The Life of Lewis
Copyright© 2021 by Lewis Lucas
Chapter 3: Wyatt Lets It Slip
Pedo Sex Story: Chapter 3: Wyatt Lets It Slip - Lewis is 15 and decides to get a Saturday job. Finding one in a Video hire shop helping Mike the manager, he finds himself earning a bit extra every week by having some interesting fitness tests followed by some relaxation including sex lessons and experiences which he thoroughly enjoys.
Caution: This Pedo Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa mt/Fa Ma/Ma Ma/mt mt/mt Teenagers Coercion Consensual Rape Gay BiSexual Heterosexual Fiction Incest Torture Anal Sex First Massage Masturbation Oral Sex Petting Doctor/Nurse Teacher/Student
Wednesday evening Danny had a text from Wyatt to tell him his dad had left that lunchtime. ‘Can we try again tomorrow evening?’ he asked. ‘Yes, no problem,’ Danny said, ‘I’ll come to you for seven if that’s ok.’
The next evening Danny arrived at Wyatts. He climbed the two flights of stairs after being buzzed in. Wyatt was waiting at his door to greet him. As they shook hands and went in, Wyatt apologised again for his dads interruption.
‘It isn’t a problem,’ Danny assured him, ‘You weren’t to know and on the good side, we start off tonight as friends not strangers.’ ‘I wasn’t sure if you’d want a coffee,’ Wyatt said, ‘So I’ve boiled the kettle and put the cups ready.’
‘Yes, that would be nice,’ Danny said. Wyatt made the coffees and they sat at the table again. ‘It must have been nice to see your dad.’ Danny said. ‘Yes,’ Wyatt agreed, ‘I do miss him at times.’ ‘Did you talk your problem over with him?’ Danny asked.
Wyatt looked horrified. ‘Oh no, I couldn’t have told him anything about that,’ he said, ‘I’d be far too embarrassed.’ ‘How do you feel about our last session,’ Danny asked, ‘Brief as it was.’ ‘It’s very strange,’ he answered, ‘Although it was short, when I have thought about it since, I find I’m thinking of you as someone I’ve known a long time, not someone I’ve just met.’
‘That’s lovely to hear and it’s a good sign,’ Danny told him. ‘When we go through to the lounge after our coffees, If you want we can start at the beginning again. But if you feel ok to carry straight on where we left off, take off what you feel comfortable with before you lie down.’
‘How did you sleep the last two nights?’ Danny asked. ‘Much better than I’ve done for ages.’ he replied. ‘That’s because you’re doing something about your problem, instead of just suffering it.’ Danny told him.
They got up and went through to the lounge. Danny let Wyatt get ahead. At the settee, he kicked his slippers off and pulled his top of. Tossing it aside on a chair, he undid his trousers, stepped out of them and added them to the pile.
He turned to face Danny. He was wearing a pair of white underpants. With his narrow waist his figure looked a perfect shape. The bulge in the front looked quite small. He lay down on the settee. Danny sat at the side and smiled at him. ‘Well done,’ he said, ‘That’s a good step forward. Now before you turn over and we carry on, sit up and repeat the hug we had.’
Wyatt sat up immediately. He had enjoyed the hug last time and when he had thought about tonight, he had hoped it would be repeated. It made him feel safe somehow. It seemed totally different to the hug he had shared with his dad.’
They both put their arms around each other with their heads on each other’s shoulders. ‘This feels so nice, and I feel so safe when you hold me.’ Wyatt said. Danny turned his head and kissed his ear. ‘That’s nice to hear,’ he said. ‘It’s a good sign that you are going to be able to tell me everything that happened to you. Then we can sort it out.’
Wyatt lifted his head up and looked straight at Danny. ‘I do hope so,’ he said. ‘I already feel you’re going to succeed.’ Thinking about it afterwards he knew he had wanted to do what he did next the moment Danny had arrived. He kissed him on his lips.
A few seconds later he backed off, went red and said, ‘I’m sorry I don’t know what came over me.’ ‘I do,’ Danny said, ‘It was a combination of feeling safe with me and relief because you know you feel able to see it through. Why don’t you do it again?’
Wyatt moved forward and this time they had a long kiss. As they broke away, Wyatt said, ‘Wow.’ ‘That makes us very close,’ Danny said. ‘It will help you relax fully. Lie down now and turn over.’
