The Life of Lewis - Cover

The Life of Lewis

Copyright© 2021 by Lewis Lucas

Chapter 4: Befriending Rufus

Pedo Sex Story: Chapter 4: Befriending Rufus - Lewis is 15 and decides to get a Saturday job. Finding one in a Video hire shop helping Mike the manager, he finds himself earning a bit extra every week by having some interesting fitness tests followed by some relaxation including sex lessons and experiences which he thoroughly enjoys.

Caution: This Pedo Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/Fa   Ma/Ma   Ma/mt   mt/mt   Teenagers   Coercion   Consensual   Rape   Gay   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Incest   Torture   Anal Sex   First   Massage   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Petting   Doctor/Nurse   Teacher/Student  

‘Isla told me she liked going to McDonalds but was too shy to go alone. I managed to get out, ‘Can I take you?’ I think I went red as I said it. ‘Yes, please.’ she told me, ‘That would be lovely.’ We arranged to go Friday night after school.’

‘Before then, we sat together after lunch and actually started talking to each other. She told me she was very shy too and had wanted to go out with me for ages. I told her that I had been trying to ask her out for ages as well.’

‘On Friday we walked into town, and she took my arm. It felt wonderful. We sat and ate and talked in McDonalds, then I saw her home. We walked hand in hand, it was so lovely.’

‘At her door, she turned and said how lovely it had been to go out with me. So, I said, ‘Perhaps we could go out again sometime.’ ‘I’d like that very much.’ she told me. Anyway, we decided we’d go out for the whole day on Saturday.’

‘When I collected her at home Saturday morning, she invited me in. I met her dad who was really nice. We all sat at the kitchen table chatting. He asked me what I was hoping to do when I left school. I told him I wasn’t over bright but I liked making things so I would probably be working with my hands in some way.’

‘You sound like me when I was your age.’ he told me. After we had had our coffees, he took me out to show me his workshop. He had a lathe and all sorts of tools. I had a job tearing myself away. As we were going back to Isla he said, ‘My daughter is all the family I have left, so she’s very special to me. Make sure you look after her well.’ ‘I will,’ I told him, ‘She’s very special to me too.’ he smiled.’

‘We set off and got a bus out into the country. We strolled along for ages hand in hand talking nonstop. I think I said more that day than I had done all year.’

‘We had a snack at lunchtime. Then as we headed back, we came to a lovely little café. We went in and had an afternoon tea. Then I walked her back home. We stood at her front door talking for ages then she said she’d better go in.’

‘I’ve had a lovely day,’ she said smiling at me, ‘Thank you.’ I leaned forward to kiss her on her cheek. She put her arms around me and hugged me. We stood together for a while, then she moved back a little. Her face was directly in front of mine.’

‘I don’t know where the courage came from, but I gave her a quick kiss on her lips. Before I could move, she pulled me tight to her and we had a long kiss.’

‘See you on Monday,’ she said and went in. I floated home. Jack lay there with a big beam on his face as he remembered.

‘Oh, I forgot to tell you about Rufus,’ he said. ‘On Friday lunchtime Isla and I were sitting together on the grass when Gerald came over. He’s a bit of a bully but more mouth than anything. He started poking fun at us and then he said to Isla, ‘You don’t want a wimp like him, come out with me I’ll show you what a real man feels like.’

‘I could see Isla was upset, so I stood up between them. I had no idea what I was going to do. ‘Well, well,’ he said, ‘Are you going to hit me?’ I was quaking in my boots then Rufus came over, pulled Gerald back and whispered in his ear.’

‘Gerald suddenly looked scared. He looked at Isla and said, ‘Sorry, miss, I didn’t mean to upset you. Sorry Jack.’ he said and put his hand out. We shook hands then he went off in a hurry. Rufus said quietly, ‘I told him I’d just started Karate classes and discovered you were a black belt. I told him you could break every bone in his body in seconds if you wanted to. He won’t bother you again. Then he walked away.’

