The Life of Lewis - Cover

The Life of Lewis

Copyright© 2021 by Lewis Lucas

Chapter 1: Caught In The Act

Pedo Sex Story: Chapter 1: Caught In The Act - Lewis is 15 and decides to get a Saturday job. Finding one in a Video hire shop helping Mike the manager, he finds himself earning a bit extra every week by having some interesting fitness tests followed by some relaxation including sex lessons and experiences which he thoroughly enjoys.

Caution: This Pedo Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/Fa   Ma/Ma   Ma/mt   mt/mt   Teenagers   Coercion   Consensual   Rape   Gay   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Incest   Torture   Anal Sex   First   Massage   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Petting   Doctor/Nurse   Teacher/Student  

On Saturday, Danny had changed his day for going to Johns to Sunday. At half past one Aiden picked him up and they drove over to the Manor Hotel. They parked in the hotel car park as near to the back door as they could. David had told him he wasn’t allowed to have his phone on him when serving, so Danny couldn’t let him know they were there.

He signed into the radio and saw the storeroom in darkness. The two of them sat and chatted whilst they waited. Aiden told him they had followed the drug supplier’s car on numerous occasions thanks to the trace Danny had fitted to his car. ‘We’re building up a good picture of all the people he is supplying.’ Aiden said.

‘We will be able to bust all of them anytime we’re ready,’ he said, ‘But what we really want, is to find out who is supplying him. So as there’s no chance of him spotting us tailing him, we’ll keep watching for a while.’

As three o’clock approached there had been no sign of anything happening. ‘What you need,’ Danny said, ‘Is a set up like my window box that you could put to watch his front door, in case he has them delivered the same way he does.’

‘I’m open to any ideas.’ Aiden said. ‘Well, the battery has so far lasted three weeks with the camera on twenty-four hours a day,’ Danny told him. ‘The battery, the phone and the camera would fit in a box the size of two ordinary house bricks. They could easily be built into something that didn’t look conspicuous or seem out of place in that part of the road. Or into something very obvious that the Council might reasonably leave there for a while.’

‘How much did your camera, phone and battery cost?’ Aiden asked. ‘A hundred and sixty pounds,’ Danny told him. ‘Ok, on our way back we’ll drive past so you can see his house again,’ Aiden said. ‘Then whilst you are thinking about it, I’ll see if I can get you funds to pay for it.’

As Danny started thinking about what to build it into, his phone screen lit up as the light in storeroom number three came on. The two of them watched avidly as Malik came in, followed by a very unhappy looking David.

They saw Malik lock the door, leaving the key in the lock as expected. David was standing still so Malik snapped at him, ‘Come on, strip off we haven’t got all day.’

‘I don’t want to,’ David said, ‘You really hurt me the last two times forcing your cock up my bum. I was sore for days afterwards.’ ‘But you’ve still got your job,’ Malik said. ‘It’s your choice. I can sack you right now and make sure that no hotel in the county will employ you. Perhaps I could tell them you raped a waitress. Or how about you were caught stealing from the customers.’

‘But I haven’t done any of those things.’ David said. ‘I know that, and you know that,’ Malik said, ‘But who do you think they’ll believe. Now strip of before I start hitting you.’

David started getting undressed, as did Malik. Danny and Aiden got out of the car and started walking over to the kitchen entrance. Danny had his phone in one hand keeping watch. He had a slim blade screwdriver in the other.

Outside the door Danny checked it was unlocked so they would be able to get in. Then he kept an eye on his phone. Malik and David were now naked.

‘Go and sit on the settee.’ Malik ordered. ‘I don’t want to.’ David said, ‘You shouldn’t be forcing me to do something so vile.’ ‘Get on that settee.’ Malik screamed, ‘Or I’ll beat the living daylights out of you.’ He thumped him in the stomach making David double up gasping for breath.

He was still bent over fighting for breath as Malik grabbed hold of him and almost threw him onto the settee. Malik threw a cushion on the floor in front of him and knelt down. The camera showed Maliks powerful back. David’s face could be seen, looking absolutely terrified.’

Malik put his tip to David’s bum and thrust in. Even with a back view it was clear what Malik was doing. David let out a scream. ‘Please stop,’ he cried out, ‘That is so painful.’ ‘Shut your mouth or I’ll shut it for you.’ Malik snapped as he started thrusting in and out.

