The Life of Lewis - Cover

The Life of Lewis

Copyright© 2021 by Lewis Lucas

Chapter 6: Gareth and Brandon At The Police Station

Pedo Sex Story: Chapter 6: Gareth and Brandon At The Police Station - Lewis is 15 and decides to get a Saturday job. Finding one in a Video hire shop helping Mike the manager, he finds himself earning a bit extra every week by having some interesting fitness tests followed by some relaxation including sex lessons and experiences which he thoroughly enjoys.

Caution: This Pedo Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/Fa   Ma/Ma   Ma/mt   mt/mt   Teenagers   Coercion   Consensual   Rape   Gay   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Incest   Torture   Anal Sex   First   Massage   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Petting   Doctor/Nurse   Teacher/Student  

When they arrived at the police station, they all went into an interview room. ‘Do you want to do your interviews privately?’ Aiden asked. ‘If I may suggest.’ Lewis said looking at them both, ‘You must make your own choices. Brandon, I don’t know anything about your experiences yet. But in my view, if you both feel able to let the other one listen to you make your statement, it will be a big help to both of your recoveries.’

They looked at each other. ‘I’m ok with that,’ Gareth said. ‘Ok, me too.’ Brandon said, feeling that if Gareth had suffered the same, it didn’t matter him hearing about his experience. He still didn’t know who Lewis was and how he fitted in, but as both Gareth and the policeman seemed to be guided by him, he would go along with it.

‘Ok,’ Aiden said, ‘Am I right in assuming you have told Lewis all about your experiences Gareth?’ When he answered yes, Aiden said, ‘Well as you are used to relating it, would you go first?’ ‘Ok.’ Gareth said.

Aiden switched on the tape and gave the details of those present. When he came to Lewis he said, ‘And Lewis, Gareth’s counsellor.’ Gareth started at the beginning and related everything as he had told Lewis.

Next Brandon gave his statement. He had suffered pretty much the same as Gareth but on different occasions. He had been caned three times and raped four times. He had been attacked first. Edgar had also made him suck him. He had also been threatened with violence if he reported it.

Aiden thanked them both and sent the tapes to be typed out. The police doctor had arrived so he examined them both, took photos of their injuries and took samples from their bums in the hope there might still be some of Edgar’s DNA in there.

The statements still hadn’t come back so Aiden said, ‘I have a few things to do, Lewis will you take them up to the canteen and get them a drink. Tell them to book it to me.’

Once they were sat in the canteen with their drinks, Brandon said, ‘Ok, now will someone please tell me who Lewis is.’ ‘Gareth will.’ Lewis told him. ‘A friend of mine realised I was seriously worried about something,’ Gareth said. He sent me to see Lewis who does voluntary counselling. I found him easy to talk to and told him everything that had happened. I also showed him my injuries which he treated.’

‘He was about to arrange to catch Edgar in the act, but I don’t know what happened after that.’ He stopped and looked at Lewis. ‘Whilst I was arranging to do that,’ Lewis said, ‘I discovered that Edgar was known to the police and was wanted to be interviewed about other rapes.’

‘When I gave them his previous address, they discovered he had raped someone there as well. So I asked Gareth to text me when he came home. I contacted DC Walters and whilst he was getting ready to come and arrest him, I came over to support Gareth.’

‘I still don’t understand your connection with the police.’ Brandon said. Aiden had arrived at that point without Brandon seeing him. ‘Lewis has been instrumental in us locking up quite a few like Edgar,’ he said, ‘So we are always willing to help him.’

He gave them their statements to read. They read them through, Aiden asked if they were a true account and when they said both said, ‘Yes,’ he asked them to sign them.

‘Ok, you can go,’ he said. ‘If you want, I’ll drop you off.’ They thanked him and went down to his car. As they got in, he said, ‘How about you Lewis?’ ‘I’ll go back to Gareth’s please.’ he said.

After Aiden dropped them off, they went up to the flat and Gareth made them all a coffee. As they sat around the table Brandon asked Lewis, ‘What will happen now.’

