The Life of Lewis
Copyright© 2021 by Lewis Lucas
Chapter 1: Dean Overcomes His Panic
Pedo Sex Story: Chapter 1: Dean Overcomes His Panic - Lewis is 15 and decides to get a Saturday job. Finding one in a Video hire shop helping Mike the manager, he finds himself earning a bit extra every week by having some interesting fitness tests followed by some relaxation including sex lessons and experiences which he thoroughly enjoys.
Caution: This Pedo Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa mt/Fa Ma/Ma Ma/mt mt/mt Teenagers Coercion Consensual Rape Gay BiSexual Heterosexual Fiction Incest Torture Anal Sex First Massage Masturbation Oral Sex Petting Doctor/Nurse Teacher/Student
‘You’re not the first person it’s happened to,’ Lewis told him, ‘And I’m sure that I can sort it out for you. That you have felt able to tell me what you have suffered so soon, is a very good sign that we will succeed. I say we because it’s a team effort. You and me working together.’
‘Now, before we look at your problem, we’re going to carry on getting you relaxed first, because that is very important. To achieve that I need you to continue to answer my questions, but I also need you to realise that nothing I do when I relax your body will hurt you.’
‘So, we have to keep trying. But don’t force yourself. Say stop as often as you need. We’ll just keep trying until we succeed. If it takes longer than today, it doesn’t matter at all, we can carry on tomorrow or whenever you want.’
‘Let me tell you, Lewis told him, ‘That whatever it was that they did to you, someone else has already been in this room telling me the same. I tell you that,’ Lewis said, ‘So you know you are not alone. I’ve heard it all before, so I’m used to it. Knowing that will help you when we eventually get to the point of you telling me all about what happened to you.’
He gave him a hug then said, ‘If you can, lie down and turn over then we’ll try again.’ Dean hugged him back. ‘Thank you.’ he said. He lay down and turned over. Lewis put his hands back on his head and massaged. ‘Say go when you feel ready to try,’ he told him. ‘Take your time, the only timetable is yours.’
He massaged all over his head and Dean felt quite relaxed. After a short while, Dean said, ‘Go.’ As Lewis moved down onto his bare shoulders he asked, ‘Tell me how you come to be living with your sister.’ As he moved down his back, Dean told him, ‘My mum died when I was a baby. A year ago, my dad had an accident and died soon after. We couldn’t keep the house on, so my sister moved to this area and rented our present flat.’
‘We were happy together for about four months, then she met Vance. He moved in soon after. I didn’t particularly take to him, but he was nice enough and caused me no trouble.’ He had been engrossed in his story and it wasn’t until Lewis had nearly finished massaging his cheeks that he realised, panicked and shouted, ‘Stop.’
Lewis immediately returned his hands to Deans head. As he massaged it, he said, ‘Think about what just happened. I was massaging your cheeks and you didn’t realise I was doing it. That means it was not hurting you or causing you any discomfort.’
‘You only panicked when you suddenly realised where my hands were. When we try again, try and remember that. But you can still say stop as often as you want to.’
‘You don’t need to say go anymore,’ Lewis told him, ‘I’m satisfied you are ok about saying stop and pass now.’ He massaged his head a little longer then moved down onto his shoulders. ‘Can you describe Vance to me?’ Lewis asked. ‘He’s taller than me.’ Dean said as Lewis massaged down his back. ‘He’s stronger than me too. He bosses my sister around and although I’ve never seen it, I think he hits her sometimes.’
‘Can you describe the layout of the flat?’ Lewis asked as he reached his waist. ‘The front door opens into a small hall and then into the lounge,’ Dean started to say, then he felt Lewis’s hands moving onto his underpants. He stopped speaking and tensed up. As Lewis massaged his cheeks, he was very tense but hadn’t said stop. Lewis moved as quickly as he could onto his legs.
As he moved down his thighs, Lewis said, ‘I know that was hard for you, but you succeeded, Well done.’ Dean continued saying, ‘Off the lounge is a door into the kitchen and at the far end a door into another hall. To the left are two doors, one is the main bedroom shared by my sister and Vance. The other is the bathroom. To the right are another two doors. One is my bedroom and the other is the spare room. The doors are side by side at the end of the hall which is short but about six feet wide.’
