The Life of Lewis - Cover

The Life of Lewis

Copyright© 2021 by Lewis Lucas

Chapter 1: An Unexpected Invitation

Pedo Sex Story: Chapter 1: An Unexpected Invitation - Lewis is 15 and decides to get a Saturday job. Finding one in a Video hire shop helping Mike the manager, he finds himself earning a bit extra every week by having some interesting fitness tests followed by some relaxation including sex lessons and experiences which he thoroughly enjoys.

Caution: This Pedo Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/Fa   Ma/Ma   Ma/mt   mt/mt   Teenagers   Coercion   Consensual   Rape   Gay   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Incest   Torture   Anal Sex   First   Massage   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Petting   Doctor/Nurse   Teacher/Student  

Once they had done everything they could to prepare, they sat in the lounge and had a drink. They told his mum about the couple they had met on the canal and their invite to spend a day on board with them.

‘That’s lovely,’ she said, ‘It’ll be good practice for your holiday.’

Then the front doorbell rang. Tom went to answer it. He brought Derek and Denise in. They both hugged and kissed his mum, then they were introduced to Amelia. They both made her feel very welcome.

Over dinner they chatted, and Derek asked how they had met. When Tom told him Danny had introduced them, Derek smiled at Amelia and said, ‘Well you can’t come with a better recommendation than that.’ ‘Is that THE Danny?’ Denise asked. ‘Yes, Derek told her.’

Seeing Amelia looking puzzled, he told her, ‘Denise has never met Danny but I’m always mentioning him when he’s helped us nab a villain. How’s the well clearance going Tom?’ he asked. ‘I heard the pathologist singing your praises the other day.’

Tom told him they would be packing up the next day. They had recovered all six of the bodies now. Derek turned to Amelia, ‘I hope you’ve got a strong stomach,’ he said laughing. ‘Policemen never think about where they are when they discuss their cases in gory detail.’

‘I wouldn’t want to experience them,’ Amelia replied, ‘But talking about them doesn’t bother me.’ After a nice evening together, Derek and Denise left. As they parted, giving Amelia a hug and a kiss, Denise said in her ear, ‘Welcome to the family, I think you’ll be around a long time.’

Toms mum told him afterwards that Derek had told her he thought Amelia was lovely. Tom and Amelia did the dishes before they left. As they were saying goodbye to Toms mum, she told Amelia, ‘I understand the two of you wanting to be on your own at the moment. But remember that you’re always welcome to stop over here anytime you want to.’

Amelia told Tom on the way back to the flat. ‘Well, you’re obviously a hit with mum, Uncle Dereck and Aunty Denise,’ he said. ‘I hope I’ll be the same with your mum.’

‘I’m sure you will be,’ Amelia told him, ‘Perhaps next time you have a few days off we’ll go down and visit.’ Back at the flat they went straight to bed. Once in bed they cuddled up together, arms and legs around each other. Tom of course had already gone hard.

They kissed and caressed, then Tom got out of bed and put his Durex on. As he got back in, Amelia said, ‘I’m going to make an appointment for the doctors this week and go on the pill.’ ‘Make sure it’s going to be ok for you,’ Tom said concerned, ‘I’ve heard it said that it can have bad effects on some people.’

‘I’m sure she’ll make sure it’s ok first,’ Amelia told him, feeling happy at his concern for her. Tom lay on top of her as they had their usual enjoyment feeling him throbbing squashed between them. Then he lifted himself up and entered her.

As he slid in slowly, Amelia let out a happy moan of ecstasy at the feeling she was getting. He lay still letting himself flex inside her, then started thrusting in and out as slowly as he could. Amelia was well worked up, so Toms feeling hadn’t long started by the time she had an amazing climax.

Tom listened to her noises of pleasure as his cock was clamped. It gave him such delight to know he was the cause of it. Then as she relaxed and the clamp on his cock was released, he started thrusting once more.

Now he didn’t need to hold back he went fast and hard. It gave him extra pleasure and when he heard Amelia’s happy noises showing how much she was enjoying it too, he very soon reached his own climax.

