The Life of Lewis
Copyright© 2021 by Lewis Lucas
Chapter 2: Steven Returns
Pedo Sex Story: Chapter 2: Steven Returns - Lewis is 15 and decides to get a Saturday job. Finding one in a Video hire shop helping Mike the manager, he finds himself earning a bit extra every week by having some interesting fitness tests followed by some relaxation including sex lessons and experiences which he thoroughly enjoys.
Caution: This Pedo Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa mt/Fa Ma/Ma Ma/mt mt/mt Teenagers Coercion Consensual Rape Gay BiSexual Heterosexual Fiction Incest Torture Anal Sex First Massage Masturbation Oral Sex Petting Doctor/Nurse Teacher/Student
Lewis arrived at the shop at half four on Wednesday. ‘Everything go ok last night?’ Mike asked. ‘Yes, perfect.’ Lewis told him. ‘If Aiden knew where I’d interviewed him, I’m sure he’d ask me to say, ‘Thank you.’
Mike grinned, ‘I imagine he’s made a pretty good guess,’ he said. ‘So, we’re back to normal now with a common-a-garden problem, are we?’ he asked laughing. ‘It’s funny you should say that.’ Lewis told him, ‘I first met Stephen in a garden.’
Just then the shop doorbell rang, and Steven came in. There were no customers in the shop, so he came over to the counter. ‘You go on through,’ Lewis told him, ‘Make us a coffee each, I’ll be in shortly.’ ‘Don’t do one for me,’ Mike said, ‘I’m not stopping this evening.’
‘Have you noticed,’ Mike said, ‘That all the people who come with problems seem to be nice folks.’ ‘Perhaps nasty types just walk over everyone and never have any.’ Lewis said with a grin.
Mike went to close the shop and Lewis went through to Steven. ‘Does your uncle know you’ve started?’ he asked. ‘I told him last night, but I don’t know if he was interested enough to take it in,’ Steven said. ‘But as long as he doesn’t complain when I get in later, it doesn’t matter.’
Mike came in at that point, picked up his coat and gave Steven a smile. ‘You’re in good hands,’ he said, ‘See you tomorrow.’
When he returned from seeing Mike out, Lewis explained again about his key in the lock and leaving anytime. ‘Now, it might just be possible to do everything by seven o’clock tonight,’ Lewis said. ‘But I don’t know how complicated your problem is, or how difficult it will be getting you to tell me about it. So, I’m going to slow things down deliberately so it will definitely take at least two nights, possibly three.’
Steven smiled he was happy at that idea. Lewis noted it but said nothing. He explained all about saying ‘Pass’ and ‘Stop’ and about confidentiality.
‘Sometimes people’s problems need some extra people to help.’ Lewis told him. ‘If that happened in your case, no one would ever be asked without your express approval. I will advise you what I think you should do, but the actual decisions are entirely yours.’
‘Sometimes just sharing a problem can be a big help to the person suffering,’ he added. ‘You’ve probably heard the expression, A trouble shared is a trouble halved.’
‘I’ve heard it,’ Steven said, ‘But I’ve never really understood it.’ ‘You probably will once you’ve shared yours with me,’ Lewis told him. ‘But basically, it means if you tell someone you trust all about your problem, instead of carrying all of the load alone, you and your friend are then carrying it between you. So, you are only carrying half the load.’
‘Right,’ Steven said, ‘Now I understand.’ When they finished their coffees, Lewis told him to go over to the settee if he wanted to stay. ‘Take your shoes off and lie down.’ he said.
There was no doubt in Stevens mind that he was going to give it a good try, he had suffered for far too long. He went straight over, kicked his shoes off and lay down.
Lewis had followed him over, he sat down at his side. ‘Just relax,’ he said, ‘I promise you that nothing that happens here will hurt you in any way. Also, nothing will take you by surprise. Everything we do I will tell you what I want to do beforehand, why I want to do it and what I hope to achieve by it. Even then, it won’t happen until you say yes, go ahead.’
