The Life of Lewis - Cover

The Life of Lewis

Copyright© 2021 by Lewis Lucas

Chapter 6: I Don’t Know If I Am A Virgin

Pedo Sex Story: Chapter 6: I Don’t Know If I Am A Virgin - Lewis is 15 and decides to get a Saturday job. Finding one in a Video hire shop helping Mike the manager, he finds himself earning a bit extra every week by having some interesting fitness tests followed by some relaxation including sex lessons and experiences which he thoroughly enjoys.

Caution: This Pedo Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/Fa   Ma/Ma   Ma/mt   mt/mt   Teenagers   Coercion   Consensual   Rape   Gay   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Incest   Torture   Anal Sex   First   Massage   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Petting   Doctor/Nurse   Teacher/Student  

Before he had made his mind up, Danny decided he had waited long enough and lifted the back of his trousers up. As he slid his hand inside David opened his mouth in panic to say stop. But just as he started to speak, the lovely feeling from Danny’s hand sliding gently over his cheeks over his underpants reached his brain.

His ‘Stop’ came out as, ‘St... ‘ then he changed his mind. Danny stopped immediately. ‘Did you speak?’ he asked. ‘No,’ David said, ‘I started to say stop but I changed my mind.’ ‘That’s excellent.’ Danny said as he continued massaging over the other cheek. ‘Don’t forget you can say stop any time you want to.’

He gave both cheeks an extra massage then managed to reach the top third of each thigh on the skin before he drew his hands out slowly. David was amazed how much he had enjoyed it, but lifting his hips was too much for the moment.

Danny massaged over his cheeks once more, this time over his trousers and then moved down the back of his legs. David could feel right away how much nicer the massage had been inside his trousers compared with over the top.

‘How did you get on with the girls at school?’ Danny asked him. ‘I didn’t really,’ David said as Danny reached his feet. ‘I was so shy I could never hold a proper conversation with them. Plus, I think they considered me and Thomas as wimps because we didn’t do any sports. I didn’t fall out with any of them though.’ he added as Danny massaged his cheeks again, over his trousers.

‘Have you ever had a girlfriend?’ Danny asked as he massaged down inside his trousers once more. His mind on the lovely feeling he was getting, David answered, ‘No, never. The nearest I ever got was being invited to the birthday party of a girl in my form and getting to kiss her as I was leaving.’

As Danny’s hands started to slide out, David amazed himself and lifted his hips up. As he felt Danny sliding his trousers down, he had a moment of fear as it brought back horrible memories, but it quickly passed. He had been feeling more and more at ease with Danny as time went on, but at that point he decided, he was completely and totally safe with Danny.

Danny started massaging again at his ankles. As he moved on up the back of his now bare legs, he asked, ‘So are you still a virgin?’ As he came up the back of his thighs there was silence. Then David told him, ‘I don’t know.’ He sounded miserable as he spoke.

Danny guessed why he was undecided, so as he massaged both cheeks together directly over his light grey underpants, he said, ‘I’m going to ask you that again. But first let me tell you that no matter what terrible things Malik has done to you, it doesn’t make any difference to your virginity. So now you know that, are you a virgin?’ ‘Yes.’ came the immediate answer in a voice that sounded relieved.

As Danny massaged up his back he said, ‘Tell me about the girl who invited you to her party.’ ‘That was Rhiannon,’ David said. ‘She had moved from Wales and came into my form in my last year at school. We never really spoke much so I was quite surprised to get the invitation.’

‘Did she smile at you a lot?’ Danny asked as he massaged his shoulders. David thought for a moment then said, ‘Yes, now you mention it, I suppose she did.’ ‘But you never returned the smile by talking to her?’ Danny said as he massaged his head. ‘No, I was too shy.’ David answered as Danny took his hands away.

