The Life of Lewis
Copyright© 2021 by Lewis Lucas
Chapter 4: Cruel Punishment For Gareth
Pedo Sex Story: Chapter 4: Cruel Punishment For Gareth - Lewis is 15 and decides to get a Saturday job. Finding one in a Video hire shop helping Mike the manager, he finds himself earning a bit extra every week by having some interesting fitness tests followed by some relaxation including sex lessons and experiences which he thoroughly enjoys.
Caution: This Pedo Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa mt/Fa Ma/Ma Ma/mt mt/mt Teenagers Coercion Consensual Rape Gay BiSexual Heterosexual Fiction Incest Torture Anal Sex First Massage Masturbation Oral Sex Petting Doctor/Nurse Teacher/Student
‘That was bad enough,’ he said, ‘But you were going to tell tales to Brandon about me. Telling tales has very, very bad consequences.’ he said. Then the cane hit across both my cheeks. This time the pain was even worse. I couldn’t stop myself crying. Then it hit again, It felt as if it was in the same place. He waited until I stopped crying then he said, ‘That last one was to remind you what happens to people who tell tales.’
‘Now,’ he said, ‘Brendan told me he would be spending every other Monday at his girlfriends. So, a week on Monday you had better be here. Do as your told and you won’t get hurt. But if you’re not here you will suffer more pain than you’ve ever felt when I find you, which I will.’
‘Stand up.’ he ordered. When I was standing up with my back to the bed, he said watch this. He stood at the side, lifted his cane up and brought it down hard. I closed my eyes as it came down, but it didn’t hit anything. I felt the draught go past my cock.’
‘Now,’ he said, ‘Imagine what that would have felt like if your cock had been hard. You’d probably never be able to use it ever again. So, if you’re tempted to report me or go missing, just remember how that will feel.’
‘Then he just walked out. I didn’t dare get in the bath with the pain I was feeling so I went and washed my mouth out and came back to lie face down on my bed. I slept off and on and by morning I was able to get dressed without too much pain.’
‘When did this happen,’ Lewis asked. ‘Last Monday,’ he told him. ‘So that means you’re safe until a week on Monday.’ Lewis said. ‘Yes,’ Gareth replied.
‘How did it happen that you came to see me?’ Lewis asked. ‘This morning I met up with Jason.’ Gareth said, ‘We often do at the weekend. He realised something was up and as a result here I am.’
‘Do you know Edgars previous address?’ Lewis asked him. ‘No,’ Gareth said, ‘But I did see some post that had been re-directed the other day. I’ll see if I can find it in the bin.’ ‘That would be helpful,’ Lewis said, ‘But make sure he doesn’t see you.’
‘Ok,’ Lewis said. ‘There are several things to consider. First and foremost, we want to stop Edgar from hurting you. Secondly, we want to stop him hurting anyone else otherwise he’ll just keep doing it. Third I’ll need to get the memories out of your head so you can forget it. Finally, I’ll need to deal with any other problems you have that’s holding you back from having a girlfriend.’
‘We need to do the first and second one before we can do any of the others. Now what I would usually do in a case like this is fit a secret recorder in your bedroom. Then on Monday night when he started to attack you, I would be outside with a policeman friend of mine. We would come in part way through his attack.’
‘Edgar would be arrested. The recorder would give the evidence and he would go to court. All you would need to do is make a statement. There would be no publicity and he would go to prison. It’s worked well on several occasions.’
‘But I can see a problem. From what you said, Edgar’s intention next time is to make you go up his bum. If I come charging in with a policeman, it might be hard to prove that it is not you who are attacking him.’
‘There is another option to get round that, but I’d need some help. If that wasn’t possible, we may have to let him carry on next time and hope he goes up your bum the following time.’
‘What I need to do in the next couple of days, is to check up on what assistance is available. To do that I need your permission to tell two very close friends what has happened to you. They will not know who you are or where you live.’
