The Life of Lewis - Cover

The Life of Lewis

Copyright© 2021 by Lewis Lucas

Chapter 4: I Think He’s Dead

Pedo Sex Story: Chapter 4: I Think He’s Dead - Lewis is 15 and decides to get a Saturday job. Finding one in a Video hire shop helping Mike the manager, he finds himself earning a bit extra every week by having some interesting fitness tests followed by some relaxation including sex lessons and experiences which he thoroughly enjoys.

Caution: This Pedo Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/Fa   Ma/Ma   Ma/mt   mt/mt   Teenagers   Coercion   Consensual   Rape   Gay   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Incest   Torture   Anal Sex   First   Massage   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Petting   Doctor/Nurse   Teacher/Student  

‘I heard bangs and bumps vaguely behind me as I raced into my bedroom. I threw myself on my bed. I was shaking with fear at what I’d done. I knew he would be pounding on the door any minute.’

‘Time seemed to stand still for ages, and nothing happened. Then I started to think, ‘What if he was seriously hurt and lying injured at the bottom of the stairs?’ I couldn’t just leave him there. I took the chair away and gingerly opened the door half expecting him to be standing there ready to grab me.’

‘He wasn’t, and everywhere was still silent. I crept carefully to the top of the stairs and looked down. He was lying at the bottom with his head on the hall floor and his feet several steps up. I stood looking down at him, my heart beating like mad.’

‘I don’t know how long I stood there before I started down. When I reached his feet, I kicked one foot gently. I half expected him to leap up and grab me even then. But he didn’t move. Then I noticed his face had gone a very dark red all over.’

‘I plucked up courage and climbed over him. I reached out and touched his forehead.’

‘He didn’t move, and it felt cold. I put my hand on his chest and I couldn’t feel him breathing. I felt in his pockets and recovered his phone. After putting it in my pocket, I took my phone out and called 999 for the ambulance.’

‘My uncle has fallen downstairs,’ I said. ‘I think he’s dead, I can’t see him breathing or feel a pulse and his skin is cold.’ They took all the details and address and said they would be there as soon as they could.’

‘The nearest ambulance station was in Bangor, off the Island. So, it was a good twenty minutes before they arrived. They pronounced him dead right away and said he had broken his neck in the fall.’

‘A policeman arrived a few minutes later and he took me into the lounge. I told him I’d been in my bedroom with my earphones on. I hadn’t heard anything. I had decided to go down and get a drink before I got into bed and saw him as soon as I got to the top of the stairs.’

‘I felt his forehead and it felt cold. I put my hand on his chest and couldn’t feel him breathing. I couldn’t find a pulse either, so I dialled 999. He asked if he was on any medication or if he drank. I told him I had no idea about medication but in the six months he had lived with us, I hadn’t seen him drinking at all. ‘Although,’ I said, ‘He’s a bit of a recluse, he spent most of his time in his room.’

‘He asked me where my mum and dad were. I told him and said they would be home in an hour. ‘Ok,’ he said, ‘We’ll take him away, there’ll have to be a post-mortem. Someone will call tomorrow and take a statement from you. Will you be ok on your own until your parents return?’ I assured him I would so the ambulance took the body away and the policeman left.’

‘I sat down in the lounge and shook for what seemed like ages. Then I went up to his room. I knew he must have had a computer or something to record from the camera.’

‘I had to search for ages until I found it hidden on top of the wardrobe. I assumed from that, that mum wouldn’t have known he had one. I tried opening the computer and the phone but both required passwords. So, I took them both and hid them in the garden shed.’

‘Mum and dad arrived home soon afterwards. I took them into the lounge and told them what I’d told the policeman. Neither of them seemed upset, if anything they both almost looked happier. Mum gave me a hug and said, ‘You poor boy, having to deal with that on your own. You go on up to bed, I’ll bring you a hot drink up.’

