The Life of Lewis - Cover

The Life of Lewis

Copyright© 2021 by Lewis Lucas

Chapter 3: Agony For Gareth

Pedo Sex Story: Chapter 3: Agony For Gareth - Lewis is 15 and decides to get a Saturday job. Finding one in a Video hire shop helping Mike the manager, he finds himself earning a bit extra every week by having some interesting fitness tests followed by some relaxation including sex lessons and experiences which he thoroughly enjoys.

Caution: This Pedo Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/Fa   Ma/Ma   Ma/mt   mt/mt   Teenagers   Coercion   Consensual   Rape   Gay   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Incest   Torture   Anal Sex   First   Massage   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Petting   Doctor/Nurse   Teacher/Student  

‘Start off by telling me your first dream about Keith, how it started then all the details.’ Gareth closed his eyes and took his mind back. ‘We’d been out exploring a big quarry one Saturday near where I used to live.’ he said.

‘At one point Keith said, ‘I’m bursting for a wee.’ He went over to some bushes and had one. He must have just been finishing when I saw people coming along further down the path. ‘Someone’s coming,’ I hissed to him. He didn’t hear what I said, so he turned towards me. He still had his cock in his hand and his wee was just fading away. He was normally as shy as I was, but because of the people approaching, he shook it and tucked it away with his back to the approaching people. That meant he was facing me.’

‘I was fascinated watching him shake it and the image stuck in my brain. Anyway, we carried on walking and enjoyed the rest of the day. That night I was in bed and starting to dream as usual about Enid. I was halfway hard, when her image disappeared from my mind and Keith’s cock appeared instead.’

‘We had explored some caves just afterwards, so I dreamt that he had had his wee in one of the caves. Then he had turned towards me like he had done. When I saw it, I had said, ‘What a whopper.’ ‘Really?’ he said, ‘I thought everyone was pretty much the same.’

‘No, mines much smaller than yours.’ I told him. He had left his hanging out. He said, ‘Can I see it.’ Naturally you’re not shy in a dream, so I got mine out. ‘It does look a little bit smaller,’ he said, ‘How about we drop our trousers and put them side by side to see what the difference is.’

‘I agreed, so we dropped our trousers and shorts. Then we moved up close and he put the tip of his cock against my groin. He took hold of my cock and held it against the side of his. My tip was about an inch away from his groin.’

‘As we stepped back, he said, ‘You’re right I am bigger, gosh I’d never have known. Yours is the first cock I’ve ever held apart from my own.’ he said. ‘It felt special. Do you want to hold mine?’ ‘Yes please,’ I said and reached out. As I wrapped my hand round it, it felt lovely, then a second later I felt it starting to swell up.’

‘I kept hold of it. The feeling was so lovely. ‘Wow,’ he said, ‘I’m getting a hard on, your touch made it happen.’ He took hold of mine. As soon as he held it mine started swelling up too.’

‘We looked at each other feeling a little embarrassed but nevertheless loving the feelings it was giving us. In moments we were both rock hard and throbbing. We put our cocks back side by side and to my surprise, now they were hard we were both the same length. Then I started to get an urge to fire him.’

‘Before I could say anything, Keith looked at me and said, ‘Can I fire you?’ I nodded, ‘How about we do each other at the same time?’ I suggested. I was right-handed and he was left-handed, so we stood side by side. We each started moving our hands at the same time.’

‘Feeling someone else’s hand on my cock was wonderful, but having his cock in my hand at the same time was fantastic. We must have both been really worked up because it wasn’t long before we both shot our load. We both cried out as we shot.’

After he had started telling his story, Lewis had moved his hand from resting on his cock to holding it and stroking it slowly. As the story progressed Lewis had speeded up a little. As it drew towards its end he went faster still.

As Gareth talked about firing, he suddenly became aware of a lovely feeling in his groins. Looking down he saw that the feeling he had felt growing and had assumed was because of the memories of his story, was in fact Lewis’s hand on his cock.

