The Life of Lewis
Copyright© 2021 by Lewis Lucas
Chapter 2: Two Boys In A Bed
Pedo Sex Story: Chapter 2: Two Boys In A Bed - Lewis is 15 and decides to get a Saturday job. Finding one in a Video hire shop helping Mike the manager, he finds himself earning a bit extra every week by having some interesting fitness tests followed by some relaxation including sex lessons and experiences which he thoroughly enjoys.
Caution: This Pedo Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa mt/Fa Ma/Ma Ma/mt mt/mt Teenagers Coercion Consensual Rape Gay BiSexual Heterosexual Fiction Incest Torture Anal Sex First Massage Masturbation Oral Sex Petting Doctor/Nurse Teacher/Student
Then as Lewis moved on down his legs, he continued, ‘We went down for dinner and then there was entertainment put on by the hotel where we were staying. When we came up to bed, instead of getting changed in the bathroom like he had done previously, Jeffery started to strip of. He was clearly intending to get changed in the room with me.’
‘When I realised what he was going to do, I went over and stood in front of him. ‘Why don’t we build on earlier and get changed together.’ I asked him. ‘Do you want me to lead?’ ‘Yes, please.’ he said. ‘I took my top off then he did the same. I took my trousers off and he copied me. As we stood looking at each other, me in my underpants and him in his shorts, I had an idea.’
As Lewis reached his underpants, Dean stopped again. Lewis massaged all over the front and Dean made a lot of happy noises. Then moving on up to the waist of his underpants, Lewis took hold of them and told him, ‘I’m going to wait here until you say ‘Up’ or ‘Down’. If you say up, I’ll carry on up to your head. If you say down, I’ll massage down. But this time it will be inside your underpants.’
There was no hesitation. ‘Down.’ Dean said firmly. As Lewis slid his hand inside and down over one thigh, Dean was already crying out happily. As the side of Lewis’s hand slid past his cock, his cock flexed, and Dean cried out louder.
Lewis brought his hand back up slowly, sliding against it once more. Then running his fingers through his hairs as he moved across, he went down the other leg. As his hand slid against the other side of Deans cock, he sounded as if he would choke. He was making so many happy noises.
Then it doubled as he moved his hand into the middle and rested it on Deans cock, holding it flat against his abdomen. He cupped his fingertips under his balls and started to very, very, slowly, draw his hand up over his cock.
‘If you feel relaxed enough,’ Lewis said, ‘Lift your hips up and I’ll take them off to set your cock free.’ Dean lifted his hips immediately. Lewis stopped moving on his cock and held it flat. With his other hand he pulled his underpants down to his knees.
Then taking his hand away, he left Deans cock waving about happy to be free whilst he slipped his underpants off over his feet. Returning to his cock, he stroked it all over, massaged his balls and ran his fingers through his hairs.
Looking him in the face, Lewis asked, ‘How do you feel at this moment?’ ‘Absolutely wonderful,’ Dean said, ‘I could kiss you.’ ‘Then why don’t you?’ Lewis told him. Dean sat up and held him tight. They kissed for ages then when they came up for air, Lewis told him, ‘You will never be more relaxed with me than you are now. I’m going to change position, then you can finish your story.’
‘After that you’ll be ready to tell me everything that happened to you so I can sort it out.’ Dean felt so relaxed. He knew in his heart now that Lewis could and would solve it all.
Lewis moved to the end of the settee and Dean lay down with his head on his lap. Lewis put one hand on his head and one just below his cock with his thumb on his hairs. Deans cock stood up proudly between Lewis’s thumb and forefinger.
Once settled, Lewis started a gentle and slow massage on his head as he told him, ‘Carry on with your story.’
Dean resumed, ‘It was our first time sharing a double bed. ‘It occurs to me,’ I told him, ‘That when we get into bed, you’ll be so worried about bumping into me during the night you won’t be able to sleep.’ ‘I know,’ Jeffery said, ‘I’ve been worrying about it since I saw the double bed.’
