The Life of Lewis - Cover

The Life of Lewis

Copyright© 2021 by Lewis Lucas

Chapter 2: Unravelling Isla

Pedo Sex Story: Chapter 2: Unravelling Isla - Lewis is 15 and decides to get a Saturday job. Finding one in a Video hire shop helping Mike the manager, he finds himself earning a bit extra every week by having some interesting fitness tests followed by some relaxation including sex lessons and experiences which he thoroughly enjoys.

Caution: This Pedo Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/Fa   Ma/Ma   Ma/mt   mt/mt   Teenagers   Coercion   Consensual   Rape   Gay   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Incest   Torture   Anal Sex   First   Massage   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Petting   Doctor/Nurse   Teacher/Student  

She remained silent enjoying the massage until his hands moved down onto her jeans. Then she answered, ‘At first it was mainly Ethan, but now it’s mainly Jack.’

As Lewis massaged downwards, he said, ‘Let me hazard a guess as to why that change happened. ‘When you decided you liked Jack and Ethan, your dreams were mainly about Ethan because he was exciting. He was everything you weren’t.’

‘Jack, on the other hand was similar to you. Once the excitement of Ethan had worn thin, you decided that dates with Ethan were not likely to happen. You also began to realise that life with Ethan would not be a life you would enjoy.’

‘By then you had chatted to Jack and got to feel more for him. You could see the two of you getting along well and could even imagine a happy life together. No doubt that formed part of your dreams.’

As Lewis reached her feet she said, ‘That’s amazing. I had thought along those lines, but until you said it, I hadn’t realised.’ Moving up her legs, Lewis asked, ‘How many times have you felt that Jack was trying to ask you out?’

‘The last three times we spoke,’ she told him. ‘In the last month,’ Lewis asked, ‘How many times have you dreamt about Ethan?’ ‘None,’ Isla said after a few moments thought. As Lewis moved over her cheeks he said, ‘I could probably describe your night-time dreams about Jack exactly as you have them.’ he told her, ‘But it would be a good sign of how much you are relaxing with me if you could tell me yourself. For now, just telling me what piece of furniture you’re in and what you’re doing would suffice.’ he said.

As he moved up her bare back and lovely sensations were going through her, she said, ‘Bed and making love.’ As he reached her shoulders Lewis said, ‘Well done. Have you ever told that to anyone else?’ ‘No,’ she said, ‘Not even Gwen.’ ‘How do you feel about me knowing about it?’ Lewis asked as he massaged her head.

‘I should be terribly embarrassed,’ she said, ‘But strangely, I don’t.’ ‘Thank you,’ Lewis said, ‘Please turn over.’ She did and as she settled into place Lewis could see her bra was very fancy and her breasts looked a good size without being too big.

‘Apart from anything to do with your trouble,’ Lewis asked her, ‘When was the last time a man saw your top in just your bra?’ ‘Dad has seen me in the house occasionally,’ she answered, ‘But no one else ever.’ ‘You don’t look bothered about it.’ Lewis said smiling. ‘I’m not,’ she said, ‘But I’m amazed about it.’

‘I’m going to go down your front again,’ Lewis told her. ‘This time when I reach your waist, I’ll take hold of your jeans and pause. If you say stop, I’ll just carry on down. If you say nothing, I will undo your jeans before carrying on down.’

‘If I do that it will release pressure on your stomach which will relax you. It will also enable me to give you some more relaxing options next time you turn over. But remember, we’re trying to relax you, not make you nervous.’

Lewis put his hands on her head and massaged briefly before moving to her temples. As he moved down onto her bare shoulders, he smiled at her. ‘Do you like McDonalds?’ he asked. ‘Yes,’ Isla answered sounding surprised. As his hands moved onto her breasts he told her, ‘This has nothing to do with your problem,’ he said, ‘But next time you talk to Jack, try asking him if he’s ever been. He’s bound to say yes. That’s your cue to tell him, ‘I love going, but I’m too shy to go on my own.’

‘If he can’t suggest you go with him after that, you are really going to have a struggle with him.’ Isla had listened to him with great difficulty, her mind had been on the beautiful sensation going through her whole body, but especially her breasts.

