The Life of Lewis - Cover

The Life of Lewis

Copyright© 2021 by Lewis Lucas

Chapter 5: Compiling the Jigsaw

Pedo Sex Story: Chapter 5: Compiling the Jigsaw - Lewis is 15 and decides to get a Saturday job. Finding one in a Video hire shop helping Mike the manager, he finds himself earning a bit extra every week by having some interesting fitness tests followed by some relaxation including sex lessons and experiences which he thoroughly enjoys.

Caution: This Pedo Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/Fa   Ma/Ma   Ma/mt   mt/mt   Teenagers   Coercion   Consensual   Rape   Gay   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Incest   Torture   Anal Sex   First   Massage   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Petting   Doctor/Nurse   Teacher/Student  

He had kept a separate rubbish bag for each person. He took the sperm tubs out of each bag one at a time. He stuck a label on the tub and wrote A on the first one.

He ignored Harrys, but did the same with Malcom’s, this time labelling it B. Richards he labelled C. Then in his phone he made a list.

A Peter. 19 4 March 14.15.16

B Malcom 21 15 June 14,15.16

C Richard. 20 28 October 14.15.16

D Lawrence 18

Then after putting the three sperm tubs in a box. He put all the rest of his swabs and Harry’s sperm tub into one big bin bag ready to throw away.

Going out, he paid a quick visit to the table. ‘All is going well,’ he said, ‘I need another envelope for today. This next one won’t take long so we should be ok to leave by five at the latest.’

Sergeant Cline handed him an envelope and he returned to the room. It was only just three o’clock, so he settled down at his laptop to bring his report up to date.

At twenty-five past three, he answered a knock on the door to find Jason there. Inviting him in he locked the door and pointed out that he could leave any time he wanted. He reminded him that he’d only get paid if he completed everything he was asked.

‘Can I ask what you’re likely to use the cash for?’ Lewis asked. ‘I’m going home for a few days next weekend,’ he said, ‘So I’ll take my parents out for a meal.’ ‘That’s a nice use.’ Lewis said.

‘Ok, we start off with a simple medical. If you strip to your shorts, I’ll listen to your chest first. Jason stripped of without any embarrassment. He was a few inches shorter than Lewis and a bit overweight. He was wearing a loose pair of black shorts. His stomach hung over the waistband.

Lewis listened to his chest whilst he did his four deep breaths. Then he lay on the settee. Lewis asked about his accidents and illnesses, then measured his heartbeat. Jason did his five press ups surprising Lewis by doing all five without any problem. As he lay back down Lewis measured his heartbeat and commented on how well he had done them. ‘I’ve just started rowing,’ he said, ‘It’s been building my shoulders up.’ Lewis tested his ribs and muscles then measured his heart again.

‘Well, it’s doing you good,’ he said, ‘You started at sixty-five, went up to seventy-six and returned to sixty-seven within the minute. Your heart is good. If you can get rid of a bit of weight, you’ll be very fit and very healthy.’

‘Stand up now, please,’ he said. ‘Touch your toes,’ he instructed. He checked over his legs and knees whilst he was bent over. ‘Take your shorts off and lie face down,’ Lewis instructed. ‘I’m going to examine every bone in your spine.’ Lewis said as Jason stripped off and lay down. ‘Then I’ll take a swab from the outside of the opening to your bum.’

He sat on the edge of the settee and checked each bone, then parted his cheeks and took the swab. ‘Turn over now.’ he said. Jason turned immediately, no sign of shyness. His cock was a reasonable size for his body. His abdomen had a roll of fat on it too.

Lewis took a swab from his nose, mouth, under his arm and his belly button. ‘I’m going to take one from your groin next,’ he told him, ‘Then one from the tip of your cock. With a strange hand touching your cock you may erect. If you feel that happening don’t fight it, it will be a good sign that you are relaxing with me. It will also help getting the sample of sperm I need.’

