The Life of Lewis - Cover

The Life of Lewis

Copyright© 2021 by Lewis Lucas

Chapter 1: An Urgent Referral

Pedo Sex Story: Chapter 1: An Urgent Referral - Lewis is 15 and decides to get a Saturday job. Finding one in a Video hire shop helping Mike the manager, he finds himself earning a bit extra every week by having some interesting fitness tests followed by some relaxation including sex lessons and experiences which he thoroughly enjoys.

Caution: This Pedo Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/Fa   Ma/Ma   Ma/mt   mt/mt   Teenagers   Coercion   Consensual   Rape   Gay   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Incest   Torture   Anal Sex   First   Massage   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Petting   Doctor/Nurse   Teacher/Student  

‘My best friend at school, who is usually a really happy person, Gwen said, ‘Has been looking really miserable the last few days. I asked her about it a few times but at first all she would say is, ‘There’s nothing the matter.’ Then after I’d asked a few times, she told me that she was sorry, but she couldn’t possibly tell anyone else about it, not even me.’

‘The next day when we were alone, I asked her again. Her name’s Isla by the way, she’s Scottish. I told her it was clearly something serious and if she didn’t tell someone it would just get worse and worse. ‘It’s ok,’ she said, ‘The problem only happens very occasionally and never lasts long, I’ll be fine again by next week.’

‘I dropped the subject then because it was clearly upsetting her. ‘What are you doing next week at half term?’ I asked. ‘We’ve got a visitor for a

few days,’ she told me, ‘It’s my dad’s boss from the other works. He came to stay for three days about six months ago, something to do with his work. She looked really down as she told me, so although I didn’t let on that I’d noticed, I’m convinced that he is at least part of the problem.’

‘We chatted for a while then I told her, ‘There’s one thing you should know about problems, they never go away on their own. If you do nothing about them, they just get worse and worse.’

‘I have a friend who’s our age,’ I told her. ‘He’s an expert at sorting out problems. I know he’s sorted out problems for people who have been attacked in all sorts of ways, rape, beatings, everything. You name it, he’s dealt with it.’

‘I couldn’t help but notice that when I said rape, she flinched. I’m sure I didn’t imagine it. Anyway, I told her she should at least come and meet you. I gave her your name and phone number and told her to text you. I don’t know if she’ll come, but if she does, it would be wonderful if you could sort it before next week for her.’

‘Derek and I are still very happy together and enjoying ourselves very much, thanks to you. Lots of love, Gwen. xx’

‘Ps. I heard the other week that Father O’Brien has been up to his old tricks again. But this time he has been unfrocked. By all accounts he had mysteriously acquired a black eye too.’

Lewis replied, ‘Glad to hear you two are doing well. Have fun. Great news about Father O’Brien. Xx’


On Friday as he was on his way home, he got another text. ‘Hi Lewis, you don’t know me. My name is Isla and I’m a friend of Gwen’s. She gave me your number and said she thought you might be able to help me with a problem.’

Lewis texted back, ‘Can I ring you now and tell you what I do?’ ‘Yes, please.’ came the prompt reply. He found a quiet spot to sit and rang her. A nervous Scottish sounding voice answered. He told her how he worked and all about not asking her about her problem until she felt relaxed enough with him.

‘I usually see people at five o’clock on a Saturday,’ he told her. ‘Do you know the video shop on the estate by the school.’ ‘I think so.’ she said. ‘I have the use of a room behind the shop,’ Lewis told her. ‘But if you could get there just before five tonight, I could see you then if that helps at all.’

‘To come tonight would be brilliant,’ she replied, ‘But I’m not sure I can make it for dead on five.’ ‘No worries,’ Lewis said, ‘Don’t break your neck. If you arrive after five the shop will be shut. Just text me when you’re outside and I’ll come through and let you in. If you change your mind just text ‘Not coming.’

‘I’ll be there.’ she said.

