The Life of Lewis - Cover

The Life of Lewis

Copyright© 2021 by Lewis Lucas

Chapter 3: A Lovely Lesson for David

Pedo Sex Story: Chapter 3: A Lovely Lesson for David - Lewis is 15 and decides to get a Saturday job. Finding one in a Video hire shop helping Mike the manager, he finds himself earning a bit extra every week by having some interesting fitness tests followed by some relaxation including sex lessons and experiences which he thoroughly enjoys.

Caution: This Pedo Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/Fa   Ma/Ma   Ma/mt   mt/mt   Teenagers   Coercion   Consensual   Rape   Gay   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Incest   Torture   Anal Sex   First   Massage   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Petting   Doctor/Nurse   Teacher/Student  

‘After she’s kissed all over you and felt your cock over your shorts, encourage her to explore inside, then take them off.’

‘Once they are off and your cock is standing up free and waving about, encourage her to feel it and your balls. Remember she might have never seen or touched one before.’

‘When she lies down again, get up and kneel between her legs. You are now looking at her vagina and her breasts. She is looking at your hard cock pointing straight at her. Smile at her and ask, ‘Are you sure?’ It’s unlikely at that stage, but always be prepared to stop and wait for another day if you are in any doubt that she’s happy.’

‘Then put your condom on. Let her watch what you’re doing. As soon as it’s on, lie down carefully on top of her. Let your cock lie flat squashed between you. Kiss her and tell her how much you love her.’

‘Then lift your hips up, let your cock drop to point at her vagina and lower yourself into her carefully. If necessary, it’s ok to get hold of your cock and guide it to the opening.’

‘Once you are in as far as you can go, lie still for a few moments so both of you can enjoy the feeling. Then slowly lift part way out and push back in again. Keep going then at a slow but steady speed. Resist the urge to go at it like mad and fire. Remember you want her to enjoy herself too.’

You can increase speed slightly, but once you sense that your special feeling is starting, slow down a little. You have little control now on when you will fire, but the longer you can hold back, the more likely it is that Vanessa will have her climax in time.’

‘I won’t describe her climax, because you’ll be in no doubt when she has it. Once she relaxes after it, you can go as fast as you like and fire at will. When you finish firing and start to go soft, reach between you and squeeze the end of the condom to your cock as you pull out.’

‘Because you’ve gone soft, your cock could slide out leaving the condom behind. Apart from the embarrassment of having to poke around to look for it, it could let your sperms out and make her pregnant.’

‘Then remember that you are very heavy lying on top of her. So, roll both of you onto your sides. Then you can kiss and caress in comfort. It’s most likely that you will then both fall asleep. So, if Vanessa is expected home that night, set your phone alarm an hour or so ahead before you go to the bedroom. That will save her having to make awkward explanations to her parents.’

‘Now, the ideal is for you to fire, and Vanessa have her climax, as near together as possible. But there will always be an occasion when you can’t stop yourself firing before she is ready. If that happens, once you have pulled out and are lying side by side, put your index finger into her vagina.’

‘Just inside the opening at the top you will feel a tiny lump. Stroke it with your finger. You’ll know right away by her reaction that you are in the right place. Keep stroking it until she has her climax, then she will have had as much pleasure as you did.’

‘Not only will she remember you making love to her as something wonderful and special. She will also remember how considerate you were, and she will love you for it. The experience will be something she will want to repeat with you, time and time again.’

As he had been talking, Danny had been stroking David’s cock slowly. It had throbbed happily a few times during the story. As Danny got near to the end, he had increased his speed gradually. At the end he went even faster. David cried out a few seconds later, ‘I’m coming.’ Then as he let out a long happy scream, he shot two jets of cum up into the air.

As it pooled on his chest, Danny slowed down, then as it stopped flowing, he came to a stop. He kept hold of it as it shrank then laid it down on his hairs. After mopping up the bulk of the cum, he eased out from under David’s head.

Returning with the wet cloth, he washed his chest and dried it. Then he picked his cock up, pulled the foreskin back and gently wiped the tip. That brought another happy cry from David. Danny lay it back down then put his arms out. David sat up and they hugged and kissed.

‘Thank you,’ David said, ‘I would have made a right mess of it without that lesson.’ They stood up and had another hug, both cocks soft and touching. Then they got dressed. After another hug and saying thank you again, David let him out.


Soon after he got home from school on Thursday, Aiden arrived. Danny took him into the garage to show him what he had made. In the middle of the garage was a large motorway cone. It was surrounded by four metal poles welded to a metal plate base, making a square two feet by two feet. The poles had warning tape around them at the top. On the cone itself, all around it about a foot off the floor was a circle of red bicycle reflectors.

One of the reflectors was missing, and at a glance you saw the rough patch of glue that had held it in place. Danny pulled out his phone, pressed a few buttons and showed Aiden his phone. The picture was of himself looking at Danny’s phone.

He took another look at the cone. Only on very close inspection could he see the hole in the cone where the missing reflector had been. Behind which he assumed was the camera. He took hold of the top of the cone and gave it a gentle push. It wouldn’t move. He pushed it a bit harder and felt the slightest bit of give. ‘Is it bolted to the floor?’ he asked.

‘No,’ Danny told him, ‘Let me demonstrate.’ Two of the reflectors were dome shaped and on opposite sides. Danny unscrewed one, then took hold of the opposite one and pulled out a long thin bolt that went right through the cone.

When that was out, the cone lifted off exposing two blocks of concrete one on top of the other in the shape of the cone. There was a nut and washer in the middle on the top. The bolt that the nut was on was also welded to the metal plate. Danny undid the nut, then slid two long thin bars through the two horizontal holes going right through the top concrete section. Six inches of each bar were then sticking out each side to become handles.

With Aiden one side and Danny on the other side they were able to lift the top block off and put it down. The bottom block was taller but had a hollow in the middle. Aiden looked down at it and could see a small motorbike battery, a mobile phone and a mini camera built in the side near the top, opposite where the hole in the cone was, he presumed.

That also had a pair of horizontal holes. Danny explained that the same bars would fit that one as well for ease of lifting. He turned the cone round and Aiden saw a small plate attached.




Tel. 123 456 7890

The plate was small enough not to stand out to a passer-by, but big enough to be noticed by anyone thinking of trying to move it. It had Danny’s phone number underneath.

‘That’s brilliant.’ Aiden said, ‘Actually I have some cash for you for the camera from Sergeant Cline. He’ll be chuffed to find it’s already set up.’ He handed Danny an envelope. ‘There’s four hundred in there,’ he told him, ‘He thought we should pay for the other phone set up too.’

‘Thanks, that’s great,’ Danny said. ‘Actually, I got myself a replacement tracker as well, plus a spare, so we could fit one to the supplier’s car too if we get the opportunity.’

Aiden backed his car up to the garage and they loaded it all up. Danny handed him a yellow waistcoat and put one on himself. ‘Just so we look the part.’ he said.

They drove over to the dealer’s house and parked a couple of car lengths past the front gate. There was no car in the drive which was handy. They lifted out the metal base and put it on the pavement near the kerb. Then the camera block was put in place with the camera pointing at the front gate.

Danny checked his phone and found a perfect view of the front gate. They lowered the top concrete block in place, then Danny put the top nut on and tightened it up with a spanner.

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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