The Life of Lewis
Copyright© 2021 by Lewis Lucas
Chapter 4: Relaxing Gwyneth
Pedo Sex Story: Chapter 4: Relaxing Gwyneth - Lewis is 15 and decides to get a Saturday job. Finding one in a Video hire shop helping Mike the manager, he finds himself earning a bit extra every week by having some interesting fitness tests followed by some relaxation including sex lessons and experiences which he thoroughly enjoys.
Caution: This Pedo Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa mt/Fa Ma/Ma Ma/mt mt/mt Teenagers Coercion Consensual Rape Gay BiSexual Heterosexual Fiction Incest Torture Anal Sex First Massage Masturbation Oral Sex Petting Doctor/Nurse Teacher/Student
‘We get on very well,’ Gwyneth said, ‘We’re all working full time so it’s only evenings and some of the weekend that we see each other. But we go out together on occasions as well.’
‘Do you all work at the same place?’ Lewis asked as he reached her feet. ‘No,’ she said, ‘I work for the local education authority, one of the girls works for the local council and the other for social services.’
As he reached her thighs on the way back up Lewis asked, ‘Are they aware that you have a problem or know anything about it?’ he asked. ‘No, nothing,’ she told him, ‘I couldn’t possibly tell them about it.’
‘How long have the three of you lived there?’ Lewis asked as he massaged over her cheeks once more. ‘Twelve months,’ she said. ‘We all found the advert at the same time just after the property came on the market.’
‘Where did you live before?’ ‘I was at University in Sheffield, and before that I lived at home with my parents.’ ‘Are they aware of your problem?’ Lewis asked as he massaged up her back. ‘No, I couldn’t possibly tell them.’ she said sounding horrified.
‘Who would you say was your closest friend at present?’ Lewis asked. ‘That would be Sally at work,’ she said, ‘We started the same day and often go out together.’ ‘Would you consider telling her about it?’ Lewis asked as he massaged over her shoulders and up onto her head.
‘No,’ she said as Lewis took his hands away, ‘I’d be too embarrassed to tell her and although I trust her, I’d be terrified she might let something slip out about it at work.’
‘Ok, turn over please.’ he instructed. When she was settled, he smiled at her and said, ‘You’re doing fine, how are you finding it?’ ‘It’s not half as bad as I anticipated,’ she told him, ‘And the massage is quite relaxing.’
‘I’m going to do exactly the same down your front now,’ he told her. She felt an inner panic at the thought of his hands running over her front. At the same time, she was feeling a slight element of excitement at the idea.’
‘There will of course be more questions too.’ he added with a grin. He rested his hands on her head and massaged. She wasn’t sure if she needed to say go this time but before she made up her mind, Lewis had moved down onto her shoulders.
‘What did you do between leaving school and going to university?’ he asked. ‘I worked in a preschool nursery straight after school,’ she said, ‘I took it as a temporary thing and liked it. So, in the end I stayed there for two years.’
‘Then I decided to go to university and qualify in education. When I got my degree, I moved here following a vacancy and here I am.’ At that point Lewis’s hands reached her breasts. She went rigid but remained silent. As Lewis’s hands moved over them, she remained stiff all over but managed not to speak.
She felt terrified at having a male hand on her breasts, even though it was over her clothes, but she had started to feel at ease with Lewis and was determined to succeed. As Lewis’s hand moved down, he asked, ‘How did you get on with the other girls at secondary school?’
She couldn’t speak until Lewis moved onto her stomach then she relaxed, pleased at her success in not saying stop and answered, ‘Fine, there were a group of about ten of us who always seemed to do things together. Not always the whole ten at once of course.’
‘Who would you say was your best friend out the ten?’ Lewis asked as he reached her waist and moved up onto her jeans. Gwyneth felt his hand on her jeans and went rigid again. Lewis could see her hands clenched tight at her sides. She remained silent as Lewis moved down all over the front. He was poised to whip his hands away the moment she spoke.
As he moved onto her thighs, she relaxed quite quickly. ‘My best friend was definitely Isabella.’ she said as her hands unclenched. ‘You did very well there,’ Lewis said, ‘With determination like that I feel sure we are going to succeed.’ She smiled at him. ‘It must be you,’ she said, ‘I’m not usually like that.’
