The Life of Lewis
Copyright© 2021 by Lewis Lucas
Chapter 7: Open Air Sex
Pedo Sex Story: Chapter 7: Open Air Sex - Lewis is 15 and decides to get a Saturday job. Finding one in a Video hire shop helping Mike the manager, he finds himself earning a bit extra every week by having some interesting fitness tests followed by some relaxation including sex lessons and experiences which he thoroughly enjoys.
Caution: This Pedo Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa mt/Fa Ma/Ma Ma/mt mt/mt Teenagers Coercion Consensual Rape Gay BiSexual Heterosexual Fiction Incest Torture Anal Sex First Massage Masturbation Oral Sex Petting Doctor/Nurse Teacher/Student
At mid-morning break Lewis did another walkabout. He had studied the picture and the details that Aiden had given him. Just as he spotted him, Steven saw him and came over.
‘My uncle wasn’t going to agree.’ he said, ‘But as soon as I told him that if I didn’t, I’d be reported to the education authority as being in need of special attention, he changed his tune immediately and agreed. So, I just said I thought it would start this week, but I didn’t know exactly when. He didn’t seem very interested once he knew it would happen.’
‘There’s a slight possibility of this evening,’ Lewis said, ‘But tomorrow is most likely. I’ll text you as soon as I know for sure.’ ‘Thanks so much,’ Steven said, ‘I feel better already.’
As he moved away Lewis went and spoke to Johnathan. ‘Hi,’ Lewis said, ‘I’m looking for some help with a survey.’ The lad didn’t look very interested until Lewis added, ‘It pays fifty pounds, with an option of a fifty pounds bonus.’
‘What would I have to do?’ he asked, suddenly very interested. ‘You’d have to meet up with me in private for up to two hours,’ Lewis said. ‘Ideally at five o’clock. You’d also have to agree to keep it to yourself. I am part of a national survey into health at schools. You will need to do some simple medical tests and exercises whilst I check you over. I will also need to take some swabs, but not with needles he added with a grin.’
‘It’s to see what germs you are carrying. Don’t worry,’ he added as Johnathan looked concerned, ‘Everyone carries germs. I’ll also need to ask you about your sex experiences as sexual health is part of the survey. But as I am a boy too that shouldn’t bother you.’ he said with a grin.
‘You should know that everything you tell me is anonymous, no record is kept of your name. Are you interested?’ ‘Yes, definitely.’ he said. ‘Ok, let’s see if you fit the criteria,’ Lewis said. ‘Are you up to two months either side of your fourteenth birthday?’ ‘Yes.’ ‘Do you spend at least an hour a day at home on a computer or game device?’ ‘Yes.’ ‘Are you an only child?’ ‘Yes.’ ‘Do you play a lot of sports?’ ‘No,’ he said sadly thinking that would wipe him out.
‘Brilliant,’ Lewis said. ‘You’re perfect. The sports bit makes people difficult to find. Do you know the video hire shop on the estate over there?’ Lewis asked pointing. ‘Yes,’ he said. ‘Can you do five o’clock there tonight?’ ‘Yes sure.’ Johnathan agreed.
‘I’m Lewis,’ he said shaking his hand. ‘I’m Johnathan,’ he replied. ‘If you can arrive about five minutes to five just before the shop closes,’ Lewis told him. ‘I’ll be there already, then we have the private use of the back room so no one can hear anything you tell me.’
‘Your money will be paid in cash as soon as you finish.’ Lewis told him. ‘Thank you for agreeing, yours will be the last one I have to do.’
He just had time to text Steven to say, ‘Start tomorrow night at five pm.’ Then Aiden to say, ‘Interviewing Johnathan tonight.’ Before putting his phone back in his locker and returning to class.
Lewis arrived at the shop at half four. He helped Mike serve then in a quiet moment he explained that Johnathan was coming. ‘It’s not for help,’ he explained, ‘But he thinks he’s doing a survey for school. It’s to get some information for Aiden about his landlord. He thinks he’s a random selection and one of several.’
‘At least it will be some variety for you,’ Mike said. ‘What about young Steven?’ ‘He’s coming tomorrow night,’ Lewis said, ‘But his is a problem.’ ‘I can see you going full time yet.’ Mike said laughing.
