The Life of Lewis - Cover

The Life of Lewis

Copyright© 2021 by Lewis Lucas

Chapter 6: Danny Watches Colin and Greg

Pedo Sex Story: Chapter 6: Danny Watches Colin and Greg - Lewis is 15 and decides to get a Saturday job. Finding one in a Video hire shop helping Mike the manager, he finds himself earning a bit extra every week by having some interesting fitness tests followed by some relaxation including sex lessons and experiences which he thoroughly enjoys.

Caution: This Pedo Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/Fa   Ma/Ma   Ma/mt   mt/mt   Teenagers   Coercion   Consensual   Rape   Gay   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Incest   Torture   Anal Sex   First   Massage   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Petting   Doctor/Nurse   Teacher/Student  

Danny had gone back up to his head and down again, he was now massaging his cock once more, this time it stiffened up a little at his touch and this time Greg noticed, adding an ‘mmm’ into his story.

Greg continued, “He pulled me up out of the chair and ordered me to kneel on the chair and put my head and shoulders over the back. He took hold of my cheeks and pulled them apart, I could feel the knife in his left hand against my side. The next minute there was this excruciating pain that tore through me as he just rammed his dick up my bum. I started to scream; I couldn’t stop myself. He put a hand round my mouth and stifled it. He threatened me to keep quiet, but I couldn’t stop. It felt as if it was going in for ever and the further it went the worse the pain got until I passed out.”

“When I came to, the pain was even worse, he was thrusting in and out and just as I blacked out again, I heard him crying out and felt a wet warm sensation inside me. When I came to again, he was out of me, lying on the settee half asleep, the knife still in his hand. I was on the floor in a heap where I presumably had slid to when he came out. The pain in my bum was horrific, even though he was no longer in me”

“After a while, I realised that If I didn’t do anything then, it might happen again. I watched him carefully and saw that he seemed to be sleeping. My clothes were in a heap near my feet and the door was nearer to me than it was to him. I slowly reached out and pulled my clothes to me, picking them up and holding them in a bundle under my arm. I stood up very carefully and moved as slowly as I could towards the door. At the door I took ages to turn the handle and managed to open the door a fraction without a sound.”

“My bum felt like it was on fire, but I was more concerned with escape at that moment. I knew that even if I opened the door slowly, the hinges might squeak, so I decided that I’d try to do it slowly, but at the slightest sound I would throw it wide and run. I knew he hadn’t locked the front door and I was past caring about having to run naked down the street.”

“I started to open the door and managed to get it almost wide enough to squeeze through when it gave a very slight squeak. I froze, despite my plan. He grunted, but didn’t wake, so I squeezed through, went quickly down the hall and opened the front door. I wasn’t taking any chances, so I went out naked, left the door open and ran down to the gate. Then watching the front door all the time, I got dressed in the garden and ran down the road.”

Danny stopped massaging and pulled him tight, “It’s nearly over,” he said quietly in Greg’s ear. Greg held him tight and just sat there with his head on Danny’s shoulder. After a while, Danny gave him an extra squeeze, then asked, “Where did you run to?” “There was a small hill a couple of roads away,” Greg told him, “I ran to it and then up to the top. It wasn’t very high, but I could clearly see if anyone came near it. I sat on the top and cried my eyes out.”

Danny had been massaging Greg’s back and side as he held him close, he carried on in silence for a little while then asked, “How long were you up there?” Greg told him he had sat there for several hours, he had cried until he had no tears left, then just sat as his insides burned. “Eventually I went down and walked home,” he said, “I went straight upstairs and had a long shower. The pain in my bum had eased very slightly, but I managed to conceal it. My shorts had a big wet patch by my bum, I assumed it was his sperm leaking out of me, so I put them in the bin.”

“Why didn’t you tell anyone?” Danny asked. “I was too ashamed,” Greg told him, “The thought of having to describe what had happened in Court, to a policeman or to my parents was terrifying.” Danny hugged him tight, “Well now you have told me, “He said, “So you’re no longer bottling it up. That is the main thing that will ensure you get over it.”

“I’m going to get up now, so that you can lie flat on the settee,” Danny told him. “I want to ask you a few more questions and I also want to do the first very personal examination of your abdomen and groins. Once you’re lying down, I’ll explain exactly what I’m going to do, but I won’t start until you say so, ok?” Greg nodded. He was feeling very much at ease with Danny now, especially as it had just registered that part of Danny’s massage had included his cock and he’d been so deep in his story that he hadn’t even noticed.

Danny got up and put the cushion back, then Greg lay down. Danny sat at the side by his knees. Looking at him with a smile, Danny told him, “I’m going to press my fingers into your abdomen and then down both groins as this is the area where you felt the pains. All you need to do is relax and tell me if I touch anywhere tender, ok?” Greg nodded so Danny started at the top of his abdomen and pressed his fingers in firmly but gently, moving across, then down and across again until he reached his hairs. There had been no sign of any pain, so Danny said, Now I’ll do both groins. Danny put his fingers on the nearest groin and worked his way down, pressing into and around the crease. As he got halfway down, Greg’s cock which had been lying limp between his legs started to stir.

