The Life of Lewis - Cover

The Life of Lewis

Copyright© 2021 by Lewis Lucas

Chapter 8: A Brothers Admission

Pedo Sex Story: Chapter 8: A Brothers Admission - Lewis is 15 and decides to get a Saturday job. Finding one in a Video hire shop helping Mike the manager, he finds himself earning a bit extra every week by having some interesting fitness tests followed by some relaxation including sex lessons and experiences which he thoroughly enjoys.

Caution: This Pedo Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/Fa   Ma/Ma   Ma/mt   mt/mt   Teenagers   Coercion   Consensual   Rape   Gay   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Incest   Torture   Anal Sex   First   Massage   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Petting   Doctor/Nurse   Teacher/Student  

On Tuesday at mid-morning break, Lewis was in the playground when a young lad came over to him. He looked to be about twelve and very worried. Lewis smiled at him as he approached. ‘Hi, are you Lewis?’ he asked. ‘Yes.’ Lewis said offering his hand.

He shook it saying, ‘Hi, I’m Michael. Are you the Lewis who sorts out people’s problems?’ he asked. Lewis noticed he looked around first as if to make sure that no one else could hear.

‘Yes, I am,’ Lewis said, ‘Can I ask who told you that?’ ‘Dudley did,’ he said. ‘He saw how upset I was this morning. When I said I couldn’t tell him what was upsetting me he told me I should go and see Lewis. You can tell him anything,’ he said, ‘He will never tell anyone what you’ve told him.’

‘That’s a nice reference,’ Lewis said. ‘Everyone who comes to see me feels their problem is so embarrassing they couldn’t possibly tell a soul about it. But they all manage to relax and tell me. So far, I’ve sorted them all out successfully.’

Michael looked a little bit more cheerful. ‘The bell will go any minute,’ Lewis told him. ‘Why don’t you meet me at the main gate when school finishes, then we can have a chat. I’ll tell you what I can do to help you, then you can decide if you want to try. Don’t worry, you don’t need to tell me anything about your problem just yet.’

‘Ok, thank you.’ Michael said. He thought that sounded good. As the bell went and they returned to class, he had more of a spring in his step.

After school, Lewis found Michael waiting by the gate. They walked along together, and Lewis asked him his age and where he lived. ‘I’m fifteen,’ he said. ‘You probably thought I was much younger being so small. I live in the terraced houses over the other side of the estate past the shops.’ He pointed over towards the video shop.

‘They walked along a little, then came to a bus stop with a bench seat. There was no one around so Lewis said, ‘Let’s sit here for a moment.’ He explained that he had the use of a private room where he counselled people.

‘When someone new comes,’ he told him, ‘I never ask them about their problem until they are feeling really relaxed with me. By the time they are fully relaxed they usually feel able to tell me everything. Not just about their problem, but about their life, their experiences and of course their sex experiences or dreams.’

As Michael looked startled, Lewis said, ‘Every problem I’ve dealt with so far has had sex in it somewhere. Sometimes a little bit, sometimes a very great deal. But it always seems to be there somewhere. So, I’ve heard it all before and whatever you tell me it won’t embarrass me.’

‘You probably won’t believe it right now, but by the time you are completely relaxed, you won’t feel embarrassed telling me either.’

‘If you decide to let me help you,’ Lewis told him, ‘I would arrange for you to come to the room with me. We would be alone, and no one would be able to come in or hear anything we say to each other. If at any time you decided you didn’t want to continue, all you would have to do, is to get up and walk out. You don’t need to say why you’re going because it doesn’t matter. If you are not happy being there with me, we have no chance of achieving anything anyway.’

‘No one has done it yet,’ he said, ‘But if you did, you would still be welcome to contact me and return another time if you wanted to.’ He remained silent for a moment to let it all sink in. ‘I usually see people on a Saturday at five pm.’ he said, ‘But if it’s necessary, I can do an evening instead. So now you know, it’s entirely up to you to decide.’

Michael thought about Dudley’s recommendation, then about how nice Lewis seemed. ‘I’d like to try please,’ he said, ‘But could we do it sooner than Saturday?’ ‘When would you like to start?’ Lewis asked.

