The Life of Lewis
Copyright© 2021 by Lewis Lucas
Chapter 1: Guinea Pig Hunting
Pedo Sex Story: Chapter 1: Guinea Pig Hunting - Lewis is 15 and decides to get a Saturday job. Finding one in a Video hire shop helping Mike the manager, he finds himself earning a bit extra every week by having some interesting fitness tests followed by some relaxation including sex lessons and experiences which he thoroughly enjoys.
Caution: This Pedo Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa mt/Fa Ma/Ma Ma/mt mt/mt Teenagers Coercion Consensual Rape Gay BiSexual Heterosexual Fiction Incest Torture Anal Sex First Massage Masturbation Oral Sex Petting Doctor/Nurse Teacher/Student
‘That sounds perfect,’ Aiden said, ‘But what are the sarge and I going to do?’ ‘Well how about you set up a table somewhere and see if you can get any new recruits.’ Lewis said with a grin.
‘Are you politely telling us we’re in the way?’ Sergeant Cline said laughing. ‘Not at all,’ Lewis said, ‘And to me you don’t look any different than anyone else. But I’ve heard it said that lots of people can recognise a policeman anywhere. I don’t know how true that is, but you don’t want to be putting anyone off.’
‘Ok, we’ll go and see what we can do,’ they said. ‘Call us if you need us. Here’s four envelopes with a hundred pounds in each.’ Sergeant Cline said handing them over. ‘Also remind me later and I’ll refund what you spent this morning.’
After they had gone, Lewis organised the room a little. Then he set out the stuff he had bought on the table. He hung the white coat and the stethoscope on the back of the door.
Then after another good study of the four photos he locked the room up and wandered around. His list told him what courses they were taking. They had obtained a timetable, so he knew where each one was likely to be.
He wandered around for a while amid bursts of groups of people, all who seemed to be moving in a hurry from one point to another. Then he spotted two young men coming towards him. One was a face that he recognised.
Changing direction slightly so he came face to face with them, he said, ‘Good morning, gentlemen, I’m Lewis and I’d like to give you each a hundred pounds.’ As he spoke, he shook hands with them.
Seeing he had their full attention, Lewis explained that he was a medical student and had been asked by the university to conduct a random survey into a variety of possible future problems. ‘If you will come to room One Hundred, at a time to suit yourselves and spend a maximum of two hours with me, you will leave with a hundred pounds in cash.’
‘What would we have to do?’ the spare body asked. ‘You’d have to let me give you a very simple medical,’ Lewis told him. ‘Also give me some samples like a swab from your nose, mouth etc. No needles,’ he added with a grin. ‘Also, you would need to tell me about some of your life experiences. I can assure you that nothing you tell me will ever become public and no records I keep will have anything on them to identify you.’
‘Ok,’ they both said. ‘What do we do?’ ‘Give me your Christian name, age and phone number,’ Lewis said. ‘Then tell me a time that suits you this afternoon, tomorrow or Friday. I only want your name so I know what to call you, but it will not appear on any of my documentation.’
‘The one he really wanted to interview spoke first. ‘I’m Peter, aged nineteen,’ he said. He reeled off his phone number and said, ‘I can do two o’clock this afternoon.’ ‘Ok, I can confirm that time.’ Lewis said. He handed him a location plan he had drawn showing where the room was.
Then his pal said, ‘I’m Harry aged twenty.’ He gave his phone number and said, ‘I could do four o’clock today.’ ‘Ok that’s great,’ Lewis said, ‘I can confirm that too. See you both then and thank you.’
Lewis wandered on and soon spotted another of the four. He watched him for a few minutes then when he was alone, he wandered over and paused as he drew near as if he had just noticed him.
Introducing himself the same way, he soon had Malcom booked in for ten am the following day.
He decided to go and get some lunch in the canteen. On his way he passed Sergeant Cline and Aiden sitting at a table in a hallway. Their table had a sign on the front saying, Information on a Career with the Police. He paused as if he was asking a question in passing.
‘Two of the four booked and one spare.’ he said quietly. ‘Brilliant,’ they both said. As Lewis went into the canteen, he spotted a third body eating alone. When he collected his food, he went over and asked, ‘Do you mind if I join you?’ ‘No, it’s fine.’ came the reply.