‘I have an idea to solve that,’ I said, ‘But let’s carry on getting changed first.’ I took my underpants off and stood facing him. He hesitated a moment then he took his shorts off. We stood looking at each other naked. ‘Take a step forward.’ I told him. As soon as he moved, I did the same. Now we were standing six inches apart.’
‘Am I right in thinking you’re concerned that in your sleep you might move and touch somewhere on me, not realising what you are doing?’ Somewhere that you feel you shouldn’t touch or would embarrass you?’ I asked. ‘Yes,’ he said going red. I put my arms out and told him, ‘Put your arms out like I have.’ Then when he did, I stepped forward and put my arms round him.’
‘Put your arms round me,’ I told him. ‘Now,’ I said. ‘Our heads are touching, our chests are touching, our legs are touching and most important of all our cocks are touching. Would you agree?’ ‘Yes,’ he said. ‘So, as all those bits have already touched, it won’t matter in the least if they touch again in our sleep, will it?’ ‘I suppose not.’ he said.
‘But, when we’re asleep and moving around, it’s possible that our hands might touch anywhere. So, step back a couple of inches.’ We did then I asked, ‘Have you ever touched anyone else’s cock?’ ‘No.’ he said sounding horrified at the suggestion. ‘Well, now’s your chance,’ I said. ‘Use both hands and have a feel of my cock and my balls. Then having already held them, you won’t need to worry if you get hold of them in your sleep.’
He looked at me with his mouth open. ‘Really?’ he asked. ‘Yes, I’ve no problem with you doing it,’ I told him, ‘I’m closer to you than anyone else.’ He reached out and took hold as if he was holding fragile glass. ‘You can hold a little bit firmer,’ I told him, ‘I won’t break. Have a good feel all over.’
‘He did, and as he moved his hands over me, it felt lovely. It must have felt good to him too, because in seconds we were both fully hard. He went red again. ‘That feels lovely,’ I said, ‘I’ve never had anyone else make me erect before or for that matter, seen anyone else erect either. It’s good that it’s happened with my best pal.’
‘You may as well add to your experience and have another feel now I’m erect,’ I said. He did and it was very obvious he was relaxing and enjoying it. His cock was throbbing like mad.’
‘Eventually he let go and put his hands down by his side. I looked at him. When he said nothing, I said, ‘Well, that’s you sorted. You can sleep happily without worrying. Now what about me?’
‘That evidentially hadn’t occurred to him. He thought for a moment then said, ‘Would you like to feel me too?’ ‘Yes please,’ I said, ‘Are you ok about it.’ ‘Yes,’ he said, ‘It was lovely holding you so I’m sure it will feel lovely having you hold me.’
‘I took hold of his cock, it felt enormous, I so wished mine was bigger. It throbbed like mad as I held it. Then when I felt his balls, they were bigger than mine too. It gave me a lovely sensation. Reluctantly I let go and stepped back.’
‘Now,’ I said, ‘Every bit of us has touched each other. We have held each other’s cocks soft and hard. We’ve felt each other’s balls. So would you agree that if you wake up in the night and find your hand on my cock, or my hand on your cock, it won’t bother either of us?’
‘I agree.’ he said with a grin. ‘So, here’s one more suggestion then,’ I said. ‘How about we get into bed exactly as we are now. Then we can lie close together, enjoy the feeling and ever after if we sleep together neither of us will have anything to worry about.’
‘Ok,’ he said, ‘Actually that sounds rather nice.’ ‘Let’s get into bed and try it then,’ I said. We both got in and settled down. We turned on our sides to face each other. ‘Who’d have thought we’d ever be like this,’ I said. ‘I can’t believe it either,’ Jeffery said, ‘I’ve always been so terribly shy. Mind you, I doubt I could do it with anyone else.’ ‘You’ll have to one day,’ I said.
‘How do you mean?’ he asked sounding puzzled. ‘When you make love to your girlfriend,’ I said. ‘I presume you’re still a virgin?’ He went red again and said quietly, ‘Yes.’ ‘So am I,’ I told him. ‘I haven’t even kissed anyone on the lips yet.’ ‘I haven’t either,’ he said. ‘Wouldn’t it be awful to make a mess of it on your first date.’
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