The Life of Lewis - Cover

The Life of Lewis

Copyright© 2021 by Lewis Lucas

Chapter 4: Agony For Alice

Pedo Sex Story: Chapter 4: Agony For Alice - Lewis is 15 and decides to get a Saturday job. Finding one in a Video hire shop helping Mike the manager, he finds himself earning a bit extra every week by having some interesting fitness tests followed by some relaxation including sex lessons and experiences which he thoroughly enjoys.

Caution: This Pedo Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/Fa   Ma/Ma   Ma/mt   mt/mt   Teenagers   Coercion   Consensual   Rape   Gay   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Incest   Torture   Anal Sex   First   Massage   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Petting   Doctor/Nurse   Teacher/Student  

As Lewis’s hands reached her cheeks again, he said, ‘Don’t let Victors attack on you blind you to the delights of making love to someone special. I can assure you that it is totally pain free and very, very, nice.’

What he was saying plus the feeling of the massage on her cheeks gave her hope that just perhaps her earlier dreams might one day come true after all.

As his hands moved onto her bare back, she enjoyed the lovely feeling again. ‘What did you do to prevent yourself getting pregnant afterwards?’ Lewis asked as he massaged over her bra strap and on up to her shoulders.

‘The possibility didn’t register until after work the next day,’ she said. ‘After having a panic, I calmed down then went to a chemist on the industrial estate outside of town. I spoke to a lady pharmacist, and she gave me a morning after pill. She advised that if my boyfriend was going to get carried away regularly, I should go to my GP and get put on the pill. I thanked her and said that I would.’

Lewis took his hands off her head and told her to turn over. She did without thinking, then as she settled into place, realised she only had her bra on top and Lewis would see the parts of her breast not covered by her bra.

After a brief panic she remembered that Lewis wasn’t a virgin and had probably seen completely bare breasts lots of time, for all he was so young. ‘I’m jealous of him,’ she thought with a shock.

‘I’m going to go down your front again,’ he said. ‘You’ve experienced how nice and how relaxing the massage is on your skin. When I reach your waist, I’ll take hold of the top of your jeans and pause. If you don’t say stop, I’ll undo them before moving on down.’

‘That will release the pressure on your stomach. It will also enable me to give you some more relaxing options next time you turn over.’ He put his hands on her head and massaged briefly.

As he moved down onto her shoulders she shivered. As he looked at her, she smiled, ‘That was a shiver of pleasure,’ she said. ‘Since your trouble,’ Lewis asked as he massaged down onto her bra, ‘Have you seen anyone that you would have liked to date?’

She remained silent enjoying the sensation of male hands on her breasts, something she hadn’t wanted or expected to ever feel again. It felt so nice that she started to imagine what it would have felt like if her bra hadn’t been in the way.

Coming back to earth she said, ‘There is a dad at the nursery where I’m working now,’ she said. ‘He has a little boy of three. He’s a widow. I know that because I heard some of the other ladies talking about how sad it was.’

Lewis reached her waist. He took hold of the top each side of the top button and paused. Alice stopped talking, she didn’t know what to do. She wanted to keep going, it was beginning to get really nice, but undoing her jeans was too close to memories of Victors attack, even if it was two years ago. As she felt Lewis move his fingers towards the button, she caved in. ‘Stop.’ she said.

Lewis immediately started massaging over her jeans. ‘Sorry,’ she said, ‘I wanted to.’ ‘That’s ok,’ he said, ‘Don’t worry about it. Victors attack on you was horrible, it’s bound to affect you.’

As he moved down her legs, she resumed her story. ‘Apparently when the little boy was six months old, the husband was on nights. She heard a noise in the night, assumed it was the baby and got up to see to him.’

‘The baby hadn’t disturbed, but as she came out of his room she was confronted by a man in a mask. She turned to flee, and he grabbed her. According to the robber who was caught shortly afterwards, she slipped and fell downstairs, breaking her neck in the fall.’

‘It turned out he had fled the house but stopped at the first phone box and rang an ambulance. Forensics confirmed his story, so he was just charged with manslaughter.’

‘Even before I knew the story we had chatted on many occasions. I liked him and he seemed to like me. But as I had no inclination to get close, I don’t know if he was interested in me or if he was just being polite.’

As she finished, Lewis had come up her legs, gone over the front of her jeans and paused again holding the top. This time she looked at his still hands, looked at him, smiled, and said nothing. She watched as Lewis undid her top button, then as he slid her zip down, she had such an exciting feeling going through her.

‘Well done,’ Lewis said as he put his hands on her bare stomach and massaged upwards. ‘What is his name?’ ‘Logan.’ she said giving a smile as she pictured him smiling at her. ‘Have you had any dreams about him?’

‘Yes and no.’ she said as Lewis massaged over her bra, paying extra attention to the bare bits of breast around the edge of the cups. ‘I’ve started to dream, but I don’t get very far before the image of his face in my mind changes to Victor and I panic.’

Massaging her head and taking his hand off, Lewis smiled at her. ‘You’re doing very well,’ he said. ‘By the time we are done, you’ll forget Victor for ever and be ready, willing, and able to date Logan. And to let him make love to you.’

‘When you turn over, I’ll go down your back again. Because your jeans are loose, I’ll pause at your waist, then if you say nothing, I’ll massage your cheeks inside your jeans but over your panties. Then I’ll go down and massage as much of your legs on the skin as I can reach. If you feel relaxed enough, lift your hips and I’ll slide your jeans down. Then I can do all of your legs on the skin.’

‘Also, as I go down your back, when I reach your bra strap I’ll take hold of it each side of the hooks and pause. If you don’t say stop, I’ll undo it. If I do, I’ll return to your shoulders and massage your back again, this time with nothing in the way.’

‘Remember you don’t have to let any of those things happen. I want to get you relaxed, not frightened. Turn over when you’re ready.’ She turned over right away. She didn’t know what she was going to do, but knowing there was no pressure to do any of them, she was happy to continue.

As Lewis massaged the back of her head, she couldn’t help feeling excited at the options and what sensations they would bring. Even the fact that she was considering them amazed her.

As Lewis’s hands massaged her shoulders, she felt she could lie there and enjoy it all day. ‘Since you were here the other day,’ Lewis asked, ‘Have you had any new nice dreams.’

She lay still, remembering the one lovely dream she had had a couple of times. At the same time enjoying Lewis’s hands on her back. Then with a shock she realised his hands were stationary. He had hold of her bra strap and was waiting her decision.

‘What shall I do?’ she thought, ‘I should say stop but everything is going so well.’ Then she felt her bra go loose. Lewis had waited and heard nothing. As the pressure round her breasts relaxed, she felt so free. She relaxed and waited for the massage on her back.

She felt Lewis’s hands sliding the straps off her shoulders then he started massaging. No questions, just a lovely massage, it moved down her back on and on. She wondered how could removing such a small strap make it so much more exciting.

All too soon he reached her waist. Then as the pleasure faded away, she felt him take hold of the loose waist of her jeans. Still in a euphoric state she said nothing, just waited for more pleasure to begin. His hand started sliding down on her panties, massaging one cheek. It felt so wonderful. Then when his hand moved over and did the same on the other cheek, she couldn’t help herself, she let out a long moan of delight and lifted her hips up.

Her jeans slid down to her ankles as if they had a life of their own. Then she screamed. Both of Lewis’s hands had rested on both her cheeks at the same time. With no jeans in the way, he massaged all over them with just the flimsy material of her panties in between. Her scream had been pure ecstasy.

As his hands moved down the back of her bare legs, the pleasure continued, but her mind was already anticipating the massage on her cheeks when he came back up.

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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