The Life of Lewis - Cover

The Life of Lewis

Copyright© 2021 by Lewis Lucas

Chapter 5: Another Victim Turns Up

Pedo Sex Story: Chapter 5: Another Victim Turns Up - Lewis is 15 and decides to get a Saturday job. Finding one in a Video hire shop helping Mike the manager, he finds himself earning a bit extra every week by having some interesting fitness tests followed by some relaxation including sex lessons and experiences which he thoroughly enjoys.

Caution: This Pedo Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/Fa   Ma/Ma   Ma/mt   mt/mt   Teenagers   Coercion   Consensual   Rape   Gay   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Incest   Torture   Anal Sex   First   Massage   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Petting   Doctor/Nurse   Teacher/Student  

Danny arrived at John’s at his usual time, they sat at the kitchen table as usual, having a drink and chatting about their week. When they finished, Danny went out back and started his gardening. About an hour later, his phone rang.

Answering it, he heard a worried voice. “Danny, it’s Colin, you interviewed me about a month ago at Mr Williams’s house.” Danny remembered right away, “Hi Colin,” he said cheerily, “I remember, how are you?” “I’m fine thanks,” Colin replied, “Do you remember me telling you about my friend Greg?” Danny remembered instantly, he had told Colin to do a test next time he and Greg were having a play together. “Yes, I do, you were going to try and test to see if he had been got at by Gordon.” Colin continued, “Well, we’re at my house now, my parents are out for the day, so we are having a play.”

“I did what you suggested with my finger, with no reaction, so when I got a chance and remembering how nice it was feeling your finger oiling my bum, I licked my finger and ran my fingertip around his opening. That got no response other than he seemed to like it, so I assumed all was well.” Danny said, “That’s good, so what happened then?” Colin continued, “Well I wanted him to put his cock in my bum because your finger had felt so lovely. Now I can tell you that a cock is even nicer.” Danny smiled to himself, “So you both enjoyed yourselves then” he said. “Yes,” Colin told him, “So when we had finished, I assumed that I would then put my cock up his bum.”

“I take it there was a problem with that?” Danny asked. “Yes,” Colin said sounding serious “Now, I had brought some olive oil with me just in case, so I dripped some on his bum, then squeezed some inside, then oiled my cock and a final drop on my tip.” “What position was he in?” Danny asked. “Sitting in the armchair with his legs up on the arms,” Colin told him. “So, what did you do next?” Danny asked. “I was already hard,” Colin told him, “So I put my tip up against the opening to his bum. You know how big my cock is, so I wasn’t expecting any problems, but the moment the first few millimetres went in, he leapt out of the chair knocking me over in the process.”

“What did he do then?” Danny asked. “He ran into the next room and burst into tears,” Colin told him, he’s still there crying his eyes out. I don’t know what to do, he’s usually so strong, I’ve never ever seen him cry before.”

“Colin, does he know about Gordon or you coming to see me?” Danny asked. “No, I never told him anything, there seemed no need,” Colin replied. “If I discover he’s another of Gordon’s victims, can I tell him?” Danny asked. “Anything you think will help him,” Colin said instantly. “Ok, go in the other room, put your arm round him and make him speak to me on your phone, ok?” “On my way,” Colin replied.

Danny heard movement noises, a door opening, the sound of someone sobbing, then noises he assumed where Colin sitting down by Greg. Then he heard Colin say, “My friend Danny needs to speak to you urgently.”

A strange tearful voice said, “Hello.” Danny answered, “Hello Greg, we’ve never met, but I think I know what is upsetting you and I can help you. Will you answer me one question?” “Ok,” came a weepy reply. “Just say yes or no,” Danny told him, but please, for your own sake, be honest. I was raped by Gordon Jones a while ago, did he do it to you as well?”

There was silence for quite a while, Danny just waited patiently. Then came Greg’s answer very quietly, “Yes.” Danny breathed a silent sigh of relief. “Well done, Greg,” he said, “That’s the first step to getting over it. I’ve just told you that it happened to me, but there is someone else who suffered too. At the moment he is sitting with his arm around your shoulder simply dying to help you.” “What, Colin?” came the startled response. “I’ll bet he’s nodding at you this very moment,” Danny told him.

“Get dressed, have a chat and ring me back so we can arrange a meet up,” Danny instructed him.

Resuming his gardening, John’s comment from last week ran through his mind, “Will we ever be rid of his evil?” he had said. About twenty minutes later, his phone went once more. Colin came on and said, “Thanks Danny, he’s calmed down now. We’ve had a chat and he would like to see you. We are about half an hour away on our bikes, so just say when. “Get ready to come,” Danny told him, “I’ll just go and check we can use the house and I’ll ring you back very soon.” “Great,” Colin said, “I knew you’d sort it.”