‘Thank you,’ she managed to gasp out as his hands moved down onto her stomach. ‘I’d never have thought of that.’ ‘Most problems are that simple,’ Lewis told her, ‘It just needs a fresh pair of eyes to see it.’

Then she realised he had stopped moving. His hands had hold of the top of her jeans. While her mind was in a turmoil trying to decide what to do, Lewis asked, ‘How do you get on with your dad?’ As she started to answer, Lewis decided that meant she wasn’t going to say stop. He undid her jeans top button.

‘We get on really well,’ she said. ‘We’d always been close, but when mum died, we seemed even closer. He’s more like a friend than a dad now I’m older.’ Halfway through speaking she felt her stomach go loose. With the lovely feeling of relaxation that gave she didn’t even notice her zip sliding down.

As Lewis moved on down her legs he asked, ‘Did you consider asking your dad about your problem?’ ‘Yes,’ briefly she told him, ‘But I decided against it.’ ‘Can you tell me why?’ Lewis asked as he reached her feet and started back up again. She was silent until his hands had passed over her open jeans, then she told him, ‘Mainly because I was too embarrassed to tell him what had happened. But also, I thought he had had enough upset over mum. I knew he would be extra upset because he would feel partly responsible.’

As he moved up her bare stomach Lews asked, ‘Why would he feel responsible?’ She remained silent as he massaged over her breasts. Well almost silent, she couldn’t help letting out a few quiet ‘mmms’ Then she answered, ‘Pass.’ Then added after a few seconds, ‘Sorry.’

‘No need to apologise,’ Lewis said, ‘Remember we progress at your speed.’ He took his hands off and smiled at her. ‘You’re doing very well,’ he said. ‘In a moment, I’ll ask you to turn over again. This time, when I go down your back, you will have three options.’

‘When I reach your bra strap, I’ll pause and take hold of it each side of the hooks. If you say pass, I’ll carry on down. If you say nothing, I’ll undo it. If I do that I’ll immediately return to your shoulders and massage from your shoulders downwards. There will be nothing in the way and no questions just to relax you.’

‘Regardless of your choice, when I reach your waist, because your jeans are loose, I will take hold of the waist and pause. If you say pass, I’ll carry on down like last time. If you say nothing, I’ll massage your cheeks inside your jeans over the top of your panties.’

‘If I do that, then I’ll massage the back of your legs on the skin as far down as I can. If you feel relaxed enough at that point, you can lift your hips. If you do that, I will then slide your jeans down and massage all of your legs directly on your skin.’

‘You can do all or any of them, or none of them as you choose. Remember the aim is to relax you not to terrify you.’ He smiled at her. ‘I don’t think I would ever feel terrified with Lewis.’ she thought to herself as she realised all options were exciting her, not frightening her.

‘Turn over when you’re ready.’ Lewis told her. She turned and settled in place. As she turned, she realised her zip was open too. It amazed her that after her recent experience such a thing could have happened without her having a panic attack.

As Lewis’s hands rested on the back of her head she shivered in excitement and indecision. ‘Are you ok?’ Lewis asked as he felt it.

‘Yes, fine.’ she answered. As he moved onto her shoulders and massaged the skin, waves of delight flowed through her.

‘Can you tell me when your trouble first started?’ Lewis asked her. He massaged down her back and she answered, ‘It was six months ago.’ As she spoke Lewis had reached her bra strap. He took hold of it each side of the hooks and paused.

Isla’s heart was pounding in anticipation and excitement but just as he was about to undo it, she called out, ‘Stop.’ As Lewis let go and carried on down her back, she felt quite disappointed. ‘How often has it happened since it started?’ Lewis asked as if nothing had happened. Before she could answer his hands reached her waist. He took hold of the back of her jeans and paused.

Isla was already regretting saying stop on her bra strap and was doing her best to remain silent. Lewis waited, heard nothing, and slid one hand down inside her jeans over her panties.

As she felt it sliding over her cheek with just a layer of flimsy material between, she had a job not to scream out with pleasure. She could think of nothing else but the wonderful feeling she was getting. Then when he moved over and did the same on the other cheek she couldn’t hold back. ‘Oh, that feels lovely.’ she called out.

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