The Life of Lewis
Copyright© 2021 by Lewis Lucas
Chapter 5: A Close Call
Pedo Sex Story: Chapter 5: A Close Call - Lewis is 15 and decides to get a Saturday job. Finding one in a Video hire shop helping Mike the manager, he finds himself earning a bit extra every week by having some interesting fitness tests followed by some relaxation including sex lessons and experiences which he thoroughly enjoys.
Caution: This Pedo Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa mt/Fa Ma/Ma Ma/mt mt/mt Teenagers Coercion Consensual Rape Gay BiSexual Heterosexual Fiction Incest Torture Anal Sex First Massage Masturbation Oral Sex Petting Doctor/Nurse Teacher/Student
Saturday night Ryans house had been empty, so they had had another exciting evening on Ryans bed. They hadn’t wasted any time. Going up immediately they had both stripped off, had a stand-up naked hug and kiss then straight onto Ryans bed.
Joanne lay on her back and Ryan climbed up, put his condom on, then lowered himself down on top of her. Joanne had her knees drawn up and apart, so he slid straight in.
After a good session where Joanne climaxed only a few seconds before Ryan came, they fell asleep together. Waking an hour later with Ryans alarm, they had a kiss and some caressing. Joanne played with his cock and got a quick reaction.
‘Right,’ she said, ‘Now you’ve got your energy back, it’s time for my first doggy fashion.’ ‘Fine with me,’ Ryan said, ‘Get into position then.’ Joanne knelt on her hands and knees. ‘Is this right?’ she asked. ‘It would do fine if your shoulders were on a chair,’ Ryan said, ‘But on the bed you’d be a lot more comfortable with your shoulders down on a pillow.’
That sorted, Ryan knelt behind her. He put a fresh condom on and couldn’t resist slipping his finger inside her. She was still very moist from before, so a couple of strokes over her lump had her screaming with delight.
He moved forward and slid his cock into her. Then taking a tight hold of her hips he started thrusting in and out. He went slow but hard. He knew being her first time in this position she’d be extra excited, so he was relying on her climaxing quickly.
He speeded up and thrust even harder. Then as his feeling started to grow, she went rigid. He came to a standstill as his cock was grabbed. As Joanne cried out in ecstasy the vibration through his cock felt wonderful.
Gradually the grip of her vagina relaxed, he was able to move once more. He thrust in as fast and as hard as he could possibly go. He pulled back hard on her hips every time he thrust in.
Joanne started crying out again in ecstasy as the power of his thrusts awakened deep hidden desires inside her. She was loving all this sex with Ryan, but it was making her want more and more.
Soon he thrust in an extra hard three times as he shot his second load into her. He stayed in until he shrank, then collapsed spent on the bed. She lay down beside him and they fell asleep once more in each other’s arms.
This time Ryan had forgotten to set his alarm, so they stayed asleep. He was woken several hours later by a knock on his bedroom door. ‘Ryan are you home?’ his mother called. He came to, leapt out of bed and called out, ‘Yes mum, I’ll be down in a mo.’
He woke Joanne who had slept on. ‘We’ve overslept,’ he said, ‘Mums home. Get dressed quick.’ He stayed with her as she dressed. ‘Now sit still and quiet,’ he said, ‘Whilst I go and check the lie of the land.’
He went downstairs, His mum and dad were in the lounge having a coffee. ‘Hi,’ he said, ‘Had a good evening? ‘Yes,’ they replied, ‘You been home long?’ ‘About ten minutes before you.’ he said. He got up and went back upstairs. He kissed Joanne and said, ‘See you soon. I’ll go to the bottom of the stairs, then if I give you the thumbs up, you come down as quiet as you can and go straight out. Don’t close the front door. Leave that to me.’
He got to the bottom of the stairs, listened carefully and heard his mum and dad talking in the lounge. He gave Joanne the thumbs up then took hold of the lounge door and held it shut. Joanne came quickly and quietly down the stairs, blew him a kiss and went out.
Ryan let go of the lounge door handle, went to the front door and closed it quietly. Breathing a sigh of relief, he returned to the lounge and sat chatting to his mum and dad until it was time to go to bed.
The next day he texted Joanne and they went for a walk in the afternoon. They sat in the park and chatted. ‘That was a close shave last night.’ he said. ‘Yes, but it was exciting, wasn’t it?’ Joanne said. ‘I dreamt last night we’d made love again whilst they were still downstairs.’
