The Life of Lewis
Copyright© 2021 by Lewis Lucas
Chapter 8: The Youngest Victim
Pedo Sex Story: Chapter 8: The Youngest Victim - Lewis is 15 and decides to get a Saturday job. Finding one in a Video hire shop helping Mike the manager, he finds himself earning a bit extra every week by having some interesting fitness tests followed by some relaxation including sex lessons and experiences which he thoroughly enjoys.
Caution: This Pedo Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa mt/Fa Ma/Ma Ma/mt mt/mt Teenagers Coercion Consensual Rape Gay BiSexual Heterosexual Fiction Incest Torture Anal Sex First Massage Masturbation Oral Sex Petting Doctor/Nurse Teacher/Student
Friday as he came out of school, Danny got a text. He stopped to read it. ‘Hi Danny, my name is Peter. A friend who works at the Manor Hotel gave me your card a few days ago. He said his boss had given him it and told him you could sort out anyone’s problems. He also said you never repeated what you were told. Could you please help me?’
‘Hi Peter,’ he texted back, ‘Of course I will, can you meet up tomorrow at ten o’clock? This is the address.’ ‘Thank you so much,’ came the reply. ‘Yes, I’ll be there.’
Danny rang John to check. ‘No problem,’ he said as Danny had anticipated. ‘I’ll go shopping and see you later.’
As Danny arrived the next morning, John was just about to leave. They had a hug and a kiss in the hall, then John opened the front door to find a young lad on the step just about to press the bell push.
‘Peter?’ John asked. ‘Yes,’ he said. ‘I’m just going out,’ John said, ‘But Danny here will look after you. See you later.’ he said to Danny and left.
Danny took him through to the kitchen and made two coffees. Peter looked the same age or younger than Danny. He was the same height but chubbier. As they had their coffee Danny explained how it all worked and what his options where.
They went through to the lounge and Peter took his shoes of then lay down. Danny sat at his side and explained the next step. Peter turned over right away. Danny put his hands on his head and massaged. His hair was quite fair.
Peter said, ‘Go.’ and as he moved down to his shoulders, Danny asked, ‘How old are you?’ ‘I was sixteen two months ago.’ he replied. ‘Tell me about where you live.’ Danny asked as he massaged down his back. ‘About twenty minute’s walking distance from here,’ Peter said, ‘I live with my mum and dad and younger brother in a three bedroomed semidetached house.’
‘How do you all get along with each other?’ he asked as he reached his waist. Before he could begin to answer, Danny moved his hands onto his trousers. Peter went rigid and cried out, ‘Stop, please stop.’
Danny moved his hands off immediately. ‘Turn over.’ he said. Seeing Peters look of fear he opened his arms and said, ‘Sit up.’ Peter sat up and hugged him tight. He put his head on his shoulder. Danny stroked the back of his head and said quietly, ‘It’s ok, nothing’s going to hurt you in here.’
He kept stroking the back of his head as he felt him relaxing. ‘In a moment, I want you to lie down again and turn over,’ he told him. ‘We have to try again because until you feel completely at ease with me, we can’t deal with your problem.’
‘Just remember that it doesn’t matter how badly someone else hurt you, you’re quite safe in here. I’m not going to do anything to hurt you. Say stop as many times as you need to. If you say stop again, I’ll stop immediately and return my hands to your head. Then I’ll massage for a few moments before starting down again. We will do that as many times as it takes, there is no rush, no timetable.’
He kept hold of him a little longer, then feeling he was relaxed enough, he said, ‘If you feel able to, lie down and turn over.’ Peter hung on to him a little longer, then lay down. Once he had turned over Danny massaged his head.
Then he moved quickly down over his shoulders and down his back. ‘How do you get along with each other?’ he asked once more as he approached Peters waist.
‘We all get on fine,’ Peter said. Then as Danny’s hands massaged over his cheeks, he went rigid and stopped speaking. His hands clenched tight, and it was almost as if he had stopped breathing. But he didn’t say stop so Danny carried on massaging down.