‘Now, if we then decide on that option, they would come to your flat a week on Monday and deal with him. They would see you then and obviously know your address. But I trust them implicitly. You and Edgar would both be seized so he would think it was nothing to do with you. You would be taken out of the room and from that moment you would not be involved.’
‘If that option was taken, Edgar would not go to prison or be involved with the police over your rape. But he would have his testicles surgically removed so he could never rape or have sex again. That would also improve his overall behaviour and make him into a nicer person.’
‘How do you think you would cope knowing that had happened to him as a result of your actions?’ Lewis asked him. Gareth thought of the pain he had suffered and would presumably go on suffering if he hadn’t come to see Lewis.
‘I would think it served him right and would be a community service.’ he said. ‘Ok.’ Lewis said, ‘Can I have your permission to discus what has happened with my two friends?’ Gareth felt complete trust in Lewis now, so he felt quite sure that any friend he recommended would be ok too. ‘Yes, do as you think fit,’ he said, ‘I’m in your hands.’
‘Get dressed now,’ Lewis told him. Gareth stood up and as Lewis stood up, he threw his arms around him and kissed him. ‘Thank you,’ he said, ‘I just know you will sort it out.’
‘Once dressed,’ Lewis told him, ‘I will be in touch in a day or two. In the meantime, will you get a spare set of keys to get into your flat. Also draw a plan of the flat and name each room.’ He saw him out then locked up and went home.
On Sunday Lewis had a text from Gareth saying, ‘Found envelope,’ and adding Edgars previous address plus confirming the spelling of his surname.
Lewis sent the details to Aiden with a brief explanation of his involvement.
On Monday evening Lewis went to the shop straight from school. Mike was surprised to see him. ‘I’ll explain when you’ve closed.’ Lewis said and stepped in to help serve.
Once they had closed up and went through to the back, Lewis made them both a couple of coffees. As they sat at the table, Lewis explained about Edgar and what he had done. Then he showed him the picture he had taken of Gareth’s back. ‘He shares a flat with his victim plus one other,’ Lewis told him. ‘He’s due to attack again a week tonight when the third flat mate is away.’
‘I can’t do my usual with the radio,’ he explained, ‘Because he has said that next time, he’s going to force his victim to go up his bum. On camera that would look like he was the attacker. I’d wait until the next time, but he has such a vicious streak and is likely to do a lot of damage by then.’
He explained his threat to get his victim erect and then cane it. Mike shivered at the thought of it. ‘I think it’s very likely he’s done it before,’ Lewis said. ‘I have no doubt he will keep on doing it.’ ‘So, I am thinking the best and only option is to do what we did to Gordon.’
‘I don’t want you involved, now you’re married and with a family on the way,’ Lewis said. ‘But what I do need is your muscle to subdue him and tie him up. Then you go. I’m going to ask Danny to help me operate. What I would ask you to do is to make a list of what I’ll need and a step by step instruction list.’
‘Ok,’ Mike said, ‘I’m sure you will cope and if there is a problem you can call on me. But have you thought what you’re going to do with him afterwards?’ ‘I can’t see any way of capturing him out of the flat,’ Lewis said, ‘So it’s got to be done in the flat. Moving him out of the flat afterwards is also impractical.’
‘So, I decided I’ll tell his victim to go and stay overnight at his mums. Then he can just be left on his own bed. I thought I’d leave his balls in place but tie them off so they will die. Then he can be told that if he is still in the flat when we come back, they will be amputated. That should make him move out pronto.’
‘Ok,’ Mike said, I’ll make your lists tomorrow and see if I can come up with any other idea for afterwards.’
Lewis thanked him and gave him a hug and a kiss.
Later that evening Lewis rang Danny and after checking he wasn’t in earshot of anyone, he explained the problem and what he intended. Danny who had himself been raped, immediately agreed to help. ‘I’d like to learn how to do it.’ he said.
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