Lewis had reached his feet and started back up. ‘How old are your sister and Vance.’ Lewis asked. ‘Becky, my sister, is twenty-six and I think Vance is around the same age.’ Dean replied.
As Lewis moved up onto his underpants, Dean stiffened up but nowhere near as much as previously. Lewis massaged his cheeks for the usual length of time, then moved on up. As his hands came onto Deans bare back, he relaxed immediately. ‘That was even better.’ Lewis said.
‘How do you get on with the other boys at school?’ Lewis asked. ‘Ok, mainly,’ Dean told him. ‘There are a few that I don’t like, but they’ve never been a problem. My best pal is Dudley. When I first arrived, he made a point of making me welcome. Then as soon as he discovered I liked swimming he got me a try out for the swimming team.’
‘Not only was that great, but it also gave me a crowd of new friends immediately.’ Lewis reached his head and took his hands off. ‘Turn over,’ he instructed. Once Dean was settled, Lewis smiled at him. ‘You’re doing well,’ he said, ‘It should only get easier from now on.’
‘I’m going to go down your front now just the same,’ Lewis told him, ‘With more questions of course.’ Dean gave a brief grin.
Lewis massaged the front of his head, then moved onto his temples. He felt Dean relax a touch more as the pleasure it gave him sank in. Lewis stayed there for a while, then as he moved down onto the front of his shoulders, he asked, ‘Have you and Dudley been to each other’s homes?’
‘Yes,’ he said, ‘When I first made friends with Dudley, we went to each other’s a few times. Then after Vance arrived, I stopped inviting Dudley. But he kept inviting me to his. His mum and dad have always made me very welcome. Dudley guessed I’d stopped inviting him over because of Vance but he never asked why.’
Lewis had massaged over his chest which was solid, broad and hairy. ‘Can you tell me why?’ he asked as he moved down over his stomach. ‘Before you answer that,’ he added, ‘You know that Dudley sent you to see me, so he knows that you’re here. But he will never hear from me anything you tell me.’
‘I just stopped inviting him soon after Vance moved in,’ Dean answered. ‘At the time, I didn’t think about it, it just seemed the thing to do. It wasn’t until later that I realised that I had felt it wasn’t safe. Although that subsequently proved correct, I still can’t think why I thought that was so at that time.’
As Lewis moved up onto the front of his underpants Dean went tense again. He was clearly struggling trying hard not to say no. Lewis went very fast over the whole area then returned to his head. ‘I could see you were struggling,’ he said. ‘You did well not to say stop, but I want you to be able to do it because you feel safe and relaxed, not because you’re putting up a fight.’
He massaged his temples again and felt him relaxing. When he felt him relax enough, Lewis moved down onto his shoulders and asked, ‘How do you get on with the girls at school.’
‘Ok,’ Dean said. ‘Being in the swimming team seems to attract them. Then Gwen keeps bringing a friend along whenever she knows I’m going to be there. I haven’t asked anyone for a date yet because I couldn’t invite them home, but I have had opportunities.’
‘Did you have a girlfriend at your previous school?’ Lewis asked as he massaged over his firm stomach. ‘No,’ Dean said, ‘I didn’t have the opportunity. Also, I was quite shy back then. Dudley and the swimming team have brought me out of my shell.’
‘That’s nice to hear,’ Lewis said as he moved up onto his underpants. ‘So which girl features most in your night-time dreams?’ Dean blushed slightly then said, ‘Cassie who is in my form. She often comes to watch at the pool.’
Lewis was massaging over his cock as he said her name and it was clear Dean hadn’t registered until that moment where his hand was. He went rigid immediately and opened his mouth. But before any sound came out, he closed his mouth and started to relax.
As Lewis finished massaging on his underpants and moved to his thighs, he said, ‘That was excellent. What made you relax so much.’ ‘As I was about to shout stop,’ Dean said, ‘I realised that I wasn’t frightened or hurting. I knew that if I hadn’t looked down at that point, I wouldn’t have given it a thought.’
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