Lewis settled down then put his hand out. ‘I’m Lewis,’ he said, ‘I’m a medical student.’ ‘Richard,’ he said shaking hands. ‘I didn’t think we had medical students here.’ he said.
‘You don’t,’ Lewis told him. ‘I got asked by the university to come and do a random survey into a number of potential future problems. I’ve got to select a few people at random to interview and pay them a hundred pounds for their trouble.’
‘Wow,’ Richard said, ‘You must be my fairy godmother.’ Then realising what he had just said, he added, ‘Sorry I didn’t mean to give offence.’ ‘Don’t worry,’ Lewis said, ‘None taken. But what made you say it?’
‘I’m in need of some funds at the moment,’ Richard told him, ‘A hundred pounds would be a godsend. But I suppose you have specific requirements, and I wouldn’t qualify.’
‘Well, let me tell you what I would need you to do.’ Lewis said, ‘Then you can decide.’ He started eating. In between mouthfuls, he explained what was required and how the information would be anonymous.
‘I’m fine with all that,’ he said, ‘Will I do?’ ‘Yes,’ Lewis said, ‘I’d be delighted to have you. ‘I have tomorrow at one o’clock or three o’clock available, or Friday. When would suit you?’ ‘One tomorrow would be ideal,’ he said. ‘Can I just confirm that I would get the cash tomorrow?’ ‘Yes,’ Lewis said, ‘The moment you finish. Is it that desperate?’ Lewis asked.
‘Let’s just say it will save me a lot of problems,’ Richard said. ‘Well, we’ll help each other then.’ Lewis told him. ‘That’s how life should be.’ They chatted as they ate then Richard got up to go. ‘Thanks so much,’ he said as he shook hands, ‘I’ll see you tomorrow.’
As he passed the police table, Lewis discretely showed Aiden three fingers.
He returned to the room and checked everything was ready. Then he put his white coat on and the stethoscope round his neck. He sat and relaxed in one of the armchairs whilst he ran through in his mind what he planned.
Ten minutes later there was a knock on the door. He opened it and found Peter standing there. ‘Come in,’ he said, ‘Thanks for coming.’ Once he was inside and he had closed the door, Lewis pointed out that he was locking the door and leaving the key in it.
‘That means no one can come in and hear anything you say,’ he told him. ‘But if for any reason you want to pack up, you can just get up and let yourself out. But of course, if you don’t complete everything to the end, there is no money.’
‘Ok, I understand.’ Peter said. ‘First thing,’ Lewis said, ‘Is a very basic and easy medical. Can you strip to your shorts please.’ Peter was slim and about an inch taller than Lewis. He had a good shape but didn’t look over powerful.
Lewis listened to the front and back of his chest whilst he took deep breaths. Then he asked him to lie on the settee. ‘They couldn’t rustle up a bed for me to use,’ he said, ‘But the settee will do fine. Tell me what illnesses and injuries you have had.’ Lewis asked. ‘I had a broken arm when I was ten,’ he told him, ‘And concussion when I was twelve. ‘Both through coming off my push bike. Neither gave any lasting problem. I haven’t had any illnesses.’
‘Whilst you’ve been lying flat,’ Lewis told him, ‘Your heart will have slowed down.’ He put the stethoscope just under his left nipple. ‘It’s down to sixty beats per minute now,’ he said. ‘Can you get down on the floor, do five press ups then lie back as you are now.’
Lewis stood up out of the way. Peter got up, did five press ups, just. Then collapsed back on the settee breathing heavily. Lewis sat back and listened to his heart. ‘Eighty-five,’ he said. ‘I’ll bet you can feel it pounding.’ ‘Yes,’ Peter said, ‘Am I ok’ ‘I’ll tell you in a minute,’ Lewis said, ‘It’s normal for it to increase after exercise. The real test is what it goes back to after one minute.’
He started examining his ribs and the muscles in between. When he had done them all, he said, ‘That’s a minute up.’ Listening to his heart once more, he said, ‘Sixty-four beats. That’s good,’ he said. ‘It’s a very basic test but suggests your heart is sound.’
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