The Life of Lewis
Copyright© 2021 by Lewis Lucas
Chapter 8: An Unexpected Cure
Pedo Sex Story: Chapter 8: An Unexpected Cure - Lewis is 15 and decides to get a Saturday job. Finding one in a Video hire shop helping Mike the manager, he finds himself earning a bit extra every week by having some interesting fitness tests followed by some relaxation including sex lessons and experiences which he thoroughly enjoys.
Caution: This Pedo Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa mt/Fa Ma/Ma Ma/mt mt/mt Teenagers Coercion Consensual Rape Gay BiSexual Heterosexual Fiction Incest Torture Anal Sex First Massage Masturbation Oral Sex Petting Doctor/Nurse Teacher/Student
‘Of course,’ Ernie said. ‘Incidentally, Julie and the girls are here too. You go straight into the dining room. I’ll send Steven into you.’ ‘Can you send Ella in as well.’ Lewis said. He took three of the dining chairs from the table and put two side by side and one facing them.
Ella came in followed by Stephen. Lewis gave Ella a quick hug and a kiss, then gave Steven a hug. ‘You two sit here please,’ he said. He sat facing them. ‘Stephen, I’m sorry but I have some bad news for you,’ he said. ‘Your Aunty Jessie didn’t leave you. I believe your uncle killed her.’ Steven looked horrified and Ella put her arm around him.
‘I don’t know if he did it deliberately or accidentally yet,’ he said, ‘But he then buried her body in the back garden. It hasn’t been formally identified yet, but I’ve spoken to her brother-in-law who gave me a number of identifying marks. The pathologist has confirmed that they all match.’
Steven burst into tears. Ella turned to face him and put her arms around him. He sobbed on her shoulder. Lewis remained silent as Steven sobbed it all out on Ella’s shoulder. When he finished and wiped his eyes, Ella held his hand. He smiled at her. ‘Thank you.’ he said.
Looking at Lewis he asked, ‘What happens now?’ ‘You’re going to stay here tonight at least,’ Lewis said, ‘Because the police are still working at your house. Your aunt’s sister is giving a DNA sample to the local police this evening, so we will get absolute proof it is her very soon. But honestly, I don’t think there is any doubt.’
‘In the next few days your relatives will come down to see you. Now, your name will not be mentioned in any public court report because of your age. But when he is charged with murder, his name and address will be public.’
‘That will mean people who know you will put two and two together. So, I suggest you stay off school next week whilst we sort everything out. I’ll explain it to the school. Now you stay here with Ella, and I’ll go and explain what has happened to the others. I won’t give any details about your attack.’
As Lewis got up, Steven stood up and hugged him. ‘Thanks for finding her.’ he said. Lewis hugged him back. Ella was wiping her own eyes. As he went out, Lewis glanced back and saw her putting her arms around him.
Going into the other room Lewis told them, ‘Steven’s uncle was arrested last night for assaulting him. Steven told me that his aunt had walked out on his uncle four months ago. As a result of some of the things Steven told me, the body of a woman was discovered buried in a flowerbed in the back garden earlier this evening.’
Reg was looking a bit white again, Julie put her arm around him. ‘The forensic team are still working in the garden,’ he said, ‘So can Stephen bunk in with you tonight?’ he asked Rupert. ‘Of course.’ came the immediate reply. ‘Although the body has not yet been formally identified, the information her sister gave me has matched everything the pathologist has found. That makes it ninety nine percent certain. Steven’s relatives are just waiting on my ok before coming down to see him.’
‘I think it will be better if Stephen doesn’t go to school next week.’ ‘Well, he can stay here with me during the day.’ Susan said. ‘Once the police have finished and the garden is back to normal, he can return to yours if that’s ok Reg?’ he said.
‘Of course,’ Reg said, ‘You don’t have to ask.’ ‘I’ll go and bring him through.’ Lewis said. Returning, Lewis led the way followed by Ella and Steven hand in hand. Rupert was nearest. He went up and hugged him. ‘I’m so sorry,’ he said, then he added, ‘You’re staying with me tonight.’ Steven looked pleased.
Everyone else gave him a hug and expressed condolences. When Reg hugged him, he said, ‘As soon as the police have finished next door, you can come back to me for as long as you want. I’ll come in with you whilst you collect your stuff.’
