The Life of Lewis - Cover

The Life of Lewis

Copyright© 2021 by Lewis Lucas

Chapter 6: Lorraine Learns How to Relax

Pedo Sex Story: Chapter 6: Lorraine Learns How to Relax - Lewis is 15 and decides to get a Saturday job. Finding one in a Video hire shop helping Mike the manager, he finds himself earning a bit extra every week by having some interesting fitness tests followed by some relaxation including sex lessons and experiences which he thoroughly enjoys.

Caution: This Pedo Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/Fa   Ma/Ma   Ma/mt   mt/mt   Teenagers   Coercion   Consensual   Rape   Gay   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Incest   Torture   Anal Sex   First   Massage   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Petting   Doctor/Nurse   Teacher/Student  

Sunday Morning, Danny arrived at Johns at quarter to ten, he let himself in with the key John had given him. Going through to the front room, he set out his things, the gloves, the wipes, his container of olive oil and paper towels He hadn’t brough the mattress, he decided for one person he would just use the settee.

He had only just got everything ready when there was a knock on the front door. Opening it, Wayne was on the doorstep with a lovely looking girl standing a couple of feet behind him. Wayne threw his arms around Danny and gave him a hug, saying “It’s lovely to see you again.” Then he stepped aside and introduced his companion, “This is my cousin Lorraine,” he said. Lorraine stepped forward looking a little shy, Danny reached out and shook her hand, “Nice to meet you,” he said.

Wayne turned away, saying, “I’ll leave you two to it,” then looking at Lorraine, he said, “Remember what I told you and give me a text when you’re done.” Danny told him to hang on a moment, then turning to Lorraine, he asked, “Would you like Wayne to stay and sit in the other room so you’ve got someone you know nearby.”

Lorraine gave him a lovely smile and said, “Thank you, that’s very considerate of you, but it won’t be necessary. I’m sure I’ll be ok.” Then turning to Wayne, she told him to enjoy his exploring, gave him a wave and turned towards the house.

Wayne gave them both a cheery wave as he cycled off, then Danny followed Lorraine inside, closed the door behind him and directed her through into the front room.

Once they were seated, on the settee with a small gap between them, Danny asked, “So what instructions did Wayne give you?” Lorraine smiled and told him. “When he had finished singing your praises, he told me that if I wanted to get over what happened, I should do everything you ask me to and answer every question I’m asked plus just relax as nothing at all will happen unless I agree to it.”

Danny smiled and said, “That’s nice to know. I hope you’ll feel able to do as he asks, but remember you’re here because you want to be, you can leave anytime you want and it’s up to you at all times whether you do or say anything. In a minute, I’ll explain how it should work.”

I say should because there is a problem. When I thought about this last night, I decided that the only way this might work, is for me to ignore your sex and think of you as a boy. However today I can see that is not going to work.”

“Why not?” Lorraine asked, that seems a good solution.” Danny felt himself getting hot under the collar as he said, “It won’t work because you’re not just a girl, you’re a lovely girl and there’s no way I could possibly think of you as a boy.”

Lorraine gave him a smile that made his knees go weak, then said, “Wayne says you’ve sorted everyone else out, so the best chance of success must be to change nothing, so please do whatever you normally do.”

“Ok” Danny said, “Let’s try it and see how it goes. Here’s the plan.”

“During the next part, I will relax you whilst I tell you what happened to me. Then I’ll ask you to tell me in explicit detail what happened to you, then I’d like to examine you medically around the areas involved. That will require a lot of trust on your part, as I told you I’m not medically qualified, and any examination will only be with your complete agreement. Somewhere in there I’ll tell you what happened to Gordon, although I gather you already know a bit about that. Then we’ll finish with a chat about forgetting the whole thing in future. With regard to the examination, clearly you are likely to feel embarrassed. I hope by then you’ll feel so much at ease with me that you’ll be able to cope.”

“Regarding what happened to you, and its effect on your future, again you’ll find it hard at first, but here’s were being a complete stranger can be helpful. Regarding questions, obviously what happened could affect your sex life for ever, if you let it. That is something else you’re going to need to feel able to discuss with me. Please remember that everything that is said in this room, stays in this room. I hope that Wayne will meet you later and see a relaxed cousin with a happy smile on her face and I will be able to say to him, everything is now fine. He will never learn anything else from me.”

“Any questions so far.” He asked, “Or is there anything you think I should know at the start.” Lorraine blushed as she spoke, saying, “When you examine me, do you need to see what you’re doing, or could it be done just by feel?”” How do you mean?” Danny asked. “Could I strip off then lie with a sheet over me, I don’t think I’d feel quite as embarrassed then.”” Of course, you can,” Danny said with a smile, “Anything that makes it easier for you, I’m sure I can find a sheet to put over you. Anything else?” She blushed again and told him; “You should know that he raped me twice.” “Oh God, that’s awful,” Danny said, obviously upset and concerned. He slid along to sit beside her and asked, ““ Can I put my arm around you?” When Lorraine nodded, he did so, and she snuggled up to his side. “He felt her shivering a little. He held her tight saying, “You’ve suffered terribly, but for the moment, be relieved that he can never do it again to you or anyone else.”

He held her tight for a few moments, feeling her shivering easing, then he asked, “We’ll go into more details later, but can you tell me where in your body he raped you? One word for each will do for now.” He felt her tense in his arms. He gave her an extra squeeze and waited patiently. Soon he felt her tension ease and she said quietly, “The first time in my vagina, the second time in my bum.” Danny kissed the top of her head and said, “Well done, that must have been hard to say, I think we’re going to get through this together.”

“I’m going to run through our plan of action, which we can adapt as we go along and we’ll take each step at your speed, not mine, ok?” He felt her nod. “You feel comfortable there so if you want to stay as you are, please do so. But move away any time you want.” Lorraine nodded again but showed no sign of moving.

Danny told her, “Here’s what I want to do and the order I suggest. In a moment I’ll ask you to lie down on the settee with your head on the arm. I’ll be sitting where the end cushion should be, so I’ll be able to relax your head and your stomach whilst we talk. First, I’ll tell you about my experiences, then we’ll move on to yours. Hopefully by the time we get to yours, you’ll feel even more relaxed. Eventually we’ll reach the time to do an examination. We’ll discuss that more as we progress. However, what I’d like you to try and do, is take your shoes off when you lie down, then as you get to feeling more relaxed, take your top off then when your even more relaxed take your slacks off. You’ll then be just like you would be on the beach in a bikini. We’ll discuss the examination at that stage, then when you’re ready, I’ll go and get a sheet, then you can cover up before you take your final things off. Everything can then be done under the sheet.”

“Now, if you can manage the first part, just sit up and take your shoes off whilst I alter the cushion, then lie down.” Lorraine sat up immediately, then whilst she slipped her shoes off, Danny lifted the end cushion off, sat in its place and put the cushion on his lap. Loraine lay down with her head on the arm of the settee. Danny rested a hand on her stomach and another on the top of her head. As he started massaging, he told her, “When I ask you anything you find too embarrassing, if it helps, close your eyes or turn your head away as you answer.”

“Ok,” came the reply, plus a smile. Danny then told her everything that had happened to him, how he cried, how he went into himself but wouldn’t tell anyone why. How he met Lewis and how he got him past it. “As a result,” he finished off, “I’ve been able to talk to Wayne and five others and hopefully help them.” Loraine smiled up at him, saying, “To hear Wayne talk, you are a saint.” Danny grinned at her, “I don’t think any saints would be too happy to hear that,” he said.

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