Lewis pulled his cock to one side and ran a swab down the full length of one groin. Whether it was the sensation on his groin or the touch of Lewis’s hand, his cock stiffened up slightly. ‘Good,’ Lewis said, ‘It looks like you’re going to be able to complete everything quickly.’

His cock was circumcised so when he lifted it up, he just had to put his swab into the end half an inch then rotate it. That made Jason laugh, as well as stiffen some more.

‘I’m going to examine your stomach, abdomen, pubic hairs and genitals next,’ Lewis said. ‘Then I’ll ask you some questions about your sex life.’ Lewis pressed all over his stomach, then his abdomen.

As he felt through his pubic hairs Jasons cock grew some more. As Lewis examined his balls, then his cock, it moved to fully hard. Jason didn’t seem to mind.

‘You’re doing well,’ Lewis said. ‘I’m going to ask you about sex now. Because you are already hard, I’ll draw the sperm sample as you answer so just let yourself go. If you’re going to do it you may as well enjoy it.’

Jason grinned, ‘Ok,’ he said, ‘Sounds good.’ ‘Before you begin to tell me,’ Lewis said, ‘In case you are not aware, it’s very common for teenagers to have sexual experiments with their closest pals. So don’t feel embarrassed about telling me what you’ve done.’

‘Can you start by telling me all your sexual experiences in the order they happened. Describe each one. Tell me how many things you did with each person and how old you were at the time. If I need to I’ll ask an occasional additional question.’ He picked up his pot for the sperm and said, ‘Ok off you go.’

‘My first experience,’ Jason began was with an uncle when I was fourteen. We’d gone to stay with him, and I was sharing his room. When we went to bed, he was asking me if I played with myself at night. I said I did. He asked me if anyone else had ever done it for me. I said no but it sounded nice.’

‘Would you like me to show you?’ he asked. ‘I said yes, so he came and sat on my bed. He pulled the covers off and slid my shorts down. I had already started to go hard so as soon as he took hold of it, I went fully hard immediately. He stroked it for a while and played with my balls it was lovely. Then he started stroking it properly.’

‘I lay back and closed my eyes. What I’d done myself had always been lovely, but this was something else. Before long I was ready to come. ‘I’m coming,’ I whispered as loud as I dared. ‘Just let it go,’ he said and went faster. I shot the biggest load ever. It shot in the air and landed on my chest. The feelings that went through me were wonderful.’

‘As I went soft, he asked me how I had liked it. ‘It was wonderful,’ I said. He pulled a towel out and mopped it all up. I had gone soft by now. He stood up and said, ‘Can I have a hug as a thank you?’

‘Sure,’ I said and got out of bed. I was naked, he just had shorts on. We hugged and I realised he was hard too. As we hugged, he said, ‘Can you feel how excited I am?’ ‘Yes,’ I said. ‘Have you ever fired anyone else?’ he asked. ‘No,’ I said. ‘Would you like to?’ ‘Yes,’ I said thinking it would be quite an experience.’

‘You don’t have to,’ he said, ‘But as you let me fire you, the least I can do is let you fire me if you would like to.’ ‘Yes, please,’ I said. He got up on my bed and lay flat. His shorts were sticking up in the air. ‘If you want to do it,’ he said, ‘Take my shorts off first and have a good look at me.’

‘I got hold of his shorts and he lifted his hips up. I slid them down. He had to reach inside and hold his cock flat so they would go past. Once they were off and I could see his cock, it was twice the size that mine was then. I took hold of it and felt all over it. Then I felt his balls. It was a lovely sensation.’

‘Then I started going up and down. It wasn’t long before he fired. I’d never seen so much cum before. From the noises he was trying to supress, he was evidentially enjoying it.’

‘After he had shrunk and cleaned himself up, he took me in his arms and kissed me on my lips. That felt good too, it was my first kiss on the lips. We got into bed together and lay in each other’s arms. The feelings I was getting were amazing.’

‘After a while he got up. He stood at the side of the bed and bent over to kiss me again. Then he kissed down my chest and over my stomach. It felt wonderful. Then he kissed my hairs and my cock. That sent shivers through me.’

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