Lewis and Ella had gone out into the hall whilst everyone was hugging Steven. They kissed and Ella asked, ‘Did you see the body?’ ‘I discovered it,’ Lewis said, ‘But I only saw one hand. Once I was sure it was there, the forensic team took over.’
They went back in and a much more subdued party just sat chatting. Steven looked around the room and thought how lucky he was to be amongst all these lovely people who wanted to look after him.
Reg left first after a kiss for Julie and hugs and kisses all round, then a final hug for Steven. Soon after, Julie and the girls were getting ready to go. Lewis and Steven walked round the garden. ‘Everything will turn out ok in the end.’ Lewis assured him. ‘Now, when you and Rupert get into bed tonight, you’re bound to sit up chatting. It’s your decision, but my advice is that you tell him what your uncle did to you. Believe me you’ll sleep much better if you do.’
Steven thought that seemed a strange comment, but if Lewis said he should, then he knew he would.
They returned inside and Julie gave Lewis a lift home. After they had dropped him off and were heading home themselves, Julie said, ‘Lewis certainly manages to get involved in a lot of things doesn’t he.’
‘Yes,’ Ella said, ‘That’s my Lewis.’ ‘I still can’t understand why the police would have Lewis there when they discovered the body though.’ she said. ‘They didn’t,’ Ella said. ‘Lewis discovered the body then called the police.’
‘But why would he be looking for it in the first place?’ Gemma asked. ‘That I have no idea.’ Ella told her.
Back at Ernie’s, Rupert and Steven had had a night-time drink with Ernie and Susan. Then in a change of routine, Ernie and Susan said goodnight to them in the lounge. They gave both boys a hug and a kiss, then they went off to Ruperts room.
‘I haven’t got anything with me,’ Steven said, ‘So I’ll just sleep in my shorts if that’s ok.’ ‘Of course, it is,’ Rupert said. ‘I’ll do the same and keep you company.’ They took turns going to the bathroom first then got undressed.
Ruperts bed was an extra wide single. Once they were both in their shorts, he went round to Steven and stood in front of him. ‘It’s a narrow bed,’ he told him, so we’re bound to bump into each other in the night. I don’t want you lying awake and feeling scared to move in case you bump into somewhere you shouldn’t.’
‘So, give me a hug.’ he said holding his arms out. Steven went into his arms, and they hugged. Their bare chests were touching, it felt lovely to both of them. ‘Can you feel my cock pressing against yours?’ Rupert asked. ‘Yes,’ Steven said. ‘So now we have touched each other all over, you don’t need to worry about any bits of us that touch during the night.’ Rupert said. ‘That’s a relief,’ Steven said, ‘I’ve never shared a bed with anyone before.’ ‘Me neither.’ Rupert said.
They got into bed and lay down. They were on their side facing each other. ‘You’re having a rough time,’ Rupert said, ‘But I’m sure Lewis will sort it all out for you in the end.’ Steven remembered what Lewis has said. ‘He’s already done wonders for me,’ he said. ‘Can I tell you something in confidence.’ ‘Of course.’ Rupert said.
‘After my aunt had left, or at least so I thought at the time, my uncle started raping me. Lewis put a stop to it and had him arrested last night.’
He looked at Rupert wondering what his reaction would be, He wasn’t expecting the one he got. ‘Lewis did the same for me.’ Rupert said. Steven’s mouth fell wide open. ‘No one here knows about it,’ Rupert said. ‘Come here,’ he put his arms out and Steven came into them. They lay there wrapped in each other’s arms as close as they could get. ‘The last thing Lewis said to me tonight was, ‘When you’re chatting in bed, tell Rupert what happened to you.’ Steven said. ‘He must have guessed you’d tell me about yourself.’
Rupert told him a brief outline of his story. ‘Do you still have nightmares about it?’ Steven asked. ‘No,’ Rupert said. ‘And yours will soon go too. Now that it has finished, I’m sure Lewis will get it out of your memory for you, just leave it to him.’
As they enjoyed the close contact, Rupert said, ‘It’s nice being close like this, I suppose in a way this must be a bit similar to what it’s like being in bed with your girlfriend.’
‘‘I wouldn’t know,’ Steven said, ‘I haven’t had one yet. But I suppose so.’ ‘I haven’t either,’ Rupert said, ‘But you dream about it though, don’t you?’
Then they both felt themselves stiffening up at the same time. Realising it was happening to them both, they didn’t feel embarrassed. Thinking Steven might be upset, Rupert asked, ‘Are you ok, do you want to turn away.’
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