‘He’s saying thank you by looking out for you,’ Lewis said. ‘That’s nice.’ ‘It doesn’t end there,’ Jack said. Rufus came up to me at afternoon break. ‘I didn’t want to say anything in front of your young lady,’ he told me. ‘Ever since I discovered what you did for me, I’ve been trying to pluck up courage to come and thank you and say sorry for what I did.’

‘I want you to know how much I appreciate it, and I’m forever in your debt.’

‘How did you react to that?’ Lewis asked. I said, ‘You don’t need to be, I knew you were scared of Floyd too. You tried to help me where you could, so I returned the favour to you.’ ‘Even so, I didn’t deserve it.’ he told me. He went quiet for a moment then he said, ‘Jack, can I ask you something?’ ‘Of course.’ I said wondering what on earth he would want to ask me. ‘Could we be friends.’ he asked.

‘Yes, I’d like that.’ I told him. I put my hand out and he shook it. ‘Thank you,’ he said. ‘Would you mind if I were to come over and talk to you occasionally.’ ‘No, of course not,’ I said, ‘I’d like it.’ ‘I’ve got no one I can trust to really talk to.’ he told me.’

‘You did a very good thing when you decided to save him from prison,’ Lewis said. ‘Well done.’

‘Now, how are you feeling after your ordeal?’ Lewis asked. ‘Great, now it’s all over,’ Jack said. ‘And having Isla is helping keep my mind off it. I go to sleep most nights now with a happy dream. But a couple of times I’ve woken up in a sweat dreaming I was back in the clearing with Dustin and Floyd.’

‘That’s a normal reaction,’ Lewis told him. ‘If Baron was still around, I’d suggest you got together and tried putting your cocks up each other’s bums.’ As Jack looked horrified, Lewis explained, ‘You both enjoyed firing each other. If you had had more nights together you would have either repeated firing each other or moved on and sucked each other.’

‘If you had done it a few times, you would have probably tried going up each other’s bums. You would have done that to be extra close to each other plus by then you would likely have realised that a cock up a bum is like a cock up a vagina.’

‘When Rufus tipped you off about the Vaseline, it made it much less painful, didn’t it?’ ‘Yes.’ Jack said. ‘Imagine that instead of two people who didn’t care a bit about you, you were going to do it in bed with Baron.’

‘Think how you both would feel. You’d be excited at trying something new. You’d be relaxed because you were with someone you felt safe with. You would have found out that you needed to oil each other’s bums and your cocks before going in.’

‘Then when you went in, what would be your uppermost thought?’ ‘I’d be scared I was hurting him.’ Jack said. ‘Exactly,’ Lewis said. ‘So, you would go very slowly and very carefully. So would Baron when it was his turn.’

‘You would both know that at the slightest problem you would stop and pull out, so all your body would be relaxed. That plus the oil would enable your cocks to slide into each other easily, painlessly, and excitingly. If you remember, Rufus told you that.’

‘If Baron was here with us now and he put his cock up your bum, you would enjoy it.’ Lewis told him. ‘When he moved in and out, it would feel lovely. When he fired inside you, you would feel so close to him. But most important, you would enjoy it so much. After that, whenever your mind returned to someone going up your bum, it would be a happy memory of Baron that would fill your dream. Dustin and Floyd would be gone forever.’

‘That would be good,’ Jack said. ‘Lewis, can I ask how you can be so sure it would feel so nice?’ Lewis grinned at him, ‘Experience,’ he said, ‘My pal and I tried it. It was lovely.’ As Jack looked at him in amazement, Lewis added, ‘But I can assure you that a vagina is ten times better.’

‘Now, if the time comes in the future when you have sex with Isla, that will eventually also wipe it from your mind. But I’m sure you’re not going to rush her, so that might be a while yet. Beside you want time to enjoy all your dreams, don’t you?’ Jack went red, then grinned as he said. ‘Yes.’

‘We’ll come back to that shortly,’ Lewis said. ‘I’m not going to teach you how to have sex with Isla. I’m going to teach you how to make love to her. There is a big difference. I’m going to do your lesson in the form of a dream.’

‘When we start, I want you to close your eyes and imagine you have just gone back to Isla’s after a lovely day out. Her dad is out for hours yet and Isla has asked you to come to bed with her.’

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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