The Life of Lewis
Copyright© 2021 by Lewis Lucas
Chapter 6: An Emergency Next Door
Pedo Sex Story: Chapter 6: An Emergency Next Door - Lewis is 15 and decides to get a Saturday job. Finding one in a Video hire shop helping Mike the manager, he finds himself earning a bit extra every week by having some interesting fitness tests followed by some relaxation including sex lessons and experiences which he thoroughly enjoys.
Caution: This Pedo Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa mt/Fa Ma/Ma Ma/mt mt/mt Teenagers Coercion Consensual Rape Gay BiSexual Heterosexual Fiction Incest Torture Anal Sex First Massage Masturbation Oral Sex Petting Doctor/Nurse Teacher/Student
Saturday had come around once more. Danny had arrived at John’s at his usual time were as had become their usual custom, they sat in the kitchen and had a coffee together. (After a good hug and a kiss first, of course!) They chatted about their previous weeks and then Danny went out into the back to start work.
After he had been working in the garden for about half an hour, he started to hear some noises from over the fence and realised there was someone working next door as well. He heard sounds of work for the next half hour, then just as he was thinking about sticking his head over the fence to say hello, he heard a scream, followed by sounds of pain. The voice sounded like a young lad.
Danny leapt up and went to the fence, standing on a stump he was able to look over the top. Just below him to one side stood a chubby boy in shorts and T shirt, He was holding his groin and Danny could see a few bits of blood on his fingers.
“What’s happened,” he asked. The lad jumped, being so taken up with his pain that he hadn’t heard Danny approach. His jumping made him cry out in pain again. He looked up at Danny with a tearful face, saying, “I’ve got myself stuck on some barbed wire and I’m bleeding.”
“Stand as still as you possibly can,” Danny told him, “I’m coming over.” He moved further up the garden, so he was clear of the boy, then managed to get a foot hold and climb up onto the six-foot fence, then lower himself down the other side.
He ran over to the boy who was a couple of inches shorter than Danny, he had tears running down his face and Danny could see some blood on his fingers and some on his leg just below the leg of his shorts. There didn’t seem to be any actually running still, as far as he could see.
He moved in closer, treading carefully because the lad looked terrified, plus he didn’t want to tread on anything that might pull on the injury. Once he was close, he could see that there were three pieces of barbed wire twisted together. They came up out of a plant and disappeared up the leg of his shorts. It looked as if he had stepped over the plant and as he put his foot down, the wire had gone up his shorts leg and done some damage. He wouldn’t have noticed the barbed wire amongst the plant.
“Hi, I’m Danny, what’s your name,” Danny asked him. In a wavering voice the lad replied, “I’m David, thanks for coming to help, mum and dad are out for the day.” Danny smiled at him, “No problem,” he said, “I’ll soon have you out of there, let’s have a look what the damage is.” As he moved in close to him, Danny said, “Now David, I’m going to have to get hold of your shorts and have a look inside to see how we can get the barbed wire out, are you ok with that?” David nodded to him, he actually felt terribly embarrassed at the idea, but he was sensible enough to realise it had to be done or he would be stuck there forever.
Despite his nod, Danny realised that he was terribly embarrassed, so as he took hold of the waistband at the front of his shorts, before he moved it, he said, “How old are you, David?” David told him he was fourteen last month. “Well, I’m seventeen,” Danny said, “So do you realise what that means?” David shook his head looking puzzled. Danny smiled at him again, “It means that were almost the same age. So, when I look down your shorts, what I’ll see is pretty much the same as what I see when I look down mine, so there’s no need to feel embarrassed, ok.”
David smiled; he hadn’t thought of it like that. He still felt embarrassed at the idea, but it didn’t seem quite as bad now. Danny pulled the waistband away from his body and looked down. The Barbed wire spikes had pierced the front of his hip in several places but not particularly deeply. When he had felt it stick into him, David must have jumped which had made some of the barbs rip the flesh. That is where the blood had come from.
There was dried blood all around the area, but as Danny knew, a small amount of blood can spread over a very large area. The blood on his hands must have come from either him getting hold of the barbs or feeling his leg as the blood was dripping. The barbed wire was still resting against his thigh, but it didn’t appear to be stuck into him.
Danny gave him a big grin, “No serious damage, I can get it out easily and best of all, there’s no damage to your important bits.” It took David a few moments to realise what Danny meant about his important bits, then when he did, he blushed bright red knowing Danny had looked at it.
“Now I’m going to need your help,” Danny told him. “First let me tell you about my plan. I want you to steady yourself by holding the fence with one hand. Then I’m going to get you to put your other hand inside your shorts. I’ll guide your fingers to a barb free section of the barbed wire so you can hold it still. Then I’m going to carefully slide your shorts down to your ankles. I know that is going to embarrass you, but we’re sheltered here, and no one will see you but me, and I’ve already seen it.” Danny smiled at him reassuringly, then continued, “Once your shorts are down, I will get hold of the top of the wire and pull it away from you”.
