The Life of Lewis - Cover

The Life of Lewis

Copyright© 2021 by Lewis Lucas

Chapter 6: Reporting to MI5

Pedo Sex Story: Chapter 6: Reporting to MI5 - Lewis is 15 and decides to get a Saturday job. Finding one in a Video hire shop helping Mike the manager, he finds himself earning a bit extra every week by having some interesting fitness tests followed by some relaxation including sex lessons and experiences which he thoroughly enjoys.

Caution: This Pedo Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/Fa   Ma/Ma   Ma/mt   mt/mt   Teenagers   Coercion   Consensual   Rape   Gay   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Incest   Torture   Anal Sex   First   Massage   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Petting   Doctor/Nurse   Teacher/Student  

Monday morning Sergeant Cline and Aiden reported to the temporary HQ at the shop. The adjutant let them in as usual. As they went through to see the major, Sergeant Cline handed him his account sheet and the unused cash.

The major was waiting for them. They sat down and the major asked, ‘How have you got on?’

‘We interviewed six people supposedly selected at random,’ Aiden told him. ‘We picked the four we recognised and also took on the companions two of them had with them at the time.’

‘We invited one back a second time, feeling he had more information which proved correct. We told them we were doing a survey on behalf of the university to check what sort of diseases were floating round campus. Also, to see what sort of problems might arise in the future as a result of germs and sexual activity.’

‘They were all happy to divulge their stories and give swabs and samples. We have dumped all the swabs and the spare bodies sperm samples. This box contains a sperm sample from each of the four we’re interested in.’

‘There were a few surprises. There was no indication that the MP knew what was going on. His wife arranged all the appointments and decided who was chosen. It appears that on appointment she got pally with the young boy and promised him sex on his fourteenth birthday.’

‘That happened to them all on their fourteenth, fifteenth and sixteenth birthday. They were all delighted with the experience and the knowledge gained. Not one of them regretted it and it was clear that none of them were coerced or promised or expected any financial reward.’

‘The payment of university fees was a complete surprise and greatly appreciated. One has been able to go on to do a masters because of it.’

‘Now, there has been no suggestion of anything like this happening, but checking the dates your adjutant got us, I put together a table.’

Lawrence now 18

Had his first sex with her 4 years ago on 3rd January.

Second time delayed until April after she gave birth to her daughter.

Final time 2 years ago on 3rd January.

Peter now 19.

Had his first sex with her on 4th March 5 years ago.

Second time 4th March 4 years ago.

Final time 4th March 3 years ago.

Malcom now 21.

Had his first sex with her on 15th June 8 years ago.

Second time 15th June 7 years ago.

Final time 15th June 6 years ago.

Richard now 20.

Had his first sex with her on 28th October 7 years ago.

Second time 28th October 6 years ago.

Final time 28th October 5 years ago.

‘There are two children, a girl and a boy.’

‘This is pure conjecture, but suppose the husband was infertile and the wife saw this as a way to get pregnant. All her lovers were told they didn’t need to worry about taking precautions. They just assumed she had dealt with it. After all they would reason, she wouldn’t want to have to explain a pregnancy to her husband.’

‘The girl is three and was born in January so that could possibly mean that Peter fathered the daughter on his second occasion 15th March.’

‘The boy is five and was born in June so he would have been conceived in October by Richard on his second occasion.’

‘The sperm samples from each boy are labelled A to D. Names to match are in a separate sealed envelope.’

‘If the assumption is correct though, the husband would have to be aware that someone else had fathered his children.’

‘From my interviewing of the subjects, it is my belief that it has not occurred to any of them that they might have fathered her children. They no longer have any connection with them and are most unlikely to ever regret their experience and cause any problems.’

‘The question that perhaps arises is, is the lady satisfied with her two children and will these trysts cease now.’

‘This is our report which says in effect what I’ve just told you.’ Aiden said. He handed over a copy of Lewis’s report to the major as Lewis had suggested.