As he moved onto his thighs, Peter relaxed, took a deep breath, and continued, ‘My brother is thirteen. We have a squabble occasionally but nothing serious or long lasting.’ As Danny reached his feet he asked, ‘Are you still at school?’ ‘Yes,’ Peter said, ‘I have another two terms to go yet.’
‘How do you get on with the other boys in your year?’ Danny asked as he started back up. ‘Ok with most of them,’ Peter said, ‘There are a couple I just don’t like, but they’ve never been any problem. Everyone else is fine.’
‘Do you have any special friends?’ Danny asked as he moved up his thighs. ‘Three that I would class as special,’ Peter said, ‘Ellis, Liam and Ethan.’ Danny moved up onto his cheeks as he finished speaking. It clearly caught Peter by surprise. He went rigid but Danny noticed that although his hands made a fist, they didn’t seem to be clenched hard like last time.
He waited until he had moved up onto his back before he asked, ‘Which of your three friends do you see the most of out of school?’ ‘Liam,’ he said, ‘He lives at the far end of our road. Also, I’ve known him since nursery school. Oh, and he doesn’t really mix well either,’ he added, ‘So he tends to stay close to me.’
As he reached his shoulders he asked, ‘Would you discuss your problem with Liam or either of your other two friends?’ ‘No, definitely not.’ Peter said emphatically.
‘Turn over,’ Danny told him. Once he was settled, Danny told him he was going down his front, then put his hands on his head. As he massaged, he asked, ‘Can you tell me why?’ ‘I’d be far too embarrassed to tell any of them,’ he said, ‘But I’d also be terrified they wouldn’t keep it to themselves. If the whole school knew I don’t know what I’d do.’
Danny had moved down onto his shoulders and on to his chest whilst he had been speaking. ‘Everyone who comes here thinks that their problem is too embarrassing to tell anyone.’ he said smiling at him, ‘Even me. But they soon relax and realise that they can trust me.’
‘The second time I went over your cheeks, I saw how determined you were to succeed,’ he said. ‘So, I’m sure we are going to succeed in relaxing you and solving your problem.’
That got a lovely smile from Peter. As he massaged over his well-padded stomach, Danny asked, ‘What sort of thing do you and Liam do together out of school?’
‘We go to each other’s houses a lot,’ he said, ‘Liam’s parents told me once they were so pleased that he had made friends with me as he didn’t really mix with anyone else. So, I’m always made extra welcome there. I’ve even been away on holiday with them too.’
As he finished speaking, Danny had massaged all over the front of his trousers and reached his thighs. Peter hadn’t interrupted his flow and didn’t seem to have noticed. He certainly hadn’t reacted.
As he went down his legs Peter continued, ‘We go cycling sometimes,’ he said, ‘Liam is even more overweight than I am, so we don’t usually go far, but we do it quite often.’
‘Sometimes we go swimming in the lake. We both like swimming but when we go with school, we are usually teased because of our rolls of fat, Liam particularly. I guess having grown up together we are just used to each other’s bodies and don’t notice.’
As Danny was on his way back up his legs he asked, ‘Where do you get changed at the lake?’ ‘We usually go prepared and have our trunks on under our trousers,’ Peter said. ‘Then when we come out and get dried, there’s a small hill with a bit of a cave. It only goes in about six feet, but it gives us some shelter.’
Danny was halfway over the front of his trousers as he finished speaking. Because he stopped talking, he had noticed. He watched Danny’s hands as they passed over his cock and didn’t seem to be bothered. Danny hadn’t been able to feel anything, so he had no idea as to size except that it was unlikely to be large.
As he moved up his stomach he asked, ‘Imagine you have just come out of the water and walked over to the cave. Describe how you would get dry and dressed.’
‘We’d walk in and dry ourselves,’ he said. ‘Then we’d take our wet trunks off, finish drying ourselves and get dressed.’ ‘Has anyone ever come along and seen you getting changed?’ Danny asked as he reached his shoulders. ‘No, never,’ Peter said, ‘It’s pretty deserted most of the time.’
‘Suppose someone came past and glanced in, just as you had taken your trunks off,’ Danny said, ‘How would you both feel?’ ‘I’d be embarrassed and turn my back on them,’ he said. ‘Liam would have a fit, he’s very shy.’
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