Just before five Johnathan came in, looked around and saw Lewis behind the counter. Lewis saw him and waved him over. He took him through into the back room. ‘Thanks for coming,’ he said as he made them coffees. ‘Mike will be in soon for his coat, then we’ll have the place to ourselves.’
‘What made you ask me?’ Johnathan asked. ‘It’s a random selection,’ Lewis told him, ‘But you have to fit the criteria. When I ask anyone, I usually ask if they are an only child first. The last person I asked wasn’t, but he pointed to you and said you were.’
‘Apparently its connected to the germs part of the survey,’ Lewis told him making it up as he went along. ‘If you have brothers and sisters you’re more likely to have lots more germs on you as they bring all their friends germs home too.’
‘Amazing.’ Johnathan said. ‘What are you going to use your money for?’ Lewis asked. ‘I’m saving up for a new pushbike,’ he said. ‘So, I can put most of it in with that and no one will be any the wiser. Although I will probably spend a little bit of it now.’ ‘Well, that answers my next question.’ Lewis said, ‘I was about to ask how you would keep to yourself suddenly having an extra fifty or a hundred pounds.’
Just then Mike came in. ‘Just coming for my coat,’ he said. ‘Don’t forget to buy a lottery ticket this week he told Johnathan. If you got picked for the survey, perhaps you’d get picked as a winner too.’
‘I’ll just see him out.’ Lewis said. He gave Mike his usual hug and a kiss. ‘Brilliant remark about the lottery.’ he said.
Returning he explained to Johnathan about his key in the door and being able to leave at any time. But no money of course unless he completed everything. ‘Now, if you do everything asked of you, you earn fifty pounds.’ he told him. ‘If you answer all my questions honestly and completely, then providing I don’t feel you are hiding anything from me, like being too shy to answer the sex questions for instance, then I can pay you an additional fifty pounds too.’
‘So, it’s up to you,’ he said smiling. ‘The first part is like a mini medical. I want to listen to your chest and check your joints. Whilst I do that, I’ll also collect some swabs. All that means,’ he said, ‘Is that I’ll rub one of these,’ he showed him a swab, ‘In various orifices or skin folds like for instance your belly button.’
Lewis pulled out his stethoscope and said, ‘Can you strip to your shorts.’ Johnathan got up and went over to the chair. With his back to Lewis, he got undressed, then came back to him. He was wearing a pair of black underpants.
Lewis studied him. He was slightly shorter than Lewis. Similar build but with a little bit of extra padding and a bulge that wasn’t big enough to show very much.
‘Your body looks to be in good proportion,’ Lewis told him as he looked him up and down, ‘But you are getting a bit of extra padding.’ he gently pinched the slight roll of fat on his stomach. ‘If you don’t control it now, you will have a weight problem all your life,’ he said. ‘So, either watch your diet or get more exercise. Sorry, I’m lecturing,’ Lewis said grinning, ‘That’s not what you’re here for.’
He told him to take deep breaths and listened to his chest front and back. ‘Lie down on the settee on your back please,’ Lewis told him. He took a swab from his nose, mouth, and ear. Also, from under his arm.
‘Tell me what injuries and illnesses you have had.’ he asked. ‘Only one injury.’ Johnathan told him, ‘I got knocked off my bike by a car when I was nine and broke my thigh. The doctor said it was a bad break, but I was lucky the sharp ends of the bone didn’t come through the skin. It’s healed up and now it’s as good as new. The only illness I had is having my appendix out when I was eleven.’
‘A test on your heart now,’ Lewis told him. ‘Whilst you have been lying there your heartbeat has slowed down.’ He listened to it with his stethoscope, ‘Sixty-four beats a minute,’ he said. ‘Now I want you to get down on the floor, do five press ups and lie back as you are now.’
Johnathan got up and with a struggle did his five. Lying back down his chest was going up and down fast and he was clearly out of breath. Lewis counted eighty-seven beats. ‘Now we have to wait one minute to see what it goes back to.’ he said. ‘Whilst we wait, I’ll check your ribs.’
He ran his fingertips down every rib and the muscles in between. Then counting again, he announced seventy-eight beats. ‘That means,’ he said ‘That your heart is feeling the strain. You need to get fitter now whilst you’re young otherwise it’ll give you trouble when you’re older.’
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