The Life of Lewis - Cover

The Life of Lewis

Copyright© 2021 by Lewis Lucas

Chapter 8: Three Erotic Nights

Pedo Sex Story: Chapter 8: Three Erotic Nights - Lewis is 15 and decides to get a Saturday job. Finding one in a Video hire shop helping Mike the manager, he finds himself earning a bit extra every week by having some interesting fitness tests followed by some relaxation including sex lessons and experiences which he thoroughly enjoys.

Caution: This Pedo Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/Fa   Ma/Ma   Ma/mt   mt/mt   Teenagers   Coercion   Consensual   Rape   Gay   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Incest   Torture   Anal Sex   First   Massage   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Petting   Doctor/Nurse   Teacher/Student  

‘The first time it had taken most of the week for my bum to stop hurting. This time it was only slightly tender afterwards and was ok by the next day.’

‘Did it happen again?’ Lewis asked. ‘Yes, another few weeks later, he told me Gareth was going out that evening so he would expect me to be there. My heart sank but I wasn’t as scared as previously.’

‘That evening we did the same thing in the armchair. This time he started stroking my cock as soon as he entered me. Halfway through I felt myself start to erect. I was disgusted with myself, I tried everything I could to stop it but to no avail.’

‘He paused in his thrusting and said, ‘So it does work after all.’

Then he just carried on. When he had finished and slid out, he kept stroking my cock, but it soon started to go down.’

‘Next time, you can get yourself stiff at the start,’ he said, ‘Then you can go up my bum.’ I thought I was going to be sick at the thought. That was a fortnight ago, so when he was arrested, I was so relieved. I’ll never be able to thank you enough for that.’ he said smiling at Lewis.

‘So, you felt disgusted when you felt yourself erecting at Edgars hand.’ Lewis said. ‘But you seemed quite happy when it happened at my hand.’ ‘I hadn’t thought of it like that,’ Brandon said. ‘But when you did it, it was lovely and also I knew I could say stop anytime I wanted to and you would stop.’

‘You’ve just said something very important,’ Lewis said, ‘But we’ll come back to that shortly.’

‘Have you ever had a girlfriend?’ Lewis asked. ‘No.’ Brandon said sounding unhappy, ‘Never.’ ‘So, are you still a virgin?’ Lewis asked. ‘Yes,’ he said looking surprised. Seeing his look Lewis told him, ‘You could have paid for sex or had a one-night stand. She wouldn’t have been your girlfriend.’

‘That would never have occurred to me.’ Brandon said thinking to himself how naïve he was. ‘Why do you think you haven’t had one?’ Lewis asked. ‘I suppose because I’m too shy and don’t have the confidence to ask one out.’ he answered after thinking about it.

‘Suppose you got a girlfriend, and it reached the stage you were going to sleep together,’ Lewis said. ‘How do you think you would get on from the point of view of knowing what to do, how to do it, and when to do it?’

‘I’d probably make a complete mess of it,’ he said. ‘She’d probably dump me after that.’ ‘So would you say that the three things you need most in your life at the moment are, One, to get rid of the horrible memories of what Edgar did to you. Two, to learn everything you need to know about making love so your future girlfriend will be dying to return to you and do it again. Three, to gain the confidence to go up to a girl who is a complete stranger and ask her out on a date?’

‘Oh, wouldn’t that be wonderful,’ Brandon said. ‘But there’s not much chance of that.’ ‘You’d be surprised,’ Lewis said, ‘But we’ll come back to that too.’

‘Now, when Edgar was arrested, you surprised everyone by announcing you had been raped too. From that point onwards, you and Gareth knew you had each had the same terrible experience. At the police station you both felt able to give your statement with each other present. It’s obvious that you liked each other before all this happened. Also, that you are both equally quiet and shy.’

‘So, how has all this affected how you get on with each other now?’ Lewis asked. Brandon thought briefly, then he said, ‘Before we got on well because we were so similar, but now we’re much closer too, more like long term friends.’

‘That’s great for both of you,’ Lewis said. ‘Have either of you done or said anything since Edgars arrest that you would never have dreamt of doing or saying before?’

‘Yes,’ Brandon said, ‘Last night when we got back to the flat, I broke down and cried. I think it was the relief. I’d never have done that in front of anyone before. Gareth put his arm round me and comforted me. Then later when we talked about barricading the door, I said I doubted I’d sleep anyway. Gareth suggested I spent the night with him.’