David’s face showed a combination of pain and disgust as Malik clearly increased the speed and the power of his thrusts. He had also taken hold of David’s cock. He was unsuccessfully trying to get it to stiffen up.

‘That’s disgusting,’ David said, ‘Leave my cock alone.’ Malik slapped him hard across the face, ‘Shut up,’ he said, ‘Or I’ll crush your balls to pulp when I’ve finished.’ Lewis gave Aiden the ok. They went in through the door and along the passage. As they reached the door there was a waitress coming towards them.

As Danny knelt down at the door with his screwdriver, she demanded, ‘Who are you and what are you doing?’ Aiden put his finger to his lips and showed her his warrant card. ‘Police,’ he said. ‘Please keep quiet and go about your business.’ Danny had put his screwdriver into the slot and was trying to get its tiny blade into the slot he had cut in the end of the key.

He was conscious all the time that every second he took meant David suffering more. At a second attempt he felt it go in. He carefully turned the key. Thanks to his spray of WD40 it turned easily and with a click only Danny heard, it was open.

A quick check on his phone showed Malik still thrusting in hard. He nodded to Aiden who opened the door quietly and stepped in. He stood for a second taking in what he was seeing then as he went over to Malik he called out, ‘Police. Malik you are under arrest.’

Malik stopped thrusting and turned a surprised face towards him. ‘Get out,’ he said, ‘This is a private room and we’re not doing anything wrong.’ ‘Back off him.’ Aiden ordered. When he did, he stood there unabashed in front of them, his cock long and hard waving about in front of him.

Aiden read him his rights. ‘I’m arresting you for rape,’ he said. ‘You will also be charged with other rapes too.’ ‘Tell him you agreed to it,’ Malik demanded looking at David threateningly. David looked at Lewis who shook his head at him.

‘I didn’t,’ he said, ‘He forced me to do it. He’s done it twice before. He said he’d sack me and tell everyone I’d attacked a waitress if I didn’t do everything he asked.’ ‘Why you little... ‘ Malik snarled as he went towards him. Aiden shouted out, ‘Touch him and I’ll taser you.’

Malik looked round and saw the taser in Aiden’s hands pointing to him. He thought better of it and backed off. ‘Get dressed,’ Aiden ordered. ‘You as well.’ he added smiling at David.

Once Malik was dressed, Aiden pulled his handcuffs out and told him to turn round and put his arms behind him. Aiden didn’t trust him so he stood at the side so Malik could see the taser in his hand. He handed the handcuffs to Danny.

‘Put them on as best you can,’ he said, ‘I can always adjust them afterwards if necessary.’ Danny put them on without much difficulty.

Aiden pulled a chair off the stack and put it facing the wall. ‘Sit on there.’ he told him.

Once Malik was seated, Danny went over to David. ‘You did brilliantly,’ he told him speaking quietly. ‘Don’t say anything about the radio or that you were acting whilst you’re in here.’

‘You stay here with Aiden,’ Danny told him. ‘I’ll go and see if I can find Mr Watson.’ Aiden had just rung for a van to collect Malik. ‘I’ll be back shortly.’ Danny said. He went out and went through to reception. ‘I need to speak to Mr Watson urgently.’ Danny said.

‘He doesn’t usually deal with the public,’ the receptionist said, ‘Can I help?’ ‘I’m afraid not,’ Danny told her, ‘I’m here with a police officer and if I don’t speak to Mr Watson, it could result in some very bad publicity for the hotel.’

She decided that Danny looked and sounded sincere, so she rang the number she had never used before in the twelve months she had worked there. ‘Hello Mr Watson.’ she said, ‘It’s reception here. I’m sorry to disturb you but I have a young man here wishes to speak to you.’

‘I know,’ she said when he complained about her ringing him. ‘But he says he’s here with the police and if he doesn’t see you it could mean some very bad publicity for the Hotel.’

There was some more conversation, then she passed the phone over to Danny. ‘Good afternoon, Mr Watson. My name is Danny,’ he said. ‘I’m here with Detective Constable Walters to deal with a very serious matter involving one of your senior staff. If it’s not handled properly, it could reflect very badly on the hotel.’

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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