The Life of Lewis
Copyright© 2021 by Lewis Lucas
Chapter 4: Two Boys In A Bed
Pedo Sex Story: Chapter 4: Two Boys In A Bed - Lewis is 15 and decides to get a Saturday job. Finding one in a Video hire shop helping Mike the manager, he finds himself earning a bit extra every week by having some interesting fitness tests followed by some relaxation including sex lessons and experiences which he thoroughly enjoys.
Caution: This Pedo Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa mt/Fa Ma/Ma Ma/mt mt/mt Teenagers Coercion Consensual Rape Gay BiSexual Heterosexual Fiction Incest Torture Anal Sex First Massage Masturbation Oral Sex Petting Doctor/Nurse Teacher/Student
‘That feels lovely.’ he said softly. Lewis kept massaging for a while moving from one cheek to the other. Then he slid his hand down over the back of one leg.
As his hand massaged the skin of his thigh, a lovely and exciting shiver ran up Jacks spine. Then Lewis’s hand came to a stop. He was unable to go down further because of Jacks trousers. He slid his hand out and massaged down the other leg until the same thing happened.
As he started to draw his hand out, Jack lifted his hips up. Lewis slid his trousers down to his ankles, then immediately massaged both cheeks at once over his shorts. Jack loved it and cried out again.
When Lewis massaged down the bare skin of the back of both legs, he cried out even louder. When he reached his feet and started back up again, Lewis asked, ‘Can you remember the question?’ ‘Three altogether.’ Jack told him.
As he massaged over his cheeks Lewis asked, ‘Can you tell me their ages?’ ‘The first two were fifteen,’ he said. ‘Then one stopped and an older one came. I would think he was about eighteen. Then the last time it was just the same two.’
Moving on up his back Lewis asked, ‘When did the first attack take place?’ ‘Just over a month ago.’ Jack said. Lewis felt him shiver as he remembered. Still on his back Lewis asked, ‘When did you have your first night-time dream about your girlfriend to be.’
As he massaged Jacks shoulders he answered, ‘The first night after she spoke to me.’ Massaging Jacks head briefly, he told him to turn over.
Jack turned and settled into place. He looked down his front seeing the roll of fat on his exposed stomach, his shorts and then his trousers down round his ankles. He felt very much at ease which surprised him. He looked at Lewis and smiled.
‘I’ll bet this is the first time you have felt so relaxed when you’ve been partly undressed, and someone was looking at you.’ Lewis said. ‘Yes,’ Jack admitted, ‘It’s unbelievable.’
‘Now, I’m going to go down your front again,’ Lewis said. ‘When I get to your feet, I’ll slip your trousers off out of the way.’ He rested his hands on Jacks head and massaged briefly before moving onto his temples.
‘Does your girl have a name?’ he asked. Jack had closed his eyes to enjoy the massage on his temples. He smiled and said, ‘Yes, it’s Isla, she’s Scottish.’
‘What is it about her that made you like her so much?’ Lewis asked. He moved down onto Jacks shoulders as he answered, ‘She has a nice figure,’ Jack said, ‘Although she has a bit of extra weight. Not as much as me though,’ he added. ‘But she has a lovely smile and she’s so kind and patient. When she’s near me my heart and my stomach feel funny.’
‘That’s a good sign,’ Lewis said as he massaged over his chest, ‘Your sub conscious has decided she could be the right one for you. So how many nights did you dream about her before it made you fire.’
Jack went beetroot red and avoided Lewis’s eyes. ‘Do you know how I know that you did?’ Lewis asked him. ‘No,’ Jack said looking at him. ‘Because I would and so would every other teenage boy.’ Lewis told him with a grin.
Jack still felt embarrassed but knowing that made it seem easier. As he massaged over Jacks stomach mountain, Lewis continued, ‘So, once you started having dreams that ended in you firing, did all your dreams end like that?’ ‘Yes,’ Jack answered not feeling quite as embarrassed now. ‘And you had a nice dream like that every night, or at least until your troubles started?’ Lewis asked. ‘Yes,’ he said looking glum as he remembered why they were there.