“You will then be able to take your feet out of the legs of your shorts, I can then lift them off the wire, you can put them back on, then we can go inside and clean and dress your wound. Do you think you can manage that?” Danny asked looking at him.
David nodded, He felt alarmed at the idea of standing there with no shorts on, no matter how briefly, but his confidence in Danny had grown enormously. It also seemed a sensible idea.
David put his hand on the fence, getting a firm grip, then when Danny pulled his waistband out, he put his hand inside, letting Danny guide his fingers onto a smooth part of the wire. “Now all you need to do is stand still and keep your hand against your side so the wire doesn’t move. Everything else you leave to me, ok?” David nodded to him so Danny first of all pulled the opposite side of his shorts down about six inches. The top of his pubic hair showed slightly above the waistband. Next, he took hold of the side and front of the side over the wire and pulled that down about twelve inches. He could see the injuries very clearly now, which confirmed what he had told David, nothing serious. All of David’s hairs and the base of his cock was now visible.
Danny got hold of the other side again, this time pulling them down halfway down his thigh, then he took hold of the wire side and pulled that side down to below David’s knees, then the other side down almost to his ankles, then the wire side right down to his feet. Taking hold of the top of the wire, he told David to let go and pulled it several inches away from his side.
“You can let go of the fence now,” he told him, then carefully take both your feet out of your shorts. David was now completely clear of the wire. He had a cock about half Danny’s size and quite a small tuft of hair. Danny told him to turn and face the fence for a moment, then he carefully lifted David’s shorts off the barbed wire. Once clear, he handed them to David who put them back on with great relief.
Danny stepped out of the flower bed, then held his hand out to assist David. Once they were both on the path, Danny said, “Ok, let’s go inside now and clean that wound. Can you walk ok?”
“Yes,” David told him, “It feels a bit sore but it’s not too bad.” He led the way to the back door, and they went in. Danny said, “The ideal place would be for you to lie down on a settee.” “There’s one in the back room, David told him and led him through. “That’s ideal, “Danny said, “Now, whilst I get some hot water ready to wash it with, can you find your first aid stuff. I’ll need some antiseptic like TCP, or a cream would do, some micropore tape and some plasters.”
“There’ll be some in the bathroom, I’ll go and get it all,” David said. “Go easy on the stairs,” Danny told him, “Try not to let your shorts rub on the wound. Probably a good idea to have a wee whilst your up there too he told him.” David nodded and left the room.
Danny went back into the kitchen and got a bowl out of the cupboard. He ran the hot tap and filled it half full of water just too hot to put his finger in, knowing that by the time they were ready, it would have cooled. He looked in the cupboards and found a clean towel and a roll of paper towels.
Taking them all into the other room, he had just finished putting them all out on the table when David returned with an armful of first aid equipment. Danny looked through it and there was everything he needed but he wasn’t impressed with the antiseptic available.
“Does your dad have any whiskey?” Danny asked. “Yes, there’s some in the front room cabinet,” David told him.
“Can you go and get it please,” Danny asked him, “It’ll do for antiseptic.” David went out and returned almost immediately with a half empty bottle of Jameson’s Irish Whisky. “Will this do?” he asked. “That’s fine,” Danny told him, “It’s far better quality than we need, but perfect none the less.”
“Right young man,” Danny said, “It’s embarrassing time again, take your shorts of and lie on the settee so that your wounded side is towards the room.” By now David was feeling much more at ease with Danny, plus they were now in the privacy of the house, so he slipped out of them and lay down immediately. He still felt embarrassed at being exposed, but he realised with some surprise that he hadn’t even blushed this time.
Danny pulled a stool over and sat at the side by the wound. He told David to lift his hips up, then when he did, he slid a tea towel underneath him. Telling him to relax back down, he said, “That’s just to protect the settee. Now,” he said, “I’m going to wash the wound and all the area around it with some hot water which has a very tiny bit of soap in it.”
“When I wash over the wound, it will probably wash the blood clots away, so it might sting a little and it might bleed a little. If it does either or both it will only be for a few seconds, ok?”
David nodded so Danny dipped a piece of clean paper towel in the bowl of water, then tested it against the soft skin on the underside of his arm. It was very hot but bearable, so he threw that one away, got a clean one, dipped it in the water and dabbed the wounded area gently. David flinched at first contact, then relaxed when he found the discomfort was quite mild. Leaving the area wet, Danny picked up a new J cloth he had got from the kitchen cupboard and dipped that in the bowl of water.
“I’m going to wash the whole area now, he told David, the cleaner everywhere is, the more likely your wound will heal up quickly and won’t get infected. Unfortunately, because it’s so close, that includes your cock, your balls and your pubic hairs. So, remember what I told you, they’re exactly the same as mine so there’s no need to be embarrassed, ok?”
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