The Life of Lewis - Cover

The Life of Lewis

Copyright© 2021 by Lewis Lucas

Chapter 6: From Rape To Rapture

Pedo Sex Story: Chapter 6: From Rape To Rapture - Lewis is 15 and decides to get a Saturday job. Finding one in a Video hire shop helping Mike the manager, he finds himself earning a bit extra every week by having some interesting fitness tests followed by some relaxation including sex lessons and experiences which he thoroughly enjoys.

Caution: This Pedo Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/Fa   Ma/Ma   Ma/mt   mt/mt   Teenagers   Coercion   Consensual   Rape   Gay   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Incest   Torture   Anal Sex   First   Massage   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Petting   Doctor/Nurse   Teacher/Student  

‘It’s not rape,’ he said, ‘You’re paying for your dinner. If you report me, I’ll just say you were gagging for it. It’s your word against mine.’

‘He knelt down and forced my legs apart. He poked his finger up inside me. He was very rough, and it hurt a lot. I cried out with the pain. He ignored it. After poking around for a while, he took his finger out and lay down on top of me.’

‘When he went to kiss me, I moved my mouth aside. ‘Please yourself,’ he said, ‘You can either kiss me, or I’ll bite your neck. Then you’ll have love bites as a souvenir.’

‘The idea of that horrified me, so I let him kiss me. That I wasn’t kissing back didn’t seem to bother him. Next minute he lifted his hips up and pushed down hard. His cock hit my vagina like a bullet. It tore up inside me hurting all the way.’

‘Then just before he was all the way in, it felt like he had torn something inside me. I screamed out with the pain and started crying. It didn’t bother him, he just started thrusting in and out. Every movement in or out was extraordinarily painful.’

‘After a while it started to be a little less painful and I stopped crying. Then he seemed to speed up his thrusting. He gave a couple of extra hard thrusts in, and I felt his cock throbbing inside me as my insides went warm and wet. I realised he had shot all his sperm into me.’

‘He gave a few more gentler thrusts in, then stopped. I felt his cock shrinking and my insides started stinging. He let all his weight drop onto me and he stopped trying to kiss me. I just lay still wondering what he was going to do next.’

‘Then a few minutes later I realised he was asleep. I tried to decide what to do. His face was still close to mine, so I had what I thought was a good idea. I put my lips to his and started gently kissing him. He didn’t wake, so I kept kissing as I slowly struggled to roll us over on our sides.’

‘As we finally turned with a thump, he came to briefly. But I’m sure it was because of the kissing that he went straight back to sleep. I kept kissing as I eased away from him. Once I was clear, I stopped kissing and got to my feet.’

‘I grabbed my clothes and my phone and headed for the front door. I opened the door and ran barefoot and naked down to the front gate. I stopped just inside the gate, opened it, then stood in the gateway and got dressed.’

‘As soon as I was dressed, I headed for home. I decided not to ring the police thinking about what he had said. I knew they would be able to prove we had had sex by taking a semen sample, but there was no way of proving I hadn’t consented.’

‘I had a long shower and went to bed. I cried myself to sleep. The next morning it was like it had been a terrible nightmare. I went to the local police station. I saw a lady constable who took my statement. I told her I wasn’t prepared to make it public I just wanted them to be aware of it. She asked if the police doctor could take a swab. I told her there was no point, he wouldn’t deny that we had had sex. He would just swear it was my idea. In the end she said there was nothing they could do unless I made a formal complaint. She said she would enter it on file in case any other complaints were made.’

‘Then I went to a large chemists shop across town and got a morning after pill. After that I went into work. I checked first that Victors van was nowhere in sight and went in. I spoke to the lady who owned the nursery and explained what had happened. ‘I have reported it to the police,’ I told her, ‘But I’m not prepared to go public with it, so they won’t take any action other than keep him on file.’

‘I’m sorry,’ I said, ‘But I can’t carry on working here knowing he might arrive at any moment.’ ‘I can understand you feeling like that,’ she said, ‘But he won’t come unless I call him for a job. As you’ve only got three days left, if you could stay it would help me.’

‘If I have to call him during that time, I’ll come and tell you, then you can leave until he’s gone.’ I agreed so I was able to work until my scheduled date for leaving.’

‘During the last few days, I talked to the other ladies. They were all married, and they all said he had never invited them. One of them told me, ‘Now I think about it, I remember young Hannah telling me she was going to Victors for dinner.’ ‘Did she say anything about it afterwards? I asked.’ ‘No.’ she said, ‘I never thought about it at the time, but I never saw her again, she left suddenly. Has something happened?’ she asked.’

‘I’ll tell you Friday just before I leave.’ I told her. I thought that at least if someone there knew about it, they could warn any future possible victims. On Friday everyone said goodbye and wished me luck in my new job. I asked Lily, the lady I had been speaking to, to come out to the car with me. I told her what had happened and what I’d done about it.’

‘She was horrified. ‘I’ve always thought it was strange the way Hannah left suddenly,’ she said. ‘I’ll make sure any young singles in future are warned.’ I thanked her and left.’

‘I started at my new job the following week and I’m very happy there. However recently I realised that the experience was affecting me in that I had no desire to have a boyfriend and when one of the single teachers asked me out, I turned him down even though I liked him. I knew it was because I’d be too frightened to let him get close.’

‘So, when I heard someone at work talking about you, I got your number and here I am.’ Lewis smiled at her, he had noticed her reference to teacher but he didn’t let on that he had spotted it. ‘Thank you for sharing all the details,’ he said. ‘I think you handled everything very well.’

‘Now you have shared it with me, how do you feel?’ ‘Like a great load has been lifted off my shoulders,’ she told him. ‘That’s great,’ Lewis said. ‘Now, there are a few things we need to do.’

‘First, we need to reassure you that his rough handling of you hasn’t done any lasting damage that will affect you in future relationships.’

‘Secondly, we need to sort you out so that you can date and then make love to someone who loves and cares for you.’

‘Thirdly, we should try and stop Victor from carrying on doing to others what he did to you, as well as possibly Hannah and others before her.’

‘Let’s take them in order. What I want to do next if you can cope with it, is examine inside your vagina to check for any damage. I will do that by squirting some olive oil into you first, then sliding my finger inside very slowly and carefully to check the walls of your vagina. It will also teach you that something can go inside you with pleasure and not pain.’

Gwyneth had felt fear when he first mentioned it, then excitement as she remembered all the lovely sensations Lewis had already given her. Then she decided that nothing Lewis did would ever hurt anyone. ‘Ok,’ she said nervously.

‘Thank you for your trust,’ Lewis said. ‘I’m going to get you ready, but I will not put my finger inside you until you say ok. And of course, you can call stop anytime.’

Gwyneth followed his instructions drawing one knee up. As Lewis rubbed a drop of oil around the opening to her vagina, she only felt pleasure. Then when he opened her vagina slightly with his fingers, he was so gentle she felt very excited. As the jet of oil shot inside her she laughed.

Then she felt Lewis’s fingertip resting against her opening. ‘Say go when you feel ready.’ he said. She lay there with some very strange feelings going through her. ‘Go.’ she said.

As she felt Lewis’s finger sliding easily and pain free inside her, her excitement grew. As his hand bumped into her hairs and she knew his finger was deep inside, she felt so good she couldn’t believe it. All she was experiencing was pleasure.

‘I’m going to take my finger out slowly,’ Lewis said. ‘But as I do you will feel it moving as I check the top, bottom, and sides. In the unlikely event it gives you any discomfort just call out and I’ll stop immediately.’ She smiled at him and nodded.

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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