With three extra powerful thrusts and a long cry of ecstasy he shot three bursts of cum. Amelia felt his cock swell and the warmth as his sheath filled. ‘Soon I will feel that inside me properly.’ she thought excitedly.

As he slowed down and stopped, Tom lay on top of her whilst his cock shrank. Then he pulled out, got out and removed his sheath then got back into bed. Wrapped in each other’s arms they were soon fast asleep.

The next morning there was no time for any hanky-panky, they both had to get ready for work. A quick kiss at the door and they went their separate ways.

Tom arrived at the well just as the rest of the team were arriving. He told the overnight guard that he could go. Then he helped take the tent down and move everything out to the pathologist’s van. Fred thanked Tom for his help and told him that the pathologist would no doubt be asking for him on a future occasion.

After they had gone, Tom made a rough repair to the side gate he had broken down. He had brought a hammer, nails and some odd bits of wood in with him. Then he went into the house locking the back door from inside. He went round every room checking that all the windows were secure. Next, he found the stop tap and turned the water off. Finally, he checked there were no lights on anywhere. He picked up Gerry’s house keys which the search team had left, then closed the front door behind him. It was still only lunch time, so he drove over to the station. Uncle Derek was on the desk, so he gave him the house keys.

‘Amelia’s a lovely girl,’ he said to Tom, ‘You’re very lucky. How come you were at McDonalds? I didn’t think you were a burger fan?’ ‘I’m not as a rule,’ Tom said, ‘But Danny invited me.’ Derek didn’t say anything, but he immediately thought, ‘I bet that meeting was no accident.’ He smiled to himself.

Tom went and found Sergeant Cline. ‘Just reporting back Sarge,’ he said. ‘The pathology team are completely finished and gone. I’ve secured the property, so I’m no longer required.’ ‘Ok, Tom,’ he said, ‘You’ve done well. I’ve had a glowing report from the pathologist which will be attached to your record.’

‘I want you to write up a report explaining everything you’ve done there since I put you in charge.’ ‘Yes sir,’ Tom said. ‘However, as there is no hurry for it, why don’t you do it at home and bring it in when you return to work on Monday morning.’

‘Yes sir, thank you sir.’ Tom said with a big beaming smile. ‘Off you go and enjoy your weekend.’ he said. Tom went home to his mums and spent the afternoon doing his report on his computer.

Then he rang David on the canal and told him he was now off Saturday and Sunday so they could meet up on either day. David immediately suggested that they joined them Friday night and stayed over until Sunday evening, ‘Then you’ll really get a taste of life on board.’ he said.

Tom thanked him and texted Amelia to let her know in case she had any other plans. She thought it was wonderful and felt excited that they were going to have their first holiday together. They arranged that Tom would stay at home that night and meet her at the flat tomorrow ready to go and meet the boat.

The next day, Tom took his mum out for lunch to the Manor Hotel.

On Friday mid-afternoon, Tom checked with David where they should meet them. ‘We’ll tie up by bridge twenty-seven,’ he told him. ‘It’s just by the Dog and Duck pub. Once you’re settled in, we’ll go to the pub for a meal.’

Tom went over to Amelia’s. She had given him a key a few days ago so he went in and made himself a coffee. As soon as she arrived home, they had a long hug and a kiss then she went and had a shower.

Once she was nearly ready, they rang for a taxi. That took them to the pub. The canal ran along the back of the pub. A short walk along the towpath brought them to the bridge. Not far on the other side, David and Glenda’s boat was tied up.

They welcomed them aboard and showed them their berth. ‘Don’t worry about it being two singles,’ David told them, ‘They open out to make a double bed. I’ll show you later.’ The four of them could just squeeze into the open seating in the bow, so they sat and chatted for a while.

Then they wandered over to the pub. By the time they had had a lovely meal they all felt like they had known each other for years. They returned to the boat and had a coffee before they turned in. David unfolded the bed for them.

Once they were in bed, Amelia said, ‘I’ve just had a silly thought.’ Tom looked at her and smiled. ‘I just had a vision of us making love and making the boat rock so much it sent a tidal wave down the canal.’ she said.

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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