Dany went back to the house and called out to John. He came into the kitchen and sensed right away that something was up. Danny told him about his phone call and asked if he could see the lad that day. After muttering a few choice words about Gordon, John said, “Of course you can, I’ll do anything to help make amends for that Bastard.” It was the first time Danny had ever heard John swear, he was quite surprised. It must have shown on his face for John said, “Sorry for my language, I just feel so mad about what happened and so helpless.” Danny went over and gave him a hug, “You needn’t be,” he told him, “You couldn’t have known or done anything about it. But just think what you have done since, without the use of your house I wouldn’t have been able to help any of the victims, so every one of them has you to thank for getting them back to normal.”

John kissed the top of his head, “Typical Danny,” he said, “Giving the credit to anyone but himself.” “Ok,” Danny said, “I did my bit too, but I couldn’t have done any of it without you.”

John said, “When do you want him to come?” Danny told him, “He can cycle over in half an hour if it’s convenient.” “Fine,” John said, “I need to go shopping anyway and if I haven’t heard from you by the time I’ve finished shopping, I’ll go and visit my sister, so no need to rush.” Danny gave him another kiss and told him, “There you are you see; you’re being part responsible for making another victim better.”

Danny rang Colin back and told him they could come right away. Colin thanked him and said they would be there in half an hour. Danny stayed in the kitchen and had his lunch. Halfway through John came in to say he was going out now so Danny should keep an ear out for the front door. Danny gave him a hug and a kiss, telling him with a grin, “I’ll see you for your consultation later.”

It didn’t seem long before there was a knock on the front door. Opening it, Danny found Colin on the step and standing behind him a slightly taller, slimmer and more muscular boy.

Colin threw his arms around Danny and said, “Hi, great to see you again, thanks for seeing Greg so soon.” He stepped back and introduced Greg. Danny shook hands and said, “Welcome, Greg, not the best circumstances to meet, but nice to meet you anyway.”

Greg nodded and gave a slight smile. Colin turned away saying, “Give me a text when you’re through, Greg, don’t forget what I told you.” Then hopping on his bike, he cycled off.

“Come on in Greg,” Danny said, “Let’s see if we can put you back together.” They went through into the front room and sat on the settee. Danny looked at Greg, smiled and told him, “This is what we’re going to do. In a moment I’ll ask you to take your shoes off and lie on the settee. I’m going to relax you whilst I ask you questions and tell you about my own experience. A lot of the questions will be very personal so I’ll need you to trust me when I tell you nothing you say or do here will go out of this room. I will want to give you a physical examination too, so I’ll need you to feel completely at ease with me.”

“So, first question, what did Colin tell you?” Greg smiled, “he said I could trust you completely, that if I told you everything that you asked and did everything you asked, I would be back to my old self when he came back for me.” Danny grinned, “That’s some reputation to live up to, we better get started.”

Danny got up, picked up the end cushion, sat down and put it back on his lap. “In a moment, I want you to come and lie down here with your head on the arm. I’m going to massage your head and your stomach whilst we exchange some information. Take your shoes off before you lie down, but if you feel at ease enough to do so, take some of your other things off too. Do everything I ask in your own time, I don’t want to rush you, this is a gentle process done at your speed, not mine, ok?”

Greg nodded. He took his shoes off, then stood up. He pulled his shirt off over his head showing a well-proportioned and muscular chest and arms. He put it on the dining chair and said, “Shall I take my trousers off too?” Danny smiled at him, “Yes, that would be good, but only if you are going to feel comfortable without them.” “Greg said, “Colin said I’d feel at ease with you as soon as I met you and it’s true.” As he spoke, he dropped his trousers, stepped out of them, put them on the chair with his shirt and lay down.

“That’s a good start,” Danny told him. “I’m going to put one hand on your head and the other on your stomach. Whilst we talk, I’m going to massage you to make you relax. As you’ve taken all your top things off, I’ll massage everywhere there is bare skin. If you don’t like anything I do, say so immediately and I’ll stop, ok?” Greg nodded and smiled.

As he started massaging, Danny said, “I know very little about you, so I want you to tell me everything you can about you, your feelings, your experiences, your dreams. Remember I’m not much older than you so I know what goes on in that brain of yours, so there’s no need to feel embarrassed over anything you tell me.”

“If do I ask you something you find too embarrassing to answer, say so and we’ll move on, but ideally I need you to be completely open with me if we are to succeed. Notice I say we. Unless we do this together, we fail and I don’t think either of us want that to happen, do we?” Greg shook his head decisively and said, “No, definitely not.”

Danny could feel his body starting to relax, it was quite pleasant massaging over such firm muscles. Danny couldn’t help wishing he was more like that. “Are you a virgin?” he asked. Greg went slightly red, then said, “Yes,” very quietly. “Nothing wrong with that,” Danny told him, “You’re young, you’ve got plenty of time for that.” “Why are you a virgin?” Danny asked. “Because I haven’t had sex yet,” Greg replied sounding surprised. “No, sorry, I worded that badly,” Danny said, “I meant are you a virgin through your own choice or simply because the opportunity hasn’t presented itself yet?” Greg smiled, “No opportunity, just wishful thinking.” “Does that wishful thinking involve some erotic dreams?” Danny asked with a big grin.” Greg blushed briefly, then answered, “Yes,” “That’s not a question you get asked every day, is it?” Danny said, grinning again. Greg smiled.

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