The Life of Lewis - Cover

The Life of Lewis

Copyright© 2021 by Lewis Lucas

Chapter 6: An Invitation For Tom

Pedo Sex Story: Chapter 6: An Invitation For Tom - Lewis is 15 and decides to get a Saturday job. Finding one in a Video hire shop helping Mike the manager, he finds himself earning a bit extra every week by having some interesting fitness tests followed by some relaxation including sex lessons and experiences which he thoroughly enjoys.

Caution: This Pedo Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/Fa   Ma/Ma   Ma/mt   mt/mt   Teenagers   Coercion   Consensual   Rape   Gay   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Incest   Torture   Anal Sex   First   Massage   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Petting   Doctor/Nurse   Teacher/Student  


The next day Tom carried on filling the well. When he got it a couple of feet below the surface, he pushed all the bricks off the ground into it, then pulled the rest of the walls in.

Finally, he put more soil on top to bring it up a few feet above the ground. Then he drove over it several times so that one of the caterpillar tracks acted as a steamroller. After crossing it a couple of times, the mound had been squashed down to ground level.

He moved another mound over it and did the same. Then he made a small hill six feet high over the centre of the well. He was satisfied that as all his infill settled, the hill of soil would top it up. Driving round the field, he parked the digger by the gate and rang the hire firm. He had only had it for less than twenty-four hours so there would only be one days hire charge to pay plus delivery.

Following the pathologist’s instructions, he rang the farmer. He thanked him for the loan of the cage and told him where it was. ‘Can you put a fence or hedge to suit you in the gap we’ve made?’ he asked. ‘Then send us a bill for everything you’ve done.’ The farmer agreed so Tom went into the tent. The pathologist was out so he spoke to one of the others and said he’d been asked to help. ‘But I’ve never done it before.’ he told him.

‘No problem.’ he was told, ‘I’m Fred, get kitted up and I’ll show you what to do.’ He passed him a pair of lightweight wellies, a coverall a mask and a pair of gloves.

Tom knelt down by Fred and was handed a small gardening trowel. ‘Just take a trowel full off the heap in the middle and put it on the tarpaulin in front of you.’ he instructed. He showed him how to use the trowel to sift through it.

‘That’s a piece of flesh,’ he pointed out. ‘We can’t test every little bit, so just put it all in a pile. Then when you have too much of it, put it in the bin over there marked flesh.’

‘If you find anything metal, put that in a different heap and any bones put on the sheet over there with the other bones. We’ll try and match them up later. Anything you’re doubtful about, call me and I’ll have a look at it.’

‘Everything else is probably rubbish. Put that in a separate heap but don’t dispose of that until I’ve checked it, ok?’ ‘Ok, thanks.’ Tom said.

He took his first trowel full and made a start. Fred stood watching for a while but seeing he seemed to be doing it ok, he went and carried on himself.

After he had done ten trowels full, Tom had a big heap of flesh and an even bigger heap of rubbish. There were also a few bits of metal and he had found two small bones which he had put over with the others. He called Fred and asked him to check before he put the flesh in the bin.

‘Yes, everything is good.’ Fred said after a quick check on his heaps. ‘You can put everything in the appropriate bins. Call me after your next lot and if that is as good, you can carry on doing it on your own.’

Tom felt pleased with himself at that. He did another ten trowels full, then called Fred again. He confirmed he had everything in the right heaps. ‘Well done,’ he said, ‘You’re a natural. Carry on. You don’t need me now, just call me if you hit a snag.’

By the end of the day, they had completed the first bag. The pathologist returned and was delighted. ‘Ok, folks,’ he called out. ‘You deserve a weekend off. Resume Monday.’ As they packed up the Pathologist told Tom, ‘Fred gives you a good report so are you still happy to carry on with us on Monday?’

‘Yes please,’ Tom said, ‘It’s very interesting.’ ‘Great,’ he said, ‘See you Monday.’ Tom rang the station and told them they needed a twenty-four-hour guard for the weekend.

Half an hour later the pathology team were all gone, and the first guard arrived. Tom showed him round then told him to make sure he had a replacement before he left.

Then he set off home. He had texted Amelia to let her know he was finishing shortly and that he was unexpectedly off for the weekend. As he arrived home she texted to ask if he fancied a Chinese takeaway at hers. ‘Yes, that would be lovely,’ he said, ‘Shall I collect it on the way over?’

‘No, it’s ok,’ she said, ‘I’ll phone an order through after you get here. It’ll give you chance to unwind first. They’ll deliver so it’s not a problem.’ Tom had a shower and drove over. His mum saw him off and told him, ‘I’ll have to get used to sharing you now.’ she said with a laugh. He gave her a hug and a kiss.

Arriving at Amelia’s, she greeted him with a hug and a long kiss. ‘It’s lovely to see you,’ she told him. ‘Sit down and I’ll get you a cider.’ As he drank, she handed him a menu. He read through and chose prawn crackers and chicken fried rice. Amelia chose sweet and sour chicken and a portion of chips. She rang it through and was told half an hour.

She set the table and put plates in the oven to warm. After opening a bottle of wine and filling the glasses ready, she went and sat on the settee by Tom. He immediately put his glass down and turned to take her in his arms and kiss her.

It only seemed moments before the doorbell rang. Amelia reluctantly left his arms and went to buzz the delivery man in. She opened the door ready. She had paid by card over the phone, so she just took it off him, thanked him, handed him a tip and came back in.

Tom came over to her as she unpacked it. ‘Do you want yours as ordered or share both half and half?’ she asked. ‘I’ll try half and half, please.’ Tom said.

They sat at the table and tucked in. There wasn’t a lot of conversation in between mouthfuls. When it had all gone, they were nearly at the end of their second glass of wine.

‘How about cheese and biscuits for dessert?’ Amelia asked. ‘Lovely.’ Tom said. He cleared the table as Amelia set out the cheese and biscuits. She also put a bottle of port out on the table.

As they sat sipping port and nibbling cheese and biscuits they chatted away as usual. Tom told her what he had been doing that day. Amelia told him about her day at work. ‘Not as exciting as yours though.’ she said.

As Tom enjoyed his second glass of port, something he had never had before, he was thinking to himself, ‘I’ll have to leave the car here and walk home, I’m well over the driving limit already.’

They cleared the table and washed up between them, then Amelia made them a coffee. They sat on the settee with their coffees and tried to decide what they were going to do with their unexpected free weekend. When they had finished Tom told her to stay where she was.

He took the cups back to the kitchen and washed them. Returning to the settee he sat beside her. As soon as he was sitting, Amelia turned towards him. He did likewise and they kissed.

As they kissed Tom put his hand up between them and cupped it over Amelia’s nearest breast. That she enjoyed feeling it there was made very clear by the happy sounds that escaped her.

After a few moments, Tom slid his hand off her breast and down to her waist. He moved his fingers under her top and slowly slid his hand up her front on her skin.

Amelia was making lots of happy noises at the sensation. As

Toms hand reached her breast, his fingertips touched the bare skin under her bra briefly, then moved on up to cup over her bra.

As he kissed her, she kissed back and was running her hands all over his head. Tom broke off kissing and asked, ‘Are you ok?’ ‘Yes.’ she said, ‘I’ve never been so happy. I love you so much.’ ‘I love you too.’ Tom told her.

They kissed once more, and Amelia rested one hand on Toms leg. Then as they carried on kissing, she slid her hand up his leg and found what she expected. Tom was erect. She rested her hand on it gently and as they stopped kissing, she told him, ‘I hope feeling my hand there is as nice for you as it is for me feeling your hand on my breast.’

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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