The Life of Lewis - Cover

The Life of Lewis

Copyright© 2021 by Lewis Lucas

Chapter 5: Drugs Raids by the Dozen

Pedo Sex Story: Chapter 5: Drugs Raids by the Dozen - Lewis is 15 and decides to get a Saturday job. Finding one in a Video hire shop helping Mike the manager, he finds himself earning a bit extra every week by having some interesting fitness tests followed by some relaxation including sex lessons and experiences which he thoroughly enjoys.

Caution: This Pedo Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/Fa   Ma/Ma   Ma/mt   mt/mt   Teenagers   Coercion   Consensual   Rape   Gay   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Incest   Torture   Anal Sex   First   Massage   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Petting   Doctor/Nurse   Teacher/Student  

Later that morning all over the area, there were a vast number of police raids. Aiden had arranged it so that he was with the group that did a particular two. The house with the cone camera outside, and the flat that started it all.

The house was straight forward, the guy wasn’t over bothered feeling certain his brief would get him off. Even when they found a large cache of cash and of drugs, he still came quietly.

Then once the van had carted him away, Aiden and his team went over to Amos’s flat. Aiden was in the lead. His companions were a little surprised when he bent down and collected a key from under next doors mat, but no one questioned it.

When he opened the door quietly, they went in. Amos’s father was stretched out on the settee where Mike and Danny had dumped him. They managed to rouse him and noted that he stank of whiskey. He complained his bum hurt and he had been attacked. He was ignored.

Amos was still fast asleep in bed. When they pulled the covers off him, he was fully dressed although his clothes didn’t look completely right. He also smelt of whiskey. When they got him to wake up, he also complained about a pain in his bum and being attacked.

‘You are under arrest for supplying drugs.’ Aiden told him and read him his rights. A search of the flat revealed a good cache of cash but only a small quantity of drugs. ‘You’re not going to do much with that bit.’ Amos bragged, not being aware that all his deals had been filmed.

Aiden spotted the phone in full view on the kitchen table. He picked it up and skimmed through it. There was a video of Amos and his dad getting their punishments, which made him wince.

Then he watched fascinated as the film Mike had taken over Lewis’s shoulder showed Amos’s balls being amputated. ‘Remind me never to fall out with Danny,’ he thought to himself with a grin.

‘So, what was this attack you’re on about?’ he asked Amos. ‘I was stripped and had a pole shoved up my bum.’ Amos said all indignant. ‘Well, you shouldn’t go around raping people then should you.’ Amos told him.

‘I’ve never raped anyone.’ Amos blustered. Aiden pressed a button and there was Amos not only admitting to it but giving names, addresses and details. ‘That’s not admissible,’ he said, ‘It was forced out of me.’

‘Doesn’t matter,’ Aiden said, ‘You’re arrested for drugs, you’ve already been dealt with for rape.’ Seeing Amos looking puzzled he couldn’t resist telling him, ‘According to the film on your phone, you’ve just been castrated.’

Amos then realised all his pains were not just from his bum. He put his hands down his trousers. ‘My balls have gone,’ he wailed, ‘My balls have gone.’ ‘I’m sure the ladies you raped will be delighted to hear it.’ Aiden said.

Meanwhile his dad had put his own hand down his trousers. ‘Mine have gone too,’ he wailed. ‘This is all your fault,’ he shouted at his son, ‘If you hadn’t told me how good it was and brought me round to see to her too, I’d still have mine.’

‘You’re as bad as each other,’ Aiden said, ‘Take them away.’ he told his crew. He locked up and took the key away with him. He couldn’t resist a look at the window box as he passed. Spotting the camera but only because he knew it was there, he gave a thumbs up and a big grin in the hope Danny would look in.

Over the day there was a flurry of statement taking and court cases at numerous police stations. As Aiden had initiated the whole thing, he and Sergeant Cline were put in overall command. Amos was sent for a check-up at the local A&E that morning. They confirmed that a most professional job had been done removing both testicles. Amos was charged with dealing at a special court later that afternoon and remanded in custody. As his dad had no apparent connection with the drug dealing as far as they could tell, he was cautioned about the rape and released.

