The Life of Lewis
Copyright© 2021 by Lewis Lucas
Chapter 5: Caught in the Act
Pedo Sex Story: Chapter 5: Caught in the Act - Lewis is 15 and decides to get a Saturday job. Finding one in a Video hire shop helping Mike the manager, he finds himself earning a bit extra every week by having some interesting fitness tests followed by some relaxation including sex lessons and experiences which he thoroughly enjoys.
Caution: This Pedo Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa mt/Fa Ma/Ma Ma/mt mt/mt Teenagers Coercion Consensual Rape Gay BiSexual Heterosexual Fiction Incest Torture Anal Sex First Massage Masturbation Oral Sex Petting Doctor/Nurse Teacher/Student
Isla opened it and read it. ‘It’s a message from a school friend.’ she told him, ‘Confirming the timetable for tomorrow isn’t changed after all.’ She passed it over to show him.
He just glanced at it and gave it her back. By a quarter to eight she had completed her homework. Theo was watching tv, so she collected all her things together and headed for the door.
‘See you shortly.’ he called as she went out.
Lewis and Tom heard the bedroom door open, then saw her come into the room. She put her homework stuff on her desk, then stripped off and got ready for bed. ‘I guess she thinks it’s only a microphone too?’ Tom said with a grin.
She went out again, then returned ten minutes later, they assumed she had been to the bathroom. She got into bed and lay there reading, looking at the door frequently.
Not long afterwards, the door opened. They saw a very overweigh older man come in and stand looking at her. ‘That must be Theo,’ Lewis told Tom. ‘He shouldn’t give you any trouble.’
He walked over to the bed and yanked the duvet off. ‘What are you doing?’ Isla asked looking terrified. ‘It’s time for you to persuade me not to show the video to anyone for another six months,’ he said. ‘Strip off.’
‘I don’t want to,’ she said, ‘I was sore for weeks after you raped me last time. I’m still having nightmares even now.’ ‘Tough,’ he said, ‘If you don’t do as you’re told I’ll sack your dad and make sure he never gets another job anywhere ever.’
‘You shouldn’t be having sex with a minor,’ she said, ‘It’s illegal.’ ‘Not if no one knows about it,’ he said smirking, ‘And you’re not going to tell anyone are you. Now get stripped off before I get angry and hit you.’
Isla got off the bed and started getting undressed, clearly unhappy and reluctant. Theo was already pulling his clothes off fast, obviously eager to get going. ‘Come on, get a move on,’ Theo said as he pushed her back on the bed, ‘I’ve been dreaming of this for six months.’
Tom and Lewis got out of the car and headed over to the house. Lewis put his phone on silent. As they walked over, Theo had got on the bed with Isla and was feeling all over her.
‘You are disgusting doing this to someone my age,’ she told him, ‘You’re almost old enough to be my grandfather.’ He slapped her hard across the face. ‘Less of the insults, or you’ll regret it.’ he said as she burst into tears and held her face. ‘Remember all the things you’ve got to lose if you don’t do what I tell you to.’ he snarled at her.
‘If you get too stroppy, I’ll leave my sheath off and let you get pregnant. Now behave or I’ll make you suck me instead. I might do that later anyway.’ he said grabbing her hand and putting it over his cock. Just imagine how nice it will feel having all that meat in your mouth. Or perhaps I’ll save it for next time, then I can dream about it for six months.’
‘You disgust me,’ Isla told him looking sick, ‘I wonder how many more children you have defiled.’
He got up on his hands and knees and pulled her legs apart. Isla closed them again. ‘Please don’t rape me again,’ she cried sounding really upset, ‘You’re so rough it hurts for weeks afterwards.’ He ignored her, put a durex on and just yanked her legs apart.
‘If you close them again, I’ll go up your bum instead,’ he threatened. ‘You’ll certainly hurt if I do that.’ Isla looked horrified. ‘You’re disgusting.’ she said, but she gave a sad sigh and relaxed.
He lay on top of her and pushed into her immediately. Isla let out a great scream of pain, ‘You’re hurting me,’ she cried out, ‘You feel as if you’re tearing my insides apart.’