First it increased in length, then thickened a little and by the time Danny reached the bottom of the groin, it was sticking up in the air, semi hard. Danny smiled at him and said, “I told you that could happen, it’s fine, just let it do what it wants, It’s better for the final examination if it’s hard.” Greg grinned at him, he felt so much at ease now it didn’t bother him in the least, plus the feeling was nice too.

Danny reached across and started down the other groin, this time Greg’s cock was in the way, so his hand bumped against it several times, so by the time he had reached the bottom, Greg was fully erect. Danny looked at it, it was a magnificent specimen, about nine inches long he reckoned and quite thick. It stood up at about forty-five degrees to Greg’s body and apart from an occasional flexing, it stood motionless.

“That’s good,” Danny told him, “Good that there’s no pain and good that you feel relaxed being erect in front of me. Now, tell me how long the pain lasted.” Greg winched as he remembered,” It was hell for the first twenty-four hours,” he said, “And going to the toilet I had to bite on the end of the towel to stop myself screaming out.”

“The following day it had eased, but it was at least four weeks before I could poo without any pain. Although after three weeks I could move about pain free.” “Have you had any pain come back since?” Danny asked.” No,” Greg told him, “But I’m still a bit wary when I go to the toilet.”

“Have you fired yourself since,” Danny asked, stroking his cock as he did so. “I tried about a week after,” Greg replied, “It was ok as I got hard, but when I was fully stiff, it hurt, but the pain was bearable. But when I started working on it, the nearer I got to coming, the worse the pain became so I gave up, thinking firing would be horrific. It was only a week ago I decided to risk it and shot without any problem.”

“That must have been hard,” Danny said, “how often on average per week did you fire yourself before the incident.” “About six,” Greg said. “So, are you back to that now?” Danny asked. “No, I only did it the once last week, then I fired with Colin this morning and that was nice, so I feel ok about starting again now.”

Danny said, “You ae doing really well, now there are two more things to do. One is to examine your bum and make sure that is ok. Two is to tell you what happened to Gordon. To examine your bum, I’m going to ask you to draw your knees up and put your feet apart. then I’m going to put some oil on you and slip my finger very gently and slowly up inside you. I promise you it won’t hurt. I’ll have a disposable glove on so my fingernail doesn’t scratch you and that will have oil on too. I’m going to get you ready, but I won’t go in until you say it’s ok.”

Greg drew his knees up as instructed, Danny dripped oil on his bum, put his glove on, dripped some on his finger and said, “I’m just going to touch the outside of your bum to rub this oil around the opening.” Gregg nodded, then as Danny did, he couldn’t stop a ‘oooh’ escaping his lips. Danny smiled at him, “Good, it’s even better if you can enjoy it. I’m just going to squeeze some oil inside you, it might tickle.”

A quick squeeze with the nozzle touching his opening and Greg laughed at the sensation.

“Now,” Danny said, putting his oil container down, “I’m ready to start. When you say ok, I’ll run my finger round like I just did, then because you are erect, I’ll massage your cock to take your mind off your bum, then I’ll slip my finger in, feel around the walls to make sure all is well, then slide it out. That’s all there is to it. He smiled at Greg, placed his hand on his hairs and waited.”

A few moments later, Greg said, “Ok.” Danny took hold of his cock and started stroking it gently. Immediate happy noises came from Greg as he closed his eyes and enjoyed the feeling. Keeping up his massage, Danny said, “If you feel you’re going to fire, don’t hold back, just let it go and enjoy it.” He put his gloved finger on Greg’s bum and ran his finger around the opening very, very, gently. More noises of pleasure came from Greg, Danny had no way of telling which hand was the cause, perhaps it was both. After a few moments, Danny pressed the tip of his finger against the centre of the opening and as he increased the speed of his massage on Greg’s cock, he slid his fingertip inside him.

If Greg realised, he didn’t show it, too busy enjoying the movement on his cock. Danny speeded up slightly, at the same time sliding his finger further up inside. As he massaged it, Greg’s cock waved around and throbbed, showing how much he was enjoying it. Danny slid his finger slowly up into him until he was fully in. He was going to warn Greg about feeling the sides, but he looked so engrossed in his pleasure that he decided to just do it.

Speeding up a little more and getting more ‘oooh’s’ and ‘aaah’s’ as he did, he moved his gloved finger around to feel all the sides, then withdrew it an inch before checking the sides once more. Greg still seemed oblivious, so he continued twice more before gently sliding his finger out. He kept massaging his cock for a little longer, then came to a stop.

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