‘It seemed such a good idea. We did it and I slept better than I have done since it all started.’ ‘How did you feel about moving about in the night and bumping into each other?’ Lewis asked. ‘We had a hug in our T shirts and shorts before we got into bed,’ he said. ‘We decided that if we came in contact neither of us would mind and we didn’t need to move away unless we wanted to. Actually, I slept like a log all night. So I have no idea if we did or not. I think Gareth was the same.’

‘How did you feel when you woke up this morning and found you were in bed with Gareth?’ Lewis asked. ‘My first reaction was surprise,’ Brandon said, ‘Then a lovely feeling of contentment and safety came over me.’

‘Ok,’ Lewis said, ‘If you think of what happened to you in terms of how you compared me and Edgar handling your cock, you will realise that what Edgar did to you wasn’t bad in itself. It was how he did it that was the problem.’

‘Just suppose for a moment, that having a cock up your bum could be as nice as your feeling when I fired you. If Barry, or Gareth, or even me had put our cocks up your bum, how do you think it would have been different to Edgar doing it?’

Brandon thought about it. Strangely he was feeling a touch of excitement at the idea. Surely not he thought. Then he said, ‘Well, to start with I wouldn’t be frightened because I’d know none of you would force me to do it. Then I suppose there wouldn’t be any pain because none of you would hurt me. If I felt any pain, I’d say so and you would stop immediately.’

‘I suppose because I liked them, the feeling of them moving inside me might be nice too. Although I still find that hard to imagine.’ ‘Let me tell you a story,’ Lewis said, ‘I want you to imagine that Gareth was your pal at school instead of Barry.’

‘You had gone to stay at his house for the night. He didn’t have a spare room, so you had to share his bed. You were both very shy in those days so you each got changed for bed whilst the other one went to the bathroom.’

‘When you were sitting up in bed chatting you talked about how much you both wanted a girlfriend. You both agreed that you didn’t think you would ever get one. You admitted to each other that you would just have to carry on dreaming about the girls in your form that you fancied.’

‘You settled down, and Gareth switched the light off. You started dreaming about the girl in your usual dream and drifted off to sleep. In the night you came to and found yourself lying close to Gareth’s side. He was lying on his back, and you had your head on his chest. He had an arm around your shoulders, and you had hold of his very hard erect cock. You panicked, what if he woke up and found you?’

‘Before you could move, he stirred in his sleep and his hand that was lying on the bed between you, took hold of your cock. With a shock you realised that had also gone hard. The feeling of him holding your cock was lovely.’

‘Then Gareth suddenly asked, ‘Are you awake?’ After a moment of panic you said, ‘Yes, I’ve just woke up.’ ‘Me too,’ he said, ‘Doesn’t this feel nice.’ Hearing him say that, you stopped worrying and agreed happily. ‘Let me turn to face you,’ he said. He rolled onto his side, and you took hold of each other’s cocks again.’

‘As you both explored them, you felt Gareth’s lips touch yours. You both kissed. When you broke off Gareth asked, ‘Is there anything you’d like to do?’ ‘I’d love to fire you,’ you said. ‘Ok,’ Gareth answered, ‘You fire me, then I’ll fire you.’ He threw the duvet off then he switched the light on.’

‘You both looked at each other’s hard cock in your hand, then you smiled at each other. ‘This is lovely,’ Gareth said and kissed you once more. You fired each other with much enjoyment then went to sleep wrapped in each other’s arms.’

As Lewis was speaking Brandon felt his special feeling growing rapidly. As he said, ‘You fired each other,’ He shot two jets of cum. He cried out as he did then as he shrank, he said, ‘Oh that was brilliant.’ ‘That was extra nice,’ Lewis told him, ‘Because the story involved Gareth who you have become so close to.’

As he spoke, he mopped up his cum and cleaned him up once more. ‘You and Gareth have had the same experience,’ Lewis continued. ‘You are both aware of what the other has suffered. You are also aware that you have both been to see me. So, what I would like to do is to come to your flat on Sunday morning to complete the final stage for both of you, but together.’

‘It would be subject to Gareth’s agreement obviously, as well as yours.’ Brandon agreed right away. ‘I feel we’re stronger as a team,’ he said. ‘Ok.’

‘Now here’s what I want you to do between now and Sunday. I want you to share Gareth’s bed each night and have a hug before you get into bed just like last night. If you do that, by Sunday you’ll both be feeling really comfortable with each other.’

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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