Then he had a wave of lovely feelings sweep over him, ‘I’m coming,’ he managed to call out as the feeling turned to a tumult of ecstasy. His cock shot four bursts of cum which soared up and crashed down on his chest as his happy cry turned to a scream of delight that lasted until his firing came to an end.

As he stopped firing, Lewis slowed down to a stop but kept hold of his cock until it had shrunk. Gareth gave him a big grin, ‘That was amazing,’ he said, ‘Thank you.’

Lewis rested his now soft cock down on his hairs. As always there was a supply of tissue on the back of the settee. He mopped up the bulk of the cum off Gareth’s chest. Slipping out from under his head, he took the tissue to the bin, then returned with a wet cloth and towel.

Sitting at his side, he washed his chest, then dried it. Gareth was relaxing happily with his eyes closed. But when Lewis picked his cock up and gently wiped the tip he cried out and opened his eyes. ‘That’s nice too.’ he said.

Lewis put his arms out, so Gareth sat up and put his head on his shoulder. As they hugged each other Lewis said in his ear, ‘Finish your story now.’

‘We kept hold of each other’s cocks as they shrank,’ Gareth said, ‘That felt good too. Then once they were soft, we got dressed. We stood looking at each other feeling happy but strange. Then we moved together, put our arms around each other and kissed.’

‘Then I came to and shot my load in bed.’ ‘Have you ever told that story to Keith or anyone else?’ Lewis asked. ‘No, never, I would have died of embarrassment on the spot.’ ‘Yet you’ve just told me,’ Lewis said with a grin. ‘Thank you for the trust.’

They sat and held each other for a while. Then Lewis got up and returned to the end of the settee. Once Gareth was lying down again with his head on Lewis’s lap, Lewis stroked his head and rested his other hand still, over Gareth’s now soft cock.

‘Ok, now tell me what happened with Edgar,’ he said. ‘Start with him moving in and tell me absolutely everything that happened.’ Gareth looked up at him, he couldn’t believe that he was about to tell someone he had only just met all about his problem. Yet the idea of doing so made him feel there was now hope of a solution.

He gave Lewis a brief smile, then began. ‘A week after Grant moved out, Edgar contacted us then came to visit. He seemed ok so he moved in. Like the two of us, he was out at work all day and often at weekends. We didn’t see a lot of him, and all was well for the first month or so.’

‘Then one Saturday afternoon a couple of weeks ago, I returned to the flat just after lunch. I made myself a drink and had just sat down with it in the lounge when Edgar walked in. I hadn’t realised he was in. He had evidently slept in late. He was just wearing shorts and looked as if he had just woken up.’

‘He said a gruff, ‘Hi,’ then went and made himself a drink. He came back into the lounge and sat in the armchair opposite me. He lounged in the chair and put one leg up on the arm.’

‘His shorts were quite loose, and I could clearly see one of his balls up the leg of his shorts. I could also see that he had a big cock from the size of his bulge. He is slightly bigger than me in build with slimmer hips. He looks very strong.’

‘Not out with your girlfriend this weekend?’ he asked. I probably blushed as I told him, ‘No, I haven’t got one.’ ‘You make that sound as if you’ve never had one,’ he said. ‘Have you?’ I didn’t answer that I was too embarrassed. ‘I just asked you a question,’ he snapped, ‘I expect an answer.’ He looked quite angry.’

‘I looked at him surprised. He was sounding nothing like the person we had interviewed. ‘No, I haven’t,’ I said, ‘But that’s none of your business.

He leapt to his feet and literally jumped on top of me on the settee. He put a knee each side of my legs and grabbed hold of my head with both hands. I grabbed at his arms but he was too strong.’

‘Don’t mess with me,’ he said, ‘You’ll regret it.’ ‘Let go of me.’ I said, ‘You’re hurting me.’ ‘That’s nothing to what you’ll get if you don’t do as you’re told,’ he said. He let go of my head and grabbed hold of my wrists. He pushed my arms up over the back of the settee and his cock was pressed against my face with just his shorts in between us. It felt revolting.’

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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