The Life of Lewis
Copyright© 2021 by Lewis Lucas
Chapter 6: The Missing Maid
Pedo Sex Story: Chapter 6: The Missing Maid - Lewis is 15 and decides to get a Saturday job. Finding one in a Video hire shop helping Mike the manager, he finds himself earning a bit extra every week by having some interesting fitness tests followed by some relaxation including sex lessons and experiences which he thoroughly enjoys.
Caution: This Pedo Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa mt/Fa Ma/Ma Ma/mt mt/mt Teenagers Coercion Consensual Rape Gay BiSexual Heterosexual Fiction Incest Torture Anal Sex First Massage Masturbation Oral Sex Petting Doctor/Nurse Teacher/Student
Lewis arrived at the shop at six o’clock Tuesday night. He had texted Daryl’s dad and asked him if he could spare him an hour and meet him at the shop.
He had just put the coffees out ready when he heard a knock on the front door. Going through he saw Clive standing outside. Letting him in, Clive shook his hand then gave him a hug. ‘I can’t thank you enough for what you did.’ he said. ‘Glad to have been able to help,’ Lewis said, ‘Come and have a coffee and I’ll tell you why I asked you to come.’
They went through into the back room. Sitting at the table with their coffees, Lewis explained about the neighbour having photos and the likelihood of them being able to arrest the ringleader.
‘What I would like you to do,’ Lewis said, ‘Is give a statement as if you were Gregory Williams, to confirm a few details about the delivery and how you were employed.’ Clive didn’t hesitate. ‘I’ll do anything you want,’ he said. ‘Where will I need to go?’
‘Nowhere,’ Lewis told him, ‘We can do it right here and now. I will write it out and you just sign it. You remember Aiden who you met?’ Clive nodded. ‘Well technically he should be here too, so in the unlikely event you ever have to talk to anyone about it in future, just remember he is here in spirit.’
‘Ok. no problem.’ Clive said grinning. ‘Before we start,’ Lewis said, ‘I want you to look at some photos and tell me if you recognise anyone or anything. He pulled out a sheath of photos Aiden had sent him. They included all the ones the neighbour had given him. There were also an equal number of random mug shots from their records, unconnected with this crime. Every photo had a reference number in the top right hand corner.
Clive took the handful of pictures and started looking slowly through them. Soon he had two piles on the table. ‘This pile I don’t recognise anyone.’ he said as he had another quick look through. He passed them to Lewis who put them back in the folder.
‘All of these I recognise,’ he said. He went through them pointing out which was the truck he had driven. ‘That’s Jack Mason, the guy who hired me.’ he said pointing to one of the mug shots. ‘Really.’ Lewis said recognising the father of the householder where the stone had been used.
‘Yes,’ Clive said, ‘Everyone told me to be careful not to upset him as he’s got a terrible temper. I’ve just remembered,’ Clive added, ‘When I returned from delivering the second load, he came back with me. Then just as I was leaving to bring the fourth load of stone away from the wall, he came running up and jumped in with me. He was very out of breath and came back to the house. He never spoke the entire journey, so I’d forgotten all about it.’
‘So, he was at the wall whilst the trucks were being loaded for the third and fourth loads, then you brought him back to the house?’ Lewis asked. ‘Yes,’ Clive told him, ‘I’m sorry, with everything else going on I had forgotten about it.’
‘Where was he whilst you were loading for your last trip?’ Lewis asked. ‘I didn’t see him,’ Clive said, ‘He wandered off as soon as we got back. I didn’t see him again until he came running up just as I was moving off.’
Lewis sat and wrote the whole thing out. He included the photo reference numbers at the appropriate points. Then gave it to Clive to read. He studied it carefully, then said, ‘Yes, that’s exactly what happened.’ He signed it as Gregory Williams and dated it.
‘As you can see,’ Lewis said, ‘It’s already got the address you used at the top, so no ones going to be able to connect it to you. How have you settled in?’ Lewis asked. ‘It was lovely but strange at first,’ he said, ‘But now it’s almost as if I hadn’t been away. Daryl keeps sitting on my knee and giving me a hug, which is lovely. I think he’s making up for the missing years. I’m so glad he has you as a friend.’ he said.