Meanwhile Tom and Lewis had let themselves in and were coming quietly up the stairs. Hearing her scream, Tom looked at Lewis who shook his head.
They reached the bedroom door and Lewis watched on his phone. Isla was crying out continuously in pain and Theo was ignoring her cries and pumping away like a mad thing.
Lewis nodded to Tom, set his phone on video, and pushed the bedroom door open quietly. He stepped inside and filmed for a few seconds, then moved over to get a shot from the side. Then holding his phone pointing at the bed he nodded to Tom.
Then he kept filming as Tom called out, ‘Police, stop you’re under arrest.’ He raced over to the bed and grabbed Theos shoulders. He wrenched him backwards so hard that he fell off the bed onto the floor. As he hit the floor, he screamed in pain then lay there with his cock still hard and sticking up in the air.
Lewis kept filming as Tom read him his rights then put handcuffs on him. Lewis switched his phone off and went over to Isla who had sat up and moved to the edge of the bed. As Lewis came over to her, she stood up and hugged him.
‘It’s over,’ he said, ‘He’ll never touch you again.’ Tom had dragged Theo out onto the landing. ‘Get dressed now,’ Lewis told her, ‘But don’t wash anywhere. The police doctor will want to take some swabs from you. Stay in here until I return for you.’
He picked up Theos shorts and went out. ‘Which is your room?’ Lewis asked Theo. ‘You’ve no right to be in here.’ he said, ‘This is private property, and the charges won’t stick.’ ‘If you don’t want to be carted off to the police station naked, you’d better show us where your clothes are.’ Lewis told him.
Theo glared at him and pointed to a door down the landing. They took him in, and Tom pushed him down to sit on the bed. Lewis spotted a mobile phone on the bedside table. He picked it up and found it locked.
‘Take his cuffs off Tom,’ he said. ‘Before you get dressed, you’d better ring your solicitor first so he can meet us at the station.’ Lewis told Theo. Tom took the cuffs off and Lewis handed him the phone. He stayed close watching whilst Theo opened it up and started to dial a number.
‘On second thoughts,’ Lewis said snatching it out of his hand, ‘You better get dressed first.’ ‘Make your bloody mind up.’ Theo growled. He picked up his shorts and started getting dressed.
Lewis went over to he far side of the room and cancelled the phone call. Then he went into videos and looked through them. He soon found Islas and sent it through to his own phone. Then deleted it.
Looking back through other videos he found similar ones with other clearly underage girls in. He sat down and started sending them all through to his own phone. There were four altogether. ‘What are you doing?’ Theo demanded.
‘I’m looking at your photo’s,’ Lewis said, ‘You have been a naughty boy before, haven’t you. The Judge is going to throw the book at you when he sees these.’
Lewis handed it back to him. ‘Here you are, you can ring your solicitor now, it looks as if you’re really going to need him.’ Theo took it off him and sat there tapping away.
Lewis winked at Tom. ‘It’s taking you an awful long time to dial,’ Lewis said. ‘He’s not answering,’ Theo said, ‘I have to keep re dialling.’ Several minutes later he stopped and said, ‘It’s no good, I’ll have to try again later.’ He was looking very pleased with himself.
Meanwhile Tom had rung in requesting a pickup for his prisoner. A van arrived shortly afterwards. Two policemen came in, one of whom already knew Tom.
He told them what the charge was and said he’d bring the victim and a witness along shortly. They took him away. Lewis went and fetched Isla. ‘This is my friend Tom.’ Lewis said introducing them.
She gave him a hug and a kiss which made Tom blush. ‘Thank you for helping save me.’ she told him. They all went to the station in Toms car. As they walked in, Toms uncle was on the front desk. He told them the police doctor had just arrived and was examining Theo.
‘Tom, they’ll need you in custody when he’s through,’ he told him, ‘So go there now. Lewis, will you take the young lady into interview room three and I’ll send for her when the doctors ready.’ ‘Can you ask Terrence to come in please,’ Lewis said, ‘We’ll need an appropriate adult.’
‘Ok,’ Derek said picking the phone up as he let them through. In the interview room Lewis told Isla that the police doctor would check her over for injuries and take some swabs.
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