The Life of Lewis
Copyright© 2021 by Lewis Lucas
Chapter 2: Peters Strange Work Experience
Pedo Sex Story: Chapter 2: Peters Strange Work Experience - Lewis is 15 and decides to get a Saturday job. Finding one in a Video hire shop helping Mike the manager, he finds himself earning a bit extra every week by having some interesting fitness tests followed by some relaxation including sex lessons and experiences which he thoroughly enjoys.
Caution: This Pedo Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa mt/Fa Ma/Ma Ma/mt mt/mt Teenagers Coercion Consensual Rape Gay BiSexual Heterosexual Fiction Incest Torture Anal Sex First Massage Masturbation Oral Sex Petting Doctor/Nurse Teacher/Student
‘Show me a head stand,’ he said, ‘I’ll hold your feet. Put your head there.’ He pointed to the floor by his feet.
‘I knelt down and did one. He took hold of my ankles. ‘Good,’ he said. ‘Hold it there.’ He put an arm around my ankles and held them tight. I didn’t realise he was getting hold of the leg of my underpants until he yanked them up to my feet.’
‘I was stuck in the position with him holding my ankles. I felt so embarrassed knowing he was looking down at my balls and my cock. He reached down and took hold of it. ‘There’s not much of it, is there?’ he said. ‘I’ll bet you’re still a virgin.’
‘Answer me,’ he snapped when I didn’t speak, ‘Or I’ll squeeze your balls.’ ‘Yes,’ I said. ‘You’re likely to stay that way when the girls see that little thing.’ he told me. He played with it for a bit then he just let go of me.’
‘As I collapsed on the floor, he ordered me to stand up.’
‘He looked me up and down then said, ‘You’re here to learn about life so I’ve got a special lesson for you. Stand there and watch. Move and you’ll regret it.’
‘He stood facing me and started stripping off. I was really scared now. Soon he was down to his shorts. I could see this colossal bulge in his shorts. He was watching my face as he took his shorts off.’
‘I couldn’t help gasping, I’d never seen anyone so big. It reminded me of a horse I had once seen in a field just before it was going to mount a mare.’
‘He stood there with his hands behind his head making his cock flex. Terrified as I was, I couldn’t take my eyes off it.’ He took hold of my arm and dragged me over to the settee.’
‘He lay down and made me sit at his side. I was facing him, so he was able to take hold of my cock. ‘Play with mine,’ he said. ‘If you don’t, I’ll let go of your cock and get hold of your balls. Believe me you’ve never felt any pain as bad as you’ll feel then.’
‘I took hold of it. It felt enormous and as it throbbed in my hand it was so strong. As I ran my hands over it, he played with mine, although it stayed soft. ‘Fire me,’ he said, ‘Then you can go, and I’ll give you a good report.’ I had been terrified about what might happen, so I decided firing him wasn’t too bad.’
‘I changed my grip and started stroking it. It seemed strange being able to move my hand so far along it. It seemed to take ages before anything happened but by the noise’s he was making he was enjoying it. His hand on my cock wasn’t very gentle, but at least that helped to stop me erecting.’
‘He started making louder noises and his cock was throbbing more in my hand. Then he said, ‘Go faster.’ At the same time, he pushed my hand over, so his cock was pointing a little to the side instead of straight up. I speeded up and within seconds it swelled and throbbed as it shot a jet of cum out like a firehose.’
‘I realised why he had moved my hand over, it soared up in the air and some went beyond the settee, then as it eased off it fell on the back of the settee rather than on him. I kept hold of it as it went soft. Even soft it was enormous.’
‘Stand up.’ he said. He got up with his cock now hanging limp between his legs, it almost reached his knees. He went over to his clothes and pulled out a cloth. He wiped his cock and the bit of cum that had landed on his side.’
‘Sit on the settee,’ he ordered. He came and stood in front of me. ‘Close your eyes and open your mouth.’ he ordered. As I hesitated, he reminded me about my balls. I did what he said. A second later something big and soft went into my mouth. I knew right away it was his cock. I opened my eyes horrified.’
‘Sure enough, I had the end three inches of it in my mouth. He grinned at me and said, ‘Make sure you don’t bite it, or I’ll bite your balls off. Now sit still and close your eyes.’ I knew he was too soft to fire so I was wondering what other terrible thing he could be planning.’