‘Regarding the police,’ Lewis said, ‘Edgar will be in Court tomorrow. With the number of counts of rape against him, he would be a fool not to plead guilty. It’s most likely he will be sent to Crown Court for sentencing. Because he has raped both his flat mates, he should also be remanded in custody. Although you can never be certain what the magistrates will do.’

‘Clearly, he can’t expect to come back here. I suggest you consult a solicitor as soon as you can regarding evicting him and what you can do with his possessions.’

‘I suggest you also have the locks changed so that neither he nor anyone else can use his key.’ He turned to Gareth and said, ‘We will continue our talk very soon, I’ll let you know when.’

‘Brandon, if you think what happened is going to affect your future relationships or sex. Or if it’s going to give you bad dreams or cause you any other upset. I suggest that you consider coming to see me.’

‘If you do, it might be a more practical idea and more beneficial to you both if the final stage is then done jointly. My impression is that you are both of a similar quiet and shy disposition. You have my card so text me anytime. Is there anything else I can help you with before I go?’ he asked.

‘I’d like to thank you for helping get rid of Edgar,’ Brandon told him. ‘I’d also like to ask you when I can come and see you.’ ‘I normally see people on a Saturday,’ Lewis told him. ‘You can certainly come then. However, if you feel you would like to do it sooner, I can see you one evening instead.’ ‘I’d appreciate it if you can,’ Brandon said. ‘Ok,’ Lewis told him, ‘Can you come for five minutes to five tomorrow?’ ‘Yes please.’ he said sounding relieved.

‘Gareth will tell you where it is,’ Lewis told him. ‘You have my number if there’s any change or problem.’ Lewis got up to go. ‘Brandon shook his hand and thanked him once more. I’ll see you tomorrow.’ he said. Gareth gave him a hug. ‘Thanks so much.’ he said.

After he had let Lewis out, Gareth returned to find Brandon sitting on the settee. He went over and sat beside him. ‘If only we’d known and teamed up, we might have been able to deal with him ourselves.’ Gareth said. ‘I doubt it,’ Brandon said, ‘He was so vicious and I’m no fighter.’ ‘No, I’m not either.’ Gareth said, ‘I don’t what would have happened if I hadn’t met Lewis.’ ‘He’s very assured for someone so young.’ Brandon said. ‘He certainly knows what he’s doing.’ Gareth told him.

‘I’m sure you will know from your own experiences how down I was feeling when I went to see him. I never would have believed I would have come away feeling so relieved and happy. I’m sure you will too.’

‘What do you think we should do tonight to secure the front door?’ Brandon asked. ‘Well, he’s locked up so we should be ok,’ Gareth said. ‘But we’d both probably sleep better if we wedged the door shut with something.’

‘I’m not sure I will sleep much,’ Brandon said. ‘I haven’t been sleeping well since it all started anyway. Now I’ll be worrying he’s escaped and coming back to punish us. Then he burst into tears.’

As Gareth moved along and put a comforting arm around him, Brandon said, ‘I’m sorry, I think it’s relief that it’s all over as much as anything.’ ‘Just let it all out,’ Gareth said pulling him tight to him.

Brandon sobbed a little longer then stopped. ‘Thank you,’ he said. ‘Go and swill your face,’ Gareth told him, ‘Then come back.’

When he returned and went to sit down, Gareth put his arm out. Brandon moved up close and said, ‘I felt so safe when you held me before.’ ‘Well, my arm will always be there for you,’ Gareth told him, ‘We’ll get through this together.’ He pulled him tight to him again, so Brandon put his head on his shoulder.

‘Lewis told me that once Edgar was dealt with, he would be able to get all the bad memories out of my head for good.’ Gareth said. ‘If Lewis says he can do that, I believe him. So presumably he’ll be able to do the same for you.’ ‘Oh, that would be wonderful.’ Brandon said.

‘In the meantime, we stick together and support each other. I have a suggestion to help you sleep better, but if you don’t like the idea please say so.’

Brandon looked up at him. ‘If you want, you can come and sleep in my room with me. Then we won’t be alone.’ ‘Do you mean we would share the bed?’ Brandon asked, looking surprised. ‘Yes,’ Gareth said. ‘I’m not suggesting anything other than sleeping. But if you wake up and find someone with you, you won’t be frightened. That will apply to me too.’ he added with a grin.

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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