The Life of Lewis
Copyright© 2021 by Lewis Lucas
Chapter 4: The Rapist Returns
Pedo Sex Story: Chapter 4: The Rapist Returns - Lewis is 15 and decides to get a Saturday job. Finding one in a Video hire shop helping Mike the manager, he finds himself earning a bit extra every week by having some interesting fitness tests followed by some relaxation including sex lessons and experiences which he thoroughly enjoys.
Caution: This Pedo Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa mt/Fa Ma/Ma Ma/mt mt/mt Teenagers Coercion Consensual Rape Gay BiSexual Heterosexual Fiction Incest Torture Anal Sex First Massage Masturbation Oral Sex Petting Doctor/Nurse Teacher/Student
‘It didn’t seem long before he gave two extra hard thrusts in as he cried out happily.’
‘I felt a warm sensation inside like before and he pulled out right away. ‘Get up.’ he said. I stood up and looked at him. He was standing there with his cock hanging down limp, just like his stomach. His sheath was hanging down even further and I could see his cum in it.’
‘He took it off and put it on the dressing table. ‘Lie down on your back.’ he ordered. I got back on the bed and lay flat. He came round the side of the bed and lay down beside me. He put one arm behind my head and rested his hand over my breast.’
‘The fat on his stomach was now just hanging over each side of him. He ordered me to get hold of his cock. I took hold, it was revolting, it was all sticky and limp. ‘Give me a kiss and you can get up.’ he said. I turned my head to his and he kissed me.’
‘Then we got up. He went over to my wardrobe and reached up. I wondered what he was doing. He took something off the top of it and brought it over to me. ‘Look at this.’ he said. His mobile was fitted into a little stand. He pressed play and my heart sank. He must have set it up on the wardrobe whilst I was on the settee. It showed me bending over the bed, him going up me and then us lying on the bed together. Then I got hold of his cock and kissed him.’
‘I was horrified. ‘Now,’ he said, ‘You’ve been good so far. Tell no one what happened, and I promise that your dad will keep his job. Also, this video will stay in my phone, unseen by anyone. Next time I come, make sure you’re here and I’ll let you persuade me to renew my promise for another six months. If you’re good I might even let you suck me. Tell anyone and I’ll sack your dad as well as posting this on the internet for all to see.’
‘Then he just walked out. I cried for ages then went and had another shower. At breakfast my dad was home. Theo acted just like nothing had happened. ‘You seem a bit quiet this morning.’ dad said. ‘I’ve just been struggling with a difficult bit of homework,’ I told him. ‘But it’s sorted now.’
‘The internet’s a wonderful thing, isn’t it?’ Theo said cheerfully. ‘All that knowledge and information at everybody’s fingertips.’ He stressed the everybody’s. I ignored him.’
‘Thursday evening was the same as Tuesday, you wouldn’t have thought anything untoward had happened. On Friday morning as I left for school Theo came over to me and gave me a peck on my cheek. ‘Thanks for your company,’ he said, ‘See you next time.’
‘A week later all the pain had gone from my vagina and the memory was starting to fade. I pushed it to the back of my mind and started dreaming of Jack again. Although I’ve just realised my dreams now stop short of going to bed together.’
‘Then this morning at breakfast dad announced that Theo would be coming next Tuesday. I didn’t think anything was showing but Gwen must have sensed something was wrong. ‘So here I am.’ she said with a sigh.
‘Sit up.’ Lewis told her. He moved around and sat back on the edge of the settee. He took Isla into his arms and held her tight as she put her head on his shoulder. He kissed the top of her head and told her, ‘You’ve had a rough time, but now you have shared it, it will get easier.’
‘You have had sex forced on you. That is nothing like someone making love to you. Your dream of making love to Jack has been blown apart by your experience, but when your problem is sorted, we can soon fix that. You will know by the way you are feeling lying there now, that that is possible.’ He smiled at her.
‘For now, we need to stop Theo. But we need to stop him in a way that will stop him completely and at the same time do our best to protect your dad’s job. We can definitely stop him attacking you and stop him giving your dad a bad reference. We might not be able to stop his works being sold and taken over by a new owner.’
‘If that happened, a new owner would be a fool not to keep your dad on to keep it going, but obviously there’s no guarantee of that. With your help I can have Theo locked up and put in prison. I’ll tell you how shortly.’
‘I have not had any children yet. Even so I can tell you that if someone did to my child what Theo has done to you, I would want him locked up. That would be the case no matter what the cost to me. I’m sure your dad will feel the same way. I’m certain that in your heart you already know that.’
‘But if we work together, I’m sure that we can achieve it without affecting your dad working. Once we’ve sorted it, you can return here, and I’ll get it all out of your mind. I’ll also teach you everything you need to know so that you can make love to Jack properly.’
Isla’s heart did a little jump at the thought of that. Lewis kissed her head. ‘Let me go back to the end of the settee,’ he said, ‘Then I’ll tell you what we need to do.’
Once she was lying with her head on his lap, Lewis smiled at her. ‘The best protection for you, and for your dads job, is to have Theo charged in court and locked up.’ he told her.
‘Now it’s true what Theo told you, that you have no proof that you didn’t encourage him. But what he didn’t tell you is that in law that doesn’t matter. You are a minor, so in the eyes of the law he raped you no matter what you did.’
‘But what we don’t want is a court case with you in the witness box and him throwing accusations around. We also want to recover the videos off his phone.’
‘So, here’s what we need to do. Over the weekend when your house is empty, I will come and fit a radio alarm in your bedroom. It’s a very special alarm. It has a microphone built into it which I can pick up through the internet. It will also record everything that’s said.’
‘What I would need you to do on Wednesday night, is to act as normal and go to your bedroom. It would mean letting him attack you once more, but it would be the last time. I would be outside with a policeman friend of mine.’
‘As soon as he started to rape you, we would come in quietly, catch him in the act and he would be arrested. You would have to come to the police station and make a statement. But because he was caught red handed, you would not need to go to court.’
‘Do you think you could do that?’ ‘It will be worth it to get him locked up.’ she said. ‘Does your dad go out at all over the weekend?’ Lewis asked. ‘He plays golf every Saturday afternoon,’ she said. ‘He goes out after lunch and usually returns between half six and seven.’
‘Ok, I’ll come to yours about five fifteen tomorrow.’ Lewis told her. ‘Do you know your Wi-Fi code for home?’ ‘It’s in my phone.’ she told him. ‘I’ll take it from you before you go.’ Lewis said. ‘Before I come, I want you to draw a rough map of both floors and label each room. Do you have a spare front door key?’ ‘There’s one at home.’ she told him. ‘I’ll need that too.’ Lewis told her. ‘Do you have any alarms on the house?’ ‘Yes, but we only set it when we’re out or partially overnight when we go to bed.’ she told him. ‘Ok, make sure you don’t set it on Wednesday.’ he told her.
‘Now, there’s something else I need you to do. When he comes into your room, tell him you don’t want to do anything, tell him you’re still sore from last time he raped you. I want to record him forcing you to have sex with him. When I come tomorrow, I’ll bring you a spray with olive oil in it. On Wednesday when you get home from school, put one squirt up into your vagina. Then when you go up to bed, give it one more squirt. That should ease most of the pain. But, when he goes into you, whether it hurts you or not, I want you to scream with pain and tell him he’s hurting you.’
‘The ideal is to pretend you are acting on stage. When you’re crying in pain, put a pained expression on your face. If you’re saying you’re disgusted at something, look disgusted. Your facial expressions can reflect in your voice and that’s what we want the Judge to hear.’
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