Steven smiled. He was feeling good already. ‘What we’re going to do first,’ Lewis said, ‘Is to get you feeling more relaxed with me. Also, for me to learn more about you. After all, all that I know about you so far is that you are called Steven, you are fourteen, you go to my school, you live with your uncle, you are Reg’s neighbour and a first-class gardener.’
Steven smiled at the last bit. ‘How I’m going to achieve that,’ Lewis said, ‘As long as you agree, is by doing two things. One is, I’m going to ask you lots of questions about your life so far, your family, hobbies, hopes and dreams. Two is, I will ask you to turn over on your front. Then I will massage you from your head to your feet and back again whilst I ask the questions. The combination of the two will hopefully give me information and at the same time relax you.’
‘If you think you can cope with that, turn over whenever you are ready. When you do, I’ll massage the back of your head, but I won’t start down, or ask any questions until you say go. Ok?’ ‘Ok,’ Steven said. He didn’t know really what he expected to happen but that sounds easy enough he thought.
Realising Lewis was waiting for him to decide he turned over. As he settled into place, Lewis rested his hands on his head and started a gentle massage. He felt Steven tense up at his touch but relax almost immediately.
Feeling the gentle massage on his head was lovely. It was the first time he had felt any sort of gentle touch since his aunt left. Apart from Ella’s the other day which was still firmly in his mind.
‘Go.’ he said with a start, as he realised that he was drifting off into a happy place that he wasn’t used to. Lewis massaged his head a little longer then moved down onto his shoulders. As he did, he asked, ‘When were you fourteen?’ ‘Two months ago.’ Steven said.
‘Which form are you in?’ he asked as he moved down his back. ‘Form E, the bottom one,’ Steven said, ‘I’m not one of the brightest.’ ‘Don’t put yourself down, everyone has different skills,’ Lewis told him. ‘Reg’s garden is testament that you have a very special ability.’
As he reached his waist Lewis asked, ‘How long have you lived next to Reg?’ ‘Two years,’ Steven told him, then as Lewis’s hands moved over his cheeks, he went rigid. Lewis remained silent and massaged quickly over them.
As he moved onto his thighs, he asked, ‘Where did you live before that?’ ‘I lived in Yorkshire with my mum when I was very little,’ he said. ‘My dad died when I was a baby, so I don’t remember him.’ Reaching his feet Lewis started back up as Steven continued, ‘When I was seven, my mum was hit by a car and died soon after.’
‘Her brother and his wife, my aunt and uncle moved in to look after me.’ He went rigid as Lewis massaged his cheeks again. When he reached his waist, Lewis said, ‘I’m sorry that upsets you, but if we are going to succeed, we have to get you completely relaxed.’
‘I understand,’ Steven said, ‘It’s not you it’s... ‘ he faded off. ‘It’s ok,’ Lewis said, ‘I already have an idea what you are suffering. You’re not the first and you won’t be the last.’
As he moved up his back, he asked, ‘How was life with your aunt and uncle?’ ‘I was upset at first with losing my mum,’ he said. ‘But they were nice and were very good to me. I soon came to look on them more as mum and dad than aunt and uncle.’
As he massaged his shoulders, Lewis said, ‘That’s nice, there are a lot of good people like that around.’ He massaged his head again then said, ‘Turn over.’
Once he was settled, Lewis smiled at him, ‘You’re doing well,’ he said. ‘Now I’m going to do exactly the same down your front. With more questions of course,’ he added with a grin. ‘But the same applies, you have to say go before I start.’
He put his hands on his head and started massaging. Then moved down onto his temples. He saw a smile appear on Steven’s face as he enjoyed the feeling. It took him a while to say go, not because he was reluctant, but because he was loving the massage on his temples. Pleasure was not something that there was a lot of in Steven’s life.
‘Go.’ he said. Lewis massaged down onto his shoulders, giving him a smile as his face came into view. ‘So, what happened next?’ he asked. ‘We were happy for four years,’ he said, ‘Then just as I was about to move up to secondary school, my uncle was killed in an accident at work.’
‘My aunt felt it really bad and became very depressed. Six months later she had a stroke and died a month later. I had been in secondary school five months by then.’ Lewis was massaging over his stomach at that point. ‘Who looked after you then?’ he asked as he massaged over the front of his trousers.
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