As he massaged the back of his head, Danny said, ‘I’m going to go down your back again, with of course, more questions. Because you have been able to strip to your underpants, when I reach your waist, I’ll massage your cheeks over your underpants, and then take hold of their top.’
‘I’ll pause, and if you say stop, I’ll carry on back up. If you say nothing, I’ll massage your cheeks again but this time inside directly on the skin. Now because of what you told me last time, I know your cheeks are the site of your worst nightmare. So, I won’t be surprised or offended if you don’t feel able to do that just yet, ok?’
‘Ok,’ Wyatt said, thinking that although the idea terrified him, he felt sure that nothing Danny did would hurt him. Danny moved down onto his bare shoulders. A wave of pleasure flowed through Wyatt at the lovely sensation.
‘Who was your first girlfriend?’ Danny asked. After a brief pause, Wyatt said, ‘I haven’t had one yet.’ ‘Can you tell me why that is?’ Danny asked as he massaged down his back. ‘I wasn’t good at mixing when I was at school,’ he said, ‘I was a bit of a loner.’
‘How did you get on with the other boys at school?’ Danny asked as he massaged over his underpants. There was a pause and a happy sound then Wyatt said. ‘Again, I didn’t really mix. I was content to be on my own. I was no good at sports, so they tended to act as if I didn’t exist.’
As he moved up to his waist, Danny took hold of the top of his underpants and held them still as he asked, ‘Did you have any close friends?’
Wyatt didn’t answer right away, so Danny lifted the back of his underpants up and slid his hand inside over one cheek. As he massaged the skin, Wyatt was struggling with experiencing something so lovely where previously had been pain.
He let out a long low cry of delight. ‘I can’t believe how lovely that feels,’ Wyatt said. ‘How can it be on that spot of all things?’ ‘The reason is simple,’ Danny said. ‘Consent and consideration. Malik had neither when he attacked you. I have both as I massage you.’ As they spoke Danny massaged the other cheek bringing more happy cries from Wyatt.
As Danny drew his hands out and massaged both cheeks together over the top, Wyatt gave another happy cry then as Danny moved on down the back of his legs, he remembered the question.
‘Just one,’ he said. ‘Grayson arrived two years before I left. His dad had moved because of his job. He was a loner like me, so we hit it off right away. We’re still best friends.’
As he reached his feet and started back up, Danny asked, ‘What did you do together out of school?’ ‘We went to each other’s houses a lot,’ Wyatt said, ‘We’d play video games or swim.’
‘Where did you swim?’ Danny asked. ‘At his house mainly,’ Wyatt said, ‘His dad’s firm had rented a big house for them and it had a medium size swimming pool in the back garden. It even had its own cabin with a changing area and toilets.’
Danny massaged over the back of his underpants again. Wyatt went quiet as he enjoyed it. He was hoping that Danny was going to go inside again. He felt him get hold of the back and lift it up. His excitement grew, then instead of a hand going inside, he felt them being pulled slowly down.
He didn’t know what he was doing but instead of feeling panic, he was quite sure it was going to be lovely. He felt Danny lower the top of his underpants down onto the back of his legs, immediately below his cheeks. He felt surprised that knowing his bum was uncovered and vulnerable was not terrifying him.
Then a fantastic feeling flowed though him as a pair of gentle hands rested on both of his bare cheeks at the same time. He cried out in delight. Then as they massaged all over so very gently, he kept crying out with such pleasure.
He knew at that point that he would recover from the memory of the terrible pain that Malik had put him through. Danny kept massaging all over both cheeks accompanied by Wyatts happy cries. Then as he moved on up his back, Danny asked, ‘When you swam together, did you get changed together afterwards?’
‘Yes, of course,’ Wyatt said. ‘Imagine you had just taken your wet costumes off and were getting dry, describe Grayson to me so I can picture him. Use your body as a comparison.’
‘Grayson is about three inches shorter than me,’ Wyatt said as he started his description. ‘He was a little broader than me in the shoulders and a lot broader than me in the waist. He wasn’t overly fat, but he certainly had a soft stomach. He had a good patch of hairs on his chest, whereas you can hardly see mine.’
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