncuffed one at a time and allowed to get dressed. Danny had searched their clothes first and confiscated their phones.
Burt had told him that as far as he knew all the photos had been taken by Oliver, so Danny asked him for his password. Receiving a sharp negative in no uncertain terms, Danny said, ‘Don’t uncuff him yet.’ to Tom. He picked up the lead from the mower and moved over to him. ‘Password or else.’ Danny said. ‘You wouldn’t dare.’ Oliver said. Danny grabbed his cock and clipped the lead onto his scrotum. Tom was holding him still.
‘One last chance.’ Danny said as he climbed into the driver’s seat. As his hand reached for the ignition switch, Olivers bravado disappeared. ‘It’s a fingerprint recognition.’ he said. Danny got off the mower and brought it over to him. ‘Open it.’ he demanded. Oliver pressed his finger in the right spot, and it opened.
Danny checked it was open and unclipped the wire from his balls. ‘Yours?’ he said to Billy still holding the clip. Billy took one look at the clip and said, ‘Six, five, seven, three.’
As they got dressed Danny checked through both phones. He did Olivers first and sent the photos of Burt and Joseph through to his own phone. Then he deleted them. A search through previous pictures showed nothing similar so he deleted the recycle bin then reset the phone to wipe all its contents out.
Next, he checked Billys. He found one photo which he sent to his own phone then he deleted it before resetting his phone too. Returning their phones he said, ‘The Judge is going to throw the book at you two.’
Aiden had rung for transport for two prisoners. He arranged for them to be picked up at the end of the road so none of the neighbours could link any newspaper reports to this address. He and Tom took them out and put them in the back of Aiden’s car.
They drove to the end of the road and waited for the official transport.
Meanwhile Burt had introduced Danny properly to Joseph and explained that it was all his doing. ‘We’ll shortly go to the police station,’ Danny told them. ‘You’ll both have to make a statement and be seen by the police doctor. You’ll be back home long before your parents return. There’s no reason why they need to find out you were the victims unless you choose to tell them.’ As he was speaking, he had removed his gadget from the spark plug cable. He pushed a double ended sharp pin into each side of the cut and taped it up. ‘The mower will work normally again now.’ he told Burt.
He had just finished putting the radio alarm back in its bag when Aiden and Tom returned. Burt locked everywhere up and the three of them piled into the back of Aiden’s car.
At the station Toms uncle Derek was on the counter. ‘Hi, Danny.’ he greeted him cheerily. ‘The police doctor is ready.’ he told Aiden. ‘I’ll take them through,’ Aiden said. ‘Tom, you find a computer for Danny.’
They met up again soon after in the interview room. Terrence was introduced to Danny as Lewis’s colleague. Tom explained to Burt and Joseph why Terrence had to be there.
Both boys did their statements saying everything that had happened to them, but by arrangement with him, didn’t mention Danny. Then the boys were allowed to stay in whilst Danny did his interview.
‘I was visiting a friend of mine at a local CCTV firm,’ he said. ‘He was demonstrating how the system works. He said he’d show me how they could look into a customer’s premises. ‘We don’t look unless their alarm goes off as a rule,’ he said, ‘But if we look into an empty garage, it won’t matter.’
‘He picked one at random and we were horrified to see what was happening. I recognised one of the victims as my friend Burt, so whilst he started recording, I rang my friend, constable Tom Dexter and then headed over here.’
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