‘Is today possible?’ Michael asked looking anxious. ‘Is that because you are likely to suffer a lot more from your problem between now and Saturday,’ Lewis asked. ‘Yes.’ he answered quietly looking sad.

By now it was half past four. ‘Let’s carry on walking and I’ll see what I can do.’ Lewis said. They were getting near to the shop so as they reached it, Lewis told him, ‘Can you just hang on for a moment whilst I pop in here.’

‘Ok.’ Michael said and stood looking in the window. Lewis went in and Mike was serving a customer. He went round the counter and sat down. He checked a returned video whist he waited. As soon as Mike finished serving, Lewis got up and asked, ‘I’ve just had an urgent request, is it ok if I use the back room this evening?’ ‘Of course, it is,’ Mike said, ‘You know that.’

‘I know,’ Lewis said, ‘But it doesn’t seem right to assume and just walk in unannounced. Mike tousled his hair. ‘You know I’d never say no.’ he said. Lewis smiled at him and went back outside.

‘Come on in,’ he told Michael, ‘I’ll show you where we would be.’ They went into the shop which was now empty of customers. Lewis introduced Michael to Mike who told him, ‘You can stop worrying now, whatever it is Lewis will sort it out for you.’

In the back-room Lewis made them a coffee each. ‘Mike will be in for his coat shortly,’ he told him, ‘Then he will close the shop and go home. We’ll have the place to ourselves. Mike knows you have a problem otherwise you wouldn’t be here, but he will never know what it is or anything that you tell me.’

They sat drinking their coffee. In between sips, Lewis explained about his key in the door and saying ‘Pass’ and ‘Stop.’ As he was washing their cups Mike came in and picked his coat up. ‘Good luck.’ he said smiling at Michael.

Lewis saw him out and gave him a hug and a kiss. ‘Thanks.’ he said. Returning to the back room he sat back at the table and told Michael, ‘It’s decision time now. If you don’t want to stop, all you need to do is to walk out. If you want to give it a try, go over to the settee, take your shoes off and lie down. I’ll come and sit at your side and explain what happens next.’

Michael got up from the table and moved over to the settee. Lewis followed him and studied his build. He was only about five foot six inches tall. He was exceptionally slim, and although he was fifteen, he only looked about twelve. He had a perfect figure because his hips were much smaller than his shoulders. Yet the width across his shoulders was probably only two thirds of Lewis’s.

He kicked off his shoes and lay down. Lewis sat at his side and told him that he was going to ask him lots of questions to find out all about him. ‘Whilst I do that, I’ll ask you to turn over. Then I will massage your back from head to foot and back again. Between the two I will learn all about you and you will get to feel relaxed, both with me, and with talking to me.’

‘Turn over if you feel ready to start.’ Michael turned right away. Once he was settled, Lewis put his hands on his head and massaged it. It seemed strange on such a small head. ‘I won’t start asking questions or moving down until you say go.’ he told him.

Michael soon said, ‘Go.’ so Lewis said, ‘Tell me about your home and who you live with.’ as he moved down onto his shoulders. ‘I live in a two bedroomed terraced house,’ Michael said. ‘I live with my mum and dad and my elder brother Ronnie. He is nineteen.’

As he moved down his back Lewis asked, ‘How do you get on with your mum and dad?’ ‘Ok,’ he replied, ‘We argue occasionally, and they tell me off sometimes, but I usually deserve it.’

As he massaged over his cheeks, Michael showed no sign of discomfort. ‘What sort of thing do they tell you off for?’ Lewis asked. ‘Usually not tidying up after myself,’ he said. ‘As well as not doing as well as they think I should at school.’

‘How do you get on with your brother?’ Lewis asked, ‘Am I right in assuming you share a room?’ ‘Yes, we do,’ Michael agreed as Lewis reached his feet and started back up. ‘I suppose we don’t get on too bad considering our age difference. He’s bossy being the older one and he’s not averse to giving me a punch occasionally. But even when he’s annoyed with me and hits me, he doesn’t use his full power. He’s built much heftier than I am and he’s very strong.’

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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