‘Tell me about Isabella.’ Lewis said as he reached her feet and started back up. ‘We were at primary school together,’ Gwyneth said. ‘She lived several roads away from me, but we spent a lot of time at each other’s houses as we grew up.’
‘Can you describe her to me?’ Lewis asked as he reached halfway up her thighs. ‘She was an inch taller than me,’ Gwyneth said, ‘She had a perfect body, not an ounce of fat on her. She was very kind-hearted and always happy. She was very popular with the boys.’
Then she suddenly realised that Lewis’s hands were halfway up the front of her jeans. As her hands clenched and she went rigid, Lewis’s hands moved back onto her stomach. She relaxed immediately and said, ‘Did you massage everywhere?’ ‘Yes,’ Lewis said, ‘And even on your most private spot you didn’t even notice. I think if you hadn’t stopped talking, you wouldn’t have noticed at all.’
‘I’m amazed,’ she said. ‘So did the two of you talk about boys a lot?’ he asked as he moved on over her stomach. ‘Yes,’ she said blushing slightly. ‘Although it was Isabella doing most of the talking.’ ‘Was that because she had the experience, and you didn’t or because the subject embarrassed you?’ Lewis asked as he massaged up over her breasts.
As she opened her mouth to answer she had a lovely feeling flowing through her. She realised it was because of Lewis’s hands on her breasts. Instead of freezing, she relaxed and enjoyed it. She couldn’t believe she was so relaxed, or how nice it felt.
As Lewis moved on up to her shoulders, she answered the question. ‘Both,’ she said. ‘So, when you left school were you a virgin?’ he asked looking her in the face. She looked at him, her heart beating fast and replied, ‘Yes,’ quietly. Then she told him, ‘Apart from Isabella, I’ve never ever told anyone else that before and wouldn’t have believed that I could.’
‘That’s excellent,’ Lewis said as he massaged her head and took his hands away. ‘It shows how much at ease you are feeling with me. You have gone through a major change in a very short time,’ he said. ‘If I went down your front again now and you just sat and watched my hands, I’ll bet you wouldn’t show the slightest bit of tension.’
‘But were going to move on and try to keep up the impetus. As you’ve seen, the massage has relaxed you an amazing amount. In a moment I’ll ask you to turn over so I can go down your back again. But relaxing as the massage was, a massage on your skin is even nicer and more effective.’
‘So, I want you to try and take your top off and imagine you’re lying on the beach in a bikini.’ He explained the link between body and mind. ‘But remember,’ he said, ‘The object of all this is to get you fully relaxed. If the idea frightens you, it would be counterproductive. So, if you can’t do it just yet, stay as you are for now.’
‘Whilst you are making your mind up, I’m just going to pop to the bathroom,’ he said. ‘Remember it’s your decision and your speed. There’s no pressure. Once you’ve decided, turn over and shout me.’ He got up and left.
Gwyneth’s first thought was to panic at the idea. Then she thought about how nice the last massage on her breast had been and how much she had relaxed already. ‘I’ve never ever been so relaxed,’ she thought to herself. ‘Even I didn’t feel bothered last time I was on a beach in a bikini,’ she thought. She decided. ‘Lewis.’ she called a few moments later.
He came back in and sat at her side. ‘Very well done,’ he said, ‘How hard did you find it to decide?’ ‘I would have expected it to have been a terribly hard decision,’ she said, ‘And if you had suggested it before I came, I wouldn’t even be here. Yet when it came to it, I found it an easy decision to make.’ ‘Excellent,’ Lewis said. ‘We’re well on the way to success.’
He put his hands on her head, massaged briefly and moved down to her shoulders. As his hands touched her skin she jumped and drew her breath in sharply. Lewis put his hands back on her head immediately.
‘It’s ok,’ she said, ‘It just startled me, plus it felt so lovely. Please carry on.’ Lewis massaged her shoulders and asked, ‘Are you still a virgin?’ There was silence for a moment then she answered, ‘Pass.’ ‘Can you tell me how long ago your problem happened?’ Lewis asked as he moved down her bare back. ‘Ten months ago.’ she said.
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