It was half four by then, so Lewis wandered over to the shop. Mike was surprised to see him. ‘I’ve just had a request for help from a friend of Gwen, Derek’s girlfriend,’ he told him. ‘Gwen thinks it’s urgent, so I’ve told her to come tonight.’

Mike grinned at him, ‘I can see you with a twenty-four-hour clinic before long.’ he said. Lewis helped him deal with the last of the days returned tapes then they went through to the back room. They had a hug and a kiss, then Lewis saw Mike out.

He went through to the back and made two coffees ready. At ten past five his phone pinged. ‘I’m outside the shop.’ the message said. Lewis went through and opened the shop door. ‘Come in.’ he told her.

Isla looked nervous. She was about an inch shorter than Lewis and whilst not fat, she had plenty of padding. Her hair was dark, and her body looked in reasonable proportions even with the padding.

Lewis locked the door and pointed out his key left in the lock. ‘With the key in it, no one can open it from outside,’ he explained, ‘So no one can get in to disturb us or hear anything you say. But because the key is there, should you wish to leave you can open the door and walk out.’

They went through into the back room and sat at the table with their coffees. ‘I’ll explain some more whilst we have our drink,’ Lewis told her, ‘But remember you can get up and walk out any time you want. No one’s done it yet, but if you do, you don’t need to say anything, just go. That’s because why you are going doesn’t matter. If you don’t feel happy being here with me, we don’t stand any chance at all of solving your problem.’

‘When we’ve had our coffee, you have two choices. Either leave or go over to the settee, take your shoes off and lie down. If you leave you will be welcome to return in the future if you wish. If you go over to the settee I will come and sit beside you and tell you what we do next.’

‘Nothing in here will hurt you or take you unawares. I will tell you what we are going to do, why we are doing it and what I hope to achieve. Even then nothing happens until you say go. Remember you can say ‘Stop’ or ‘Pass’ at any time.’

‘We will not discuss your problem until we both feel that you are completely relaxed with me. So, it’s up to you now.’ he said giving her a smile.

Isla got up and went over to the settee. Gwen had sung Lewis’s praises and told her he was a lovely person. When she spoke to him on the phone, he had sounded nice. Since she had met him in person, she already felt easier about being here. As she took her shoes off and lay down, she assumed it would be like being on a psychiatrist’s couch.

She had never been on one, but she had seen several in tv programmes. As Lewis came over to her, she anticipated he would pull up a chair. Instead, he stood smiling at her and asked, ‘Are you ok if I sit here?’ pointing to the edge of the settee.

Isla was surprised, but she felt completely safe with him already, ‘Yes.’ she said. Lewis sat on the edge facing her. ‘What I want to do next,’ he told her, ‘Are two things. One, I want to get to know all about you by asking you lots of questions. Two, I want to get you feeling completely relaxed with me. How we do the first one is obvious. For the second one I’d like you to turn over and let me massage down your back from your head to your feet and back again.’

‘The two combined will achieve the result we need. Now when you turn over, I will massage the back of your head, but I won’t move down or ask any questions until you say ‘Go.’ So, you can see that with ‘Go’ ‘Stop’ and ‘Pass’ it is you who are always in control.’

‘If you feel ready to give it a try, please turn over.’ Isla wasn’t sure about the unexpected appearance of being touched. But then she thought ‘A massage is nothing compared to what I’ve suffered.’ She looked at Lewis who was just sitting patiently waiting.

She gave him a smile and turned over. As his hands rested on her head, she tensed up briefly, but then it felt so nice she had relaxed again even before Lewis started massaging.

His massage on her head felt so light and so nice, she felt herself relaxing inside too. ‘Go,’ she said. As Lewis’s hands moved down onto her shoulders, he asked, ‘How old are you?’ ‘I’m fifteen.’ she said. ‘Tell me about where you live.’ he said as he moved down her back.

‘I live in a three bedroomed detached house about a mile from here,’ she told him. ‘I live with my dad, my mum died two years ago when we were living in Scotland.’

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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