‘Well. seeing how you like to live dangerously,’ Ryan told her, ‘You know you asked about a threesome.’ ‘Ooh yes,’ she said, ‘Have you got it sorted?’ ‘It depends,’ Ryan said. ‘How do you feel about the third one being an old man.’
‘How old?’ she said looking at him aghast. ‘You don’t mean a pensioner?’ Ryan laughed. ‘No not quite that bad. He’s a virgin who’s twenty-eight.’ he told her. ‘Do you like him?’ she asked. ‘Yes,’ he said, ‘He’s a real nice guy.’ ‘Ok, then yes.’ she said. ‘There’s one rule though,’ Ryan told her. ‘Which way round is your choice. But if you choose to suck him first, you have to let him make love to you another time, so he loses his virginity.’
‘I’ve never taken anyone’s virginity before,’ she said, feeling excited. ‘How about I do that first, then we have a threesome afterwards. If I took his virginity, would you be there as well?’ she asked. ‘If you wanted me to be.’ Ryan said. ‘Would you both strip off so I could hold two cocks at once?’ she asked. ‘Sure,’ Ryan said smiling at her excitement.
‘When.’ she asked eagerly. ‘I’ll check with him on Monday,’ Ryan said. ‘I’ll text you were and when for five o’clock Monday if he agrees.’ Joanne was well worked up by then, so they found a secluded spot in the trees. She pulled Ryans trousers and shorts down then gave him a suck.
As he fired copious supplies of cum into her mouth, she swallowed it all happily. Then Ryan pulled her panties down, stuck his head between her legs and poked his tongue inside her. He worked on her lump with it for as long as he could, then swopped it for his finger.
Finally giving her a lovely climax, they kissed and got dressed. Walking home arm in arm, Joanne said, ‘I’m so excited, I hope he says yes.’
At work the next day, Ryan and Tony were having coffee mid-morning. ‘My girlfriend is very horny,’ Ryan told him. ‘She asked me over the weekend if I knew anyone who would join us in a threesome. Apparently, she had had a dream about sucking someone whilst someone else went up her doggy fashion.’
Tony wasn’t completely sure what doggy fashion involved, but he had a fair idea. He went hard right away. ‘What did you say?’ he asked. Ryan grinned at him, ‘I told her I was sure that the only person I knew that I could ask would love to do it. But I told her, as he is a virgin, it would be too much to give him a threesome for his first time.’
Tony who had been getting more and more excited by the minute felt his heart drop. ‘She agreed with me.’ Ryan continued. Tonys heart dropped even more.
‘So,’ she said, ‘How about I take his virginity first. Then we can have a threesome the next time.’ Tonys hopes shot up again. ‘Really?’ he said looking radiant. ‘Yes,’ Ryan said. He showed him a picture of Joanne. ‘Wow,’ Tony said, ‘She’s lovely.’
‘She’ll come here at five tonight if you want,’ Ryan said, ‘All I need to do is text her.’ ‘Will you stay here with us?’ Tony asked feeling nervous about getting it wrong. ‘Yes,’ Ryan said, ‘She also has a desire to hold two erect cocks at the same time, so I’ll be stripping off too.’
‘Then yes please.’ Tony said, his cock throbbing like mad. Ryan looked at the moving bulge in his trousers. ‘I’d love to relieve it for you,’ he said grinning, ‘But perhaps you’d better save it until later. Be awful if you couldn’t perform because you were worn out.’
That was enough to make Tony shrink right away. Ryan texted Joanne then they got back to work. By lunch time he had heard back from Joanne saying, ‘Can’t wait.’
Five o’clock Ryan and Tony were sitting in the caravan. They had opened the settee out as a bed. Tony was looking very nervous. ‘You will tell me if I’m doing anything the wrong way, won’t you.’ he said. ‘Don’t worry, I won’t need to,’ Ryan said. ‘I’m sure you’ll find a lot of it comes naturally. But believe me, Joanne will give you the best instructions you could ever have.’
Just then there was a knock on the door. Ryan let Joanne in. She gave him a hug and a kiss, then turned to Tony. She thought he looked nice even though he was so old. She went up to him, threw her arms around him and kissed him.
Thanks to his practice with Ryan, he returned her kiss quite well. His cock had shot up as soon as he felt her breasts against him. Joanne felt it and when they broke off their kiss, she smiled at him and said, ‘I can feel how eager you are.’ Then she put her hand between his legs and held it.
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