As Lewis’s hands moved up onto the front of his shorts he asked, ‘Am I right in thinking that your dreams involved you taking Isla to bed and making love to her?’ Jack went red again and answered, ‘Yes.’ Then he suddenly realised three things. Lewis’s hands were massaging over his cock. His cock was starting to grow, and he was getting a lovely feeling from his cock.
Before he could say or do anything, Lewis smiled at him and said, ‘Don’t worry about what you’re feeling. Let me explain. You’re getting a nice feeling from your cock because you have at last decided that nothing that I do is going to hurt you. That has let you feel and enjoy the nice sensation of someone else touching your cock, even through your shorts. Your cock is erecting for three reasons. One is because of my touch. Two is because you have been thinking about your dreams of Isla and three is my touch is making you remember that lovely last night with Baron.’
As Jack looked at him in amazement, wondering how he could possibly know about Baron, Lewis added, ‘But the best thing of all is that your body would not let you erect in my presence. Not unless both you and your subconscious felt completely at ease and safe with me.’
‘So, you getting an erection is not just enjoyable for you. It is also a very big compliment to me. And you are enjoying it aren’t you?’ he added with a smile. ‘Yes,’ Jack admitted with only a trace of red this time.
‘What you need to do now,’ Lewis said, ‘Is just accept that that is so, stop fighting it and let it do whatever it wants. To deal with your problem we are going to have to talk a lot more about sex, because it involves sex, doesn’t it?’
Jack nodded. ‘As do most people’s problems,’ Lewis told him. ‘As you know, once you start erecting, it’s almost impossible to stop it. So, you can either leave, keep your problems and let it go down. Or you can accept that you’re going to be erect, accept that I know you are erect and accept that I can see you are erect.’
‘Do you know what I think?’ Lewis asked. ‘No.’ Jack said looking at him. ‘I think you’ve already decided it feels nice and you are happy to carry on and enjoy it.’ Jacks cock grew noticeably at that moment. ‘I think it just answered that for you,’ Lewis said laughing. ‘Cocks are a dead giveaway, aren’t they?’
Jack couldn’t stop himself laughing at that. ‘Now we’re really getting somewhere,’ Lewis told him. ‘Let’s carry on getting you relaxed. Just keep in mind that whatever you and Baron did on that last night, I have probably done it too with my pals. As have many others.’
‘Really?’ Jack said in surprise. ‘Yes,’ Lewis said, ‘And I probably enjoyed it just as much as you did.’ As he had been speaking, he had continued a slow gentle massage over Jacks shorts. His cock was now fully hard, and Jack’s face was showing a look of intense pleasure. There were no signs of any distress.
As Lewis moved on down his legs, Jack actually felt disappointed. ‘Here’s our plan now,’ Lewis said. ‘I’m going to carry on relaxing you. However, now you are so relaxed, I’m going to ask you a few questions about your night with Baron.’ He reached his feet, slipped Jacks trousers off, then started back up his legs.
‘Remember what I told you, I’ve done it too. Once you’re able to tell me about that you should have no problem telling me about what they did to you in the woods. Then we can work out how to deal with it. Ok?’
‘Ok,’ Jack said, ‘Lewis is going to sort it, I just know it.’ he thought to himself. ‘I think that when we get you relaxed enough and sort out your problem, that will go a long way to curing your shyness too.’ Lewis told him.
As he reached his shorts and moved up onto them, he continued, ‘But when it’s all over, I’ll teach you how to make love to Isla properly, just in case you haven’t got it right. Then once you get the chance, she will never want to let you go.’
They both felt the kick that Jacks cock gave Lewis’s hand with the excitement of hearing that. ‘Translated, that kick reads, ‘Yes, please.’ Lewis told him with a big grin. Jack grinned back.
As he moved on up over his stomach, Lewis asked, ‘How many nights were you and Baron away on the last occasion?’ ‘Three,’ Jack said. ‘It was a Bank Holiday weekend, so we went on the Friday and returned home on the Monday.’
‘When you walked into the room and saw the double bed, you immediately had a worry came into your mind didn’t you?’ Lewis said. ‘Yes,’ Jack admitted. ‘So did Baron, I found out afterwards. We... ‘ ‘Stop,’ Lewis said, ‘Let me tell you. You were worried about moving around in your sleep and touching Baron somewhere you felt you shouldn’t.’
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