The Life of Lewis - Cover

The Life of Lewis

Copyright© 2021 by Lewis Lucas

Chapter 3: Raped in Her Own Bed

Pedo Sex Story: Chapter 3: Raped in Her Own Bed - Lewis is 15 and decides to get a Saturday job. Finding one in a Video hire shop helping Mike the manager, he finds himself earning a bit extra every week by having some interesting fitness tests followed by some relaxation including sex lessons and experiences which he thoroughly enjoys.

Caution: This Pedo Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/Fa   Ma/Ma   Ma/mt   mt/mt   Teenagers   Coercion   Consensual   Rape   Gay   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Incest   Torture   Anal Sex   First   Massage   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Petting   Doctor/Nurse   Teacher/Student  

‘I’m going to massage up your front once more,’ Lewis told her. ‘No questions, just relax and enjoy it. Then you will be able to tell me everything that happened to you.’

Isla closed her eyes and floated away once more. She felt Lewis’s gentle hands sliding up her legs. The higher he got the more excited she felt. As he started up her thighs, she couldn’t stop herself drawing her knees up a little and her feet apart.

She knew that would give Lewis a clear view of her vagina, something that before her trouble no man had ever seen, but it seemed such a natural thing to do with Lewis.

Lewis moved his hands round to the insides of her thighs and massaged on upwards. Isla was making happy moans and amazing sensations were shooting through her. As Lewis’s fingers reached her hairs between her legs, he ran his fingertip round in a circle over them.

As Islas moans increased in volume, he let his fingertip find its way down through them, and circle around the moist skin of her vagina. Finding her lump he stroked it once. Then as she let out an ecstatic scream he moved on up over the rest of her hairs and her abdomen.

The sensation that had just shot through Isla was the most wonderful feeling she had ever had. Now she lay in raptures as Lewis’s hands moved on up her stomach and reached her breasts.

Her excitement mounted even more as his hands massaged so very gently over every inch of the bare skin of her breasts. Her moans returned with crescendo. Finally, he massaged her shoulders and took his hands away.

He let her relax and savour her experiences for a few moments then he said, ‘Isla.’ She opened her eyes to see his arms open and a smile on his face. She sat up without being prompted and sank into them happily.

As Lewis closed his arms around her, she rested her head on his shoulders and put her own arms around him. She felt so happy and so safe at that moment. She even had a passing thought that it would be even nicer if Lewis was naked too.

She couldn’t believe she had had such a desire after what she had suffered.

Lewis let her relax for a while, then he told her to sit up. He moved to the end of the settee and instructed her to lie down with her head on his lap. As she smiled up at him, he said, ‘You may never be as relaxed with anyone as you are with me at this moment. It’s time for you to tell me everything that happened.’

‘Start at the beginning and tell me every little detail of what he did and how you felt. Then I can sort it out for you. Remember nothing you tell me will ever leave this room without your express permission.’

Isla lay still collecting her thoughts. She had thought that she would never be able to tell anyone what had happened. Yet now, lying here naked and at ease with Lewis she knew she would have no problem.

‘My dad works as a manager for an engineering firm,’ she told him. ‘They have the main works in Scotland and the one locally. The owner runs the Scottish one and since we moved here, my dad runs the local one.’

‘Just over six months ago, dad said his boss, the owner was coming down for a few days to do something at the works. He would stay with us for three days. I didn’t think anything of it at the time.’

‘Then a week later he arrived. He seemed pleasant enough and we all had dinner together on the Tuesday night. After dinner I cleared up whilst he and dad were in the lounge talking business. By the time I’d finished they were still at it, so I went in, gave dad a kiss and said I was going up as I had a lot of homework to do.’

‘Theo stood up and shook my hand. ‘Goodnight,’ he said, ‘Sleep well.’ I thanked him and went upstairs. I did my homework, had a shower, and lay on the bed reading for a while. Then before I settled down, I went to the bathroom.’

‘As I approached the door it opened, and Theo came out. He was still dressed. ‘How did the homework go?’ he asked quite pleasantly. ‘Fine thanks,’ I told him. I noticed that as we spoke, he seemed to be eying me up and down, particularly my top. I felt a little uncomfortable because I just had a nightie on. Although it came down to my knees, I knew he would be seeing an outline of my breasts.’

‘He was standing between me and the bathroom door, so I had to wait until he moved. ‘You’re going to be a lovely young lady when you’re older.’ he said giving me a smile which didn’t seem to reach his eyes. I felt even more uncomfortable and thought about going back to my room.’

‘But he turned away and went back downstairs. When I got into bed, I thought about what he had said and decided there was nothing untoward in the words. Probably everything else was just my imagination.’

‘At breakfast everything was fine, and I went off to school as Dad and Theo set off for the works. On Wednesday I cooked a dinner and we all sat at the table together. We all chatted, dad and Theo asked me about school at various times. I learned in conversation that Theo was a widow and had no children. As I cleared the table, dad came into the kitchen and asked me to look after Theo for the evening. ‘He’ll probably have his head in a book or watch the tv.’ he said. I said I would. We had a hug and a kiss then he left for work soon after.’

‘I brought my homework down into the lounge and sat working on it. I chatted to Theo occasionally and answered his occasional questions. Then later on he asked me if I knew what I wanted to do when I left school. I told him about the few options I had thought about and he told me a bit about each one. It seemed a normal conversation.’

‘Then he asked me if I had a boyfriend. I blushed and said, ‘No.’ I didn’t like the question, but it seemed innocuous enough. But then he seemed to pursue it. ‘What, not ever?’ he said sounding surprised. ‘No.’ I answered quite shortly. ‘The boys at your school don’t know what they’re missing.’ he said.’

‘So, you’re still a virgin like the fruit on a tree waiting to be plucked.’ He said looking quite weird. ‘I’m sure your first time will be wonderful when it comes,’ he said, ‘I can still remember mine. Come to think about it I was about your age at the time.’ I was feeling really uncomfortable by now at the way the conversation was going.’

‘How about being kissed?’ he asked, ‘How many boys have you kissed?’ I just looked at him and said, ‘That would be telling.’ I didn’t want to sound rude and tell him to mind his own business. To my surprise it made him laugh. ‘So, you’re a virgin kisser too,’ he said. ‘You want to be careful you don’t end up an old maid.’

‘Do you know what an old maid is?’ he asked. ‘Not specifically.’ I answered honestly. ‘It’s a very old woman who’s never had sex and probably never had a proper kiss either.’ he said.’

‘He must have realised I was getting uncomfortable, so he changed the subject. He told me about how he came to start up his works which was quite interesting.’

‘I made us both a coffee about ten o’clock and as we drank them, he told me how good a manager my dad was. He said he would be very hard to replace. At the time, I just assumed he was telling me dad was indispensable.’

‘When we’d finished, I took the cups out. As I came back through, I said ‘I’m turning in now, is there anything else you need?’ He got up and came towards me. I assumed he was going to shake hands and say goodnight like the previous evening.’

‘He put his hand out, and as I took it, he said, ‘Yes, you.’ and yanked me forward. It was so unexpected I overbalanced into him. Before I could move, he had his arms around me and was kissing me passionately.’

‘I struggled to break away and he let go. ‘There you are,’ he said, ‘You’re no longer a virgin kisser. You’re good at it too,’ he said. ‘I’ll have some happy dreams tonight.’ he said smirking at me. ‘You’re disgusting.’ I said and walked out.’

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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