Lewis smiled and showed him out. He cycled over to the police station and was soon sitting in the canteen with Aiden. He gave him the photos back and Clive’s statement. Aiden read it and said, ‘But this puts Mason at the scene of the murder... ‘ ‘And at the right time.’ Lewis finished for him with a smile.
Aiden took his phone out and made a call. ‘Hi sarge, its Aiden. I’m in the canteen with Lewis, if you’re free there’s something I’d like you to see.’
Ten minutes later Sergeant Cline arrived. Aiden brought him up to date and showed him the statement. ‘Mason organised the job,’ he told him ‘And this puts him at the scene at the right time. I’ll take this up to the local nick after I’ve finished.’
‘This is too good to wait,’ the sergeant said, ‘Go now. Well done Lewis,’ he said, ‘I guess you had something to do with this. Don’t answer that,’ he added grinning, ‘It’s probably better that I don’t know.’ Aiden got up and said, ‘Do you want to come too, Lewis?’ ‘Yes, please.’ Lewis said.
An hour later saw then sitting in another police canteen with the same inspector as last time. Over a coffee Aiden explained that Lewis had met Gregory Williams and persuaded him to make a statement. He handed it over to the inspector along with the photos, the neighbour’s statement and a photo of Clive signing the statement that Lewis had taken.
The inspector read both statements and looked at the photos. ‘These are amazing,’ he said, ‘With these, we can bring him and his son in for questioning.’ To get him to give the statement,’ Lewis said, ‘I had to promise him anonymity. If it was absolutely necessary, he would give evidence in court in person, but only if that was guaranteed. I’m sure you’re aware that Mason is violent,’ Lewis pointed out, ‘So he fears for his safety and that of his family.’
‘For this sort of evidence, I have no problem with that.’ the inspector said. They shook hands and drove back. As they were on their way home Aiden said, ‘When you went to the toilet, the inspector asked me how I managed to find someone like you.’
‘What did you tell him?’ Lewis asked with a grin. ‘I was honest,’ Aiden said, ‘I told him I didn’t, you found me. But I don’t think he believed me. But if he thinks I’m cleverer than I am, who am I to disagree?’ Lewis laughed.
It was nearly midnight by the time Aiden dropped him off home. Lewis had rung to let his parents know he was with Aiden and would be late.
The next lunchtime Ella and Lewis were sitting in the playground. ‘I rang you last night,’ she said. ‘Your mum said you’d put your armour on and gone out on your charger.’ Lewis just grinned at her. She gave him a hug, she knew there was no point asking, if it was something he could tell her he would.
Thursday as he got home from school, Lewis got a text.
‘Hi Lewis, it’s Hannah, you texted me a week ago. I’ve been thinking about what you said and would like to talk to you if the offer is still open.’
‘Hi Hannah,’ Lewis replied once he was in his room. ‘Of course it is, can I ring you now for a brief chat so we can set something up?
‘Yes.’ Hannah replied, ‘Give me five minutes.’ Lewis returned a thumbs up. Just over five minutes later he rang. A nervous sounding ladies voice answered. ‘Hi Hannah, it’s Lewis,’ he said. ‘Thank you for contacting me. Let me explain what the procedure is, then you can either hang up or ask me questions, ok?’
‘Ok,’ she answered. Lewis told her everything he had told Alice. About knowing about Victor, having already counselled one victim and wanting to get him stopped. He explained about the video shop and leaving anytime she wanted to. He finished off by saying she could have a friend ring her to check she was ok.
‘I usually see people at five o’clock on a Saturday, as the shop closes,’ he told her. ‘So far, this Saturday is free. Do you have any questions?’ he asked. ‘I really don’t think I’ll be able to tell anyone what happened to me,’ she said. ‘And I don’t want to waste your time.’
‘You won’t,’ Lewis told her. ‘Everyone feels like that at first. Especially as most people’s problems involve sex of one sort or another. But if you come and have a coffee with me, then you can decide if you want to try or not.’
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