During the day Aiden received a message from the Chief Constable. ‘I have had a request for you to be assigned to special branch next Monday for a few weeks,’ he said. ‘You are to report to Major Edward at divisional HQ at 08:00 Your section sergeant has been told you are on a special assignment. You are not expected to reveal anything else. If anyone attempts to draw information from you refer them direct to me. Such a request is a great credit to you. Well done.’

After school that day, Danny and Lewis met up at the police station as Lewis had requested. He was planning to ask either Aiden or Sergeant Cline who they should contact whilst they were away.

However, when they arrived the place was in upheaval with all the arrests and extended courts. The desk sergeant was the one who had usually dealt with Lewis. Although there was a lot of coming and going, the desk itself was quiet, so Lewis decided to ask him.

‘I need a policeman to contact for help if I need it for the next two weeks whilst Aidan and Sergeant Cline are away.’ he said, ‘I think Aiden and Sergeant Cline are probably rushed off their feet today, so can you suggest anyone.’ ‘Would he need much experience?’ the sergeant asked.

‘As long as he was capable of arresting someone and could follow instructions, plus didn’t mind working with me or Danny, working out of hours and probably unpaid as I couldn’t authorise overtime, no.’ Lewis said with a grin. ‘My nephew arrived last week fresh from training school,’ he said. ‘No one knows he’s my nephew, so I can have him here and keep an eye on him. The experience would do him good.’

‘He’d be fine,’ Lewis said, ‘Would he agree?’ ‘Yes,’ the sergeant said leaving no room for doubt. ‘Hang on I’ll see if I can find him.’ He rang a number. ‘Can you come to the front desk?’ he asked. ‘As he hung up.’ he said. ‘He’ll be here in a moment. By the way,’ he said, ‘I’m sergeant Derek Goodfellow.’ They shook hands. ‘If half of what I’ve heard about you is true I’m pleased to know you.’ he said smiling.

Ten minutes later a young policeman came out of the back. He went over to the desk. Lewis went over too. ‘This is Tom Dexter,’ the sergeant said. ‘This is Lewis,’ he told his nephew. ‘He works undercover. I want you to go and sit over there with him, listen carefully and do as he asks.’

‘I’ll give you my number before you go,’ he said to Lewis, ‘Just in case.’ ‘Hi Tom,’ Lewis said shaking hands, ‘This is Danny,’ he said introducing them both. ‘Neither of us are policemen,’ Lewis told him, ‘So everything we do is unofficial. You need to keep the fact you are working with us to yourself as your superiors wouldn’t approve.’

‘On the other hand, if there are any arrests when you are with us, you will be the only one empowered to make them. So, you will get any credit. I’ll warn you now,’ Lewis said, ‘We don’t always work strictly to the book. We wouldn’t expect you to do anything wrong, but you might have to turn a blind eye occasionally.’

‘But don’t worry, if anything bothers you, we have no problem with you asking your uncle for advice.’ ‘He told you?’ Tom said sounding surprised. ‘Well, if he thinks that highly of you, count me in.’

‘At the moment it’s only likely to last for two weeks, starting next Monday,’ Lewis told him. ‘It’s perfectly possible that nothing at all will happen for the whole two weeks. So don’t be too disappointed. All you need to do is give us both your mobile phone number.’

‘Do you drive?’ Lewis asked. ‘Yes, I passed my test three months ago,’ Tom told them. ‘I’ve just got my first car. It’s only an old one though.’ ‘It’s ok,’ Lewis said, ‘It’s only for you getting around in, there’s not likely to be any high-speed chases.’

Danny and Lewis put his phone number in their phones. Tom’s uncle called over and said, ‘Tom, give them mine too, please.’ ‘If nothing happens this time,’ Lewis told him, ‘I’ll give you first choice if it happens again.’ ‘How long have you been a policeman?’ Danny asked. ‘Fully fledged, just two weeks,’ Tom said, ‘I came here straight from training school.’

‘How are you finding it?’ Lewis asked. ‘Boring so far,’ he said, ‘I get all the mundane jobs.’ ‘Let’s hope we can brighten it up for you then.’ Danny said smiling. ‘I don’t suppose you’re taser trained yet?’ Lewis asked. ‘No,’ Tom said, ‘But I can handle myself ok.’ ‘That’s good,’ Danny said, ‘Neither of us are fighters.’

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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