‘Turn over,’ Danny told him. As David turned over, it suddenly struck him how much undressed he had become. As he looked down his front and saw his trousers around his ankles and the bulge of his soft cock in his underpants, he felt puzzled. ‘Lying like this in front of someone should be making me panic,’ he mused to himself, ‘How can it be that I feel so relaxed.’

He looked up at Danny who smiled at him. ‘You’re not used to feeling so relaxed when someone else sees you undressed, are you?’ he said. Then he added with a grin, ‘Except for Thomas of course.’ David blushed slightly at that but again he found he didn’t feel embarrassed at Danny knowing it. Well not much anyway.

Danny put his hands on the front of his head and massaged briefly before moving down onto his temples. Then as he moved to his shoulders he asked, ‘So what happened at the party that led to you kissing Rhianna?’

David smiled as he remembered, ‘When I arrived,’ he said, ‘She was at the door greeting everyone. Like all the other boys she shook my hand and kissed me on the cheek. It was the first time a girl who wasn’t a relative had ever kissed me.’

‘During the party she kept circulating, but she came back to speak to me quite often. As usual I went to pieces and could hardly get a word out, much as I wanted to.’

Danny was moving slowly down his chest as David continued, ‘As everyone started to leave, I hung back, I really wanted to speak to her. Actually, I wanted to ask her out. But I knew I’d never manage to do that. I thought if I managed to hold a brief conversation with her at least I might be able to do it again in future.’

As he reached his stomach, David said, ‘When almost everyone had gone I moved towards the door. She saw me coming and gave me a lovely smile. I reached her and tried to speak but nothing came. I think she realised my difficulty because she suddenly gave me a hug and kissed me on my lips.’

‘I’d never experienced anything so nice, ‘Thank you,’ I managed to stammer and walked out on air.’ ‘Did you dream about her that night in bed?’ Dany asked as he moved up onto the front of his underpants.

David’s mind was in a turmoil, he was remembering his dream about Rhianna, he was wondering whether he could admit it to Danny and at the same time he was getting a lovely sensation as Danny’s hands massaged over his underpants and passed over his soft cock.

Then he felt it start to grow. The lovely physical contact plus what was going on in his mind had been enough. As he wondered what to do Danny was moving on down the front of his bare thighs. He spotted what was happening and realised immediately that David would be panicking.

‘David,’ he said firmly. David looked straight at him. ‘Don’t worry about your reaction,’ he told him, ‘It’s perfectly normal when someone else massages you there. Especially when you are remembering a nice dream. It happens to me all the time.’ he added with a grin.

Danny rested his hand over it gently. ‘When it starts, there’s nothing you can do to stop it,’ he said smiling at him. ‘So, relax, don’t waste time fighting it, let it do whatever it wants and if it feels nice, enjoy it.’

As he spoke, he could feel it growing more. He moved his hand back to his knees and continued down. David lay still looking down his front. He watched Danny’s hands going down his legs. He watched the bulge in his underpants still growing and briefly made an unsuccessful attempt to stop it.

Then Danny reached his feet. David watched as he slid his trousers off over his feet. He felt amazingly relaxed as he watched. ‘Even on the first time Thomas and I stripped off I didn’t feel this relaxed,’ he thought to himself.

Danny said, ‘You’re relaxing so well I’m not going to ask any questions as I come back up your front, so just close your eyes and enjoy the feelings.’ David closed his eyes happily and as he felt Danny’s hands start back up his bare legs, his mind was already racing ahead to the exciting sensation he knew he would get as he massaged over his underpants.

The thought transmitted to his cock that had been steadily growing. Before Danny’s hands had reached halfway up his thighs, it was doing its best to stand straight up. It couldn’t quite make it, due to the restriction of his underpants.

Danny carried on up and massaged over all of the front. As his hand passed directly over the large hard post, it throbbed happily. David couldn’t stop letting out a cry of joy. He immediately went red at having done so. Spotting it Danny told him, ‘Don’t be embarrassed, that reaction was your body and your subconscious telling me how relaxed and at ease they are feeling with me.’

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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