‘A moment later he said, ‘Open your eyes.’ I did and found him holding his phone. I couldn’t speak for cock and didn’t dare move. Then he stepped back so his cock fell out of my mouth.’
‘As it did, he stopped filming. ‘What are you doing?’ I asked. ‘I’ve just filmed you sucking my cock,’ he said. ‘It also shows your little thing. If you have any bright ideas about reporting me, I’ll say you begged me to let you suck me because of my size. The video will confirm it. I’ll also put it on the internet for all your friends to see.’
‘He started getting dressed and told me to get dressed too. ‘I enjoyed that,’ he said, ‘And you’ve had a memorable experience. You’ll probably never feel a cock that size again. I’m going to give you a glowing report as a reward. Off you go now.’
‘I was so pleased to be out of the room and back amongst other people. I didn’t know what to do. I couldn’t risk the photo becoming public, so in the end I decided that as nothing had actually hurt me, I’d just forget it had happened.’
‘And did you?’ Danny asked. ‘Yes,’ Peter said, ‘For a week. Then whenever I played with myself in bed, no matter who or what I thought about, my mind only seemed able to picture Malik’s giant cock and me playing with it.’
‘Then a week after that, I started wondering if he might put the picture up on the internet just to be nasty, or even accidentally. I started having sleepless nights, even though it was then a fortnight since I’d finished my work experience.’
‘When my pal at the Manor gave me your number, I decided that if I could just tell someone what had happened it might help.’ ‘Yes, sharing a problem always lightens it,’ Danny said. ‘Now you have told me what happened you’ll find you’re not worrying quite as much. But I think I can do better than that.’
‘First, let’s look at Malik himself. As you know he’s now locked up. I can tell you that the evidence that the police have will ensure he goes to prison for quite some time. If it helps you, I can also tell you that he was arrested in the room where he attacked you, whilst raping someone not much older than you. I’ll ask you to keep that to yourself. So, you were fortunate in only having to fire him.’
‘You have already fired Liam. You enjoyed that because it was someone you liked and felt safe with. You had also agreed to do it. What you had to do with Malik was just the same. So, it wasn’t what he did that was a problem. The trouble arises because he forced you to do it and you were frightened. So, you don’t need to get over what he did, just how he did it.’
‘At the end, he made you put his cock in your mouth as if you were sucking him. Now if you had had another session with Liam, the next logical step is that you may well have decided to do that together.’ Then seeing the look on Peters face he grinned and said, ‘You did, didn’t you?’
Peter nodded, ‘Yes,’ he said, ‘About two months later.’ ‘Did you enjoy it?’ Danny asked. ‘Yes,’ he said, ‘It was lovely.’ ‘So again, it was not what Malik did that was a problem, it was how and why he did it.’
‘We will solve that shortly. You can forget the photo,’ Danny said, ‘Maliks phone was seized when he was arrested. The police have it secure. It’s possible that the pictures in it might be shown to the Judge at his trial, but no one else will see them and once he is sentenced, the phone will be wiped clean.’
‘Oh, that’s wonderful news,’ Peter said, ‘That’s such a relief. Can I ask how you know that?’ ‘Because I was with the policeman when he was arrested,’ Danny told him. ‘I can’t explain how or why I came to be there, but I can assure you his phone is well out of his reach.’
‘Your only problem now is that the last time you fired anyone and the last time you were in a sucking position, it was with Malik. Because it’s fresh in your mind it keeps surfacing.’
‘If you could fire Liam now, then give him a suck, even if it was a brief one, your brain would automatically recall Liam instead of Malik.’ Peter went quiet as he thought through everything Danny had said.
‘Are you are saying that if I fired Liam or someone I liked because it was something I wanted to do, and then sucked him, or someone else I liked for the same reason, I’d forget all about Malik?’ he asked.
‘Yes,’ Danny said. ‘As long as you both agreed and it gave you great pleasure, it would be that which came into your mind in future, not Malik. Would Liam let you do that?’ ‘I don’t know,’ Peter said, ‘It’s been a long time since we did anything like that. But there is someone else that I would love to do that to.’
Danny had a good idea what was coming next. ‘He’d probably enjoy it too,’ he said, ‘Why don’t you ask him right now?’ he added smiling. ‘Could I do it to you?’ Peter asked as his heart thumped loudly.
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