‘When she did, she sat on the side of the bed and gave me a hug. ‘Your uncle wasn’t a happy man,’ she said, ‘At least he’ll be at peace now.’ Then ten minutes later dad came in. He just gave me a hug and asked if I was ok after my experience. ‘I assured him that I was, so he gave me another hug and kissed the top of my head.’

‘The next day, two plainclothes policemen arrived. They examined the staircase, commented on how steep it was, asked mum all about him and wrote out my statement which I then signed.’

‘The pathologist says he died from a broken neck, conjusive with a fall down the stairs,’ he told us. ‘He had no other injuries so it will be recorded as an accidental death.’

‘The body was released a week later and mum as next of kin told the undertaker to send it to the crematorium and do whatever he wanted with the ashes. I was very surprised at that. I can only assume he must have really upset mum sometime in the past.’

‘After that, everything returned to how it had been before he came, everyone was suddenly happy again. Then I started having nightmares about what I’d done. I came to visit my aunt and as you know she spotted I was worrying about something and told John.’

‘And that’s it.’ he said, letting out a long sigh. ‘I’ll bet you feel better just getting all that off your chest.’ Danny said. ‘A couple of questions. What did you do with the computer and phone?’ ‘I waited a month,’ he said. ‘By then it was evident that mum and dad had no idea they were missing.’

‘When they were out one morning, I brought them out and smashed them to pieces on the concrete path with a seven-pound lump hammer. I put all the bits in a bag and took it to one of the pubs where I worked. I emptied the bag into their industrial bin so all the bits would mix up with the other rubbish.’

‘I didn’t know if the camera signal could be picked up by anyone nearby. So, I took the hook off the door, cut the camera off with a hacksaw, and put the hook back to cover the hole in the door. The camera went in our bin.’

‘How is your bum now?’ Danny asked. ‘It seems fine,’ Aled said. ‘It took a couple of weeks before every little twinge disappeared, but everything seems to be back to normal now.’

‘How about firing yourself, have you had any problem doing it?’ ‘No none.’ ‘And would you say you were doing it as often as you were before your uncle came to stay?’ ‘Yes, I think so.’ Aled answered.

‘Ok, sit up.’ Danny said. He moved around to the side and put his arms out. Aled sat up and sank into his arms. He put his head on his shoulder and felt so relived. Danny held him still for a while then he said, ‘In a moment, if you agree, I’m going to examine your bum to make sure there is no permanent damage.’

‘Then I’m going to suggest something to get the experience out of your memory. After that we’ll sort out anything else.’ ‘I’m in your hands.’ Aled said.

‘Ok,’ Danny said, ‘If you had carried on having sessions with Evan, you may well have decided to put your cocks up each other’s bums. Had you done so you would have both enjoyed it for a number of reasons. First you are very fond of each other. Second you trust each other. Third you know neither of you would hurt the other. Fourth it would be pain free. Fifth it would have been enjoyable. Six, it would have only happened with the consent of both of you.’

‘The essentials of all sex are consent and consideration. Neither of which were things that your uncle had any care about.’

‘Lie down now and draw the knee up nearest the back of the settee.’

Danny put a disposable glove on and told him, ‘I’m going to squirt some olive oil up your bum then put my finger up inside you to check your insides.’ He put his container to Aled’s opening and squirted. Aled laughed at the unexpected tickling sensation inside him. As Danny rubbed a drop more around his opening, he was surprised to find how lovely it felt.

Danny dripped a drop of oil on his finger and put it against the opening. He pressed gently and told Aled to try and relax. He kept up just enough pressure to keep his finger in place. Aled’s bum had tensed up as usual, so Danny leaned forward and kissed Aled on his lips.

Aled kissed back happily. Danny made it a long kiss and soon felt Aled’s muscles relaxing. He kept kissing as his finger slid inside him. When he broke off the kiss, he told a surprised Aled that his finger was inside him as far as it could go.

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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