‘You have done well.’ the Major told them. ‘We have had some additional information in over the weekend. The lady had a miscarriage about eighteen months ago which would tally with getting pregnant by the youngest on his last occasion.’

‘Her medical records say that she was advised that another miscarriage would quite likely prove fatal. So, I think it’s reasonable to think that everything will now stop.’

‘We have also discovered that due to a childhood illness our MP is unable to father a child. So well done, your scenario would seem to be the most likely one.’

‘Another indication that this is ended is the appointment of a new family to the staff last week. The new family have a daughter who is six years old.’

‘The only concern I’m left with is where did the husband think his children came from.’ ‘Will it matter?’ Sergeant Cline asked. ‘His wife has gone to extraordinary lengths to get pregnant. Whatever he knows he has accepted it. She didn’t do it purely for sex, otherwise it wouldn’t have been rationed to once a year per person.’

‘From what the interviewees said, she enjoyed it as much as they did, but even so it was a means to an end. Let’s look at your problem.’ he said to the major.

‘His only problem could be blackmail. But how could anyone know. He and his wife aren’t going to tell anyone. As far as they know they are the only two in the world who know.’

‘I can’t of course say it’s impossible, but what we have found out this week, I can’t see how anyone else could ever discover it in the future. The only danger I can see is if she carries on with the annual sex and gets caught out.’

‘You’ve hit the nail on the head,’ Major Edward said. ‘If it wasn’t for that I’d be inclined to give it an all clear. Any suggestions.’

‘Now we know what has been done, couldn’t we risk playing a similar interview trick on the most likely of the present employee’s sons. After all, even if they did find out, which seems unlikely, they can hardly object given what we know.’

The adjutant passed Major Edward a list of the current employees. He read it and announced, ‘One of the sons has just had his fourteenth birthday last month.’

He sat in thought for a few moments. ‘Ok.’ he said, ‘Your task for this week is to interview him, preferably as discreetly as the others and confirm that he has not been with her.’

‘If you can do that, I’ll approve the MP clear.’

‘I have other things to attend to, so as you’ve done so well, I’ll leave it in your hands. The adjutant here will supply anything you need and get you any information you want. I’ll see you before you’re through.’

He shook hands with them looking very pleased and left.

The adjutant handed Sergeant Cline the envelope of cash back. ‘You’d better hang on to this until you’ve finished,’ he said. He handed another paper over. ‘Here’s all the information we have on the boy and his parents.’

Sergeant Cline read the info first. As he handed it over for Aiden to read, he said, ‘He goes to a local school. We’ll head over that way and see what we can sort out. I’ll let you know how we’re getting on during the week,’ he told the adjutant.

‘Thanks,’ the adjutant said. ‘The major is great to work with, but he expects me to know everything everyone is doing if he asks. Mind you,’ he seems so delighted with you two, I doubt he’ll bother us.’

As they drove away, they headed for Lewis’s school. The boy in question was in a form two years below Lewis. Aiden dropped Sergeant Cline off as he had a few personal things to attend to. Aiden would go on to Lewis’s school at finishing time and see Lewis.


Monday at first break, Lewis had a wander around the playground. He had learned from Reg that Steven next door was at this school although not apparently in Gemma’s or Ruperts form.

It was nearly the end of break by the time he found him. He was sitting on his own in a secluded corner reading. ‘Hi Steven,’ Lewis said, ‘How are you. You keep Reg’s Garden lovely,’ he told him, ‘It’s a credit to you.’ Steven blushed. He wasn’t used to praise except from Reg.

‘There’s something I’d like to ask you,’ Lewis said, ‘But there isn’t time now. Do you know the bench seats over the far side of the lawn area.’ He pointed. When Steven said, ‘Yes,’ Lewis told him, ‘I usually sit there after lunch with Ella. If you have chance today or tomorrow, can you pop over.’

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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