The Life of Lewis
Copyright© 2021 by Lewis Lucas
Chapter 2: An Amazing Relief
Pedo Sex Story: Chapter 2: An Amazing Relief - Lewis is 15 and decides to get a Saturday job. Finding one in a Video hire shop helping Mike the manager, he finds himself earning a bit extra every week by having some interesting fitness tests followed by some relaxation including sex lessons and experiences which he thoroughly enjoys.
Caution: This Pedo Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa mt/Fa Ma/Ma Ma/mt mt/mt Teenagers Coercion Consensual Rape Gay BiSexual Heterosexual Fiction Incest Torture Anal Sex First Massage Masturbation Oral Sex Petting Doctor/Nurse Teacher/Student
‘I dreamt Oliver was in bed with me naked and we played with each other’s cocks,’ Martin told him. ‘Then I dreamt Oliver did everything Patrick had done, but in my dream, I enjoyed it. Then I had similar dreams about Leo. After that I dreamt all three of us were in bed together and all playing with each other. I decided I was odd, accepted it and kept myself to myself.’
‘Then when I met Cynthia, it started tearing me apart. I so wanted to ask her out, but I couldn’t. Then I heard someone saying how nice Iris was and how she had sorted out a serious problem for them. But when I went to see her, I just couldn’t even manage to start.’
‘She decided I might be able to talk to a boy better, so she sent me to see you. You are the only person in the world who knows it all apart from me.’ he said. Lewis smiled down at him. ‘Thank you,’ he said, ‘That is a tremendous compliment. In a moment we’ll start sorting it out. But first, tell me how you feel at this moment.’
‘Very relieved at having got it all off my chest,’ Martin said. ‘Much more relaxed than I’ve felt since it happened and right at this moment loving the massage at each end.’
‘So, you’re lying there naked,’ Lewis said. ‘I’m massaging your head with one hand and your cock with the other. When I massaged you earlier you erected and enjoyed that feeling too. So how do you feel about all that?’
‘I told you I already know I’m odd.’ he said. Lewis smiled at him. ‘Suppose I was to tell you that a great many teenage boys experiment with their close mates.’ He told him. ‘Especially before they have a regular girlfriend. Those experiments vary from boy to boy, but they range from learning to kiss, through to every single thing you have experienced and dreamt about.’
‘That in my view makes you a perfectly normal teenager.’ ‘Really?’ Martin said looking surprised but very happy. ‘Can I ask how you know that?’ ‘Two reasons,’ Lewis said. ‘I have counselled a lot of boys who have had experiences similar to your own and much worse. And, in case you haven’t noticed,’ he added with a grin, ‘I am also a teenage boy myself.’
Martin smiled, then as a thought struck him, he said, ‘You mean you too have...?’ ‘Yes, lots of things.’ Lewis said. ‘But let’s leave them for a moment and sort you out first.’
‘But let me tell you this. When you leave here I expect you to be able to go and ask Cynthia for a date. When you have dated her up to a time you both feel you are ready, I expect you to be able to make love to her. When you do, I expect that Cynthia will love the experience.’
Seeing Martin looking doubtful, he told him, ‘Believe me, your manners and consideration for your partner will play a far greater part in Cynthia’s enjoyment than the size of your cock. I’ll explain that more later. Now let’s look at your problem with Patrick first.’
‘Patrick played with your cock. He made you play with his. He sucked your cock then he put his cock up your bum. Let’s look at the first one to start with, he played with your cock. Tell me what the difference was between that, and the massage I gave you that made you erect earlier.’
Martin thought for a few moments. ‘Yours was gentle and felt nice whereas his was horrible and rough.’ ‘So, there’s your answer,’ Lewis told him, ‘It wasn’t what he did, it was how he did it. Also, that he forced you to do it whereas when I did it you had a choice. All sex should have the full consent of both parties. It should also give both parties equal pleasure.’
‘When you played with his cock, you didn’t want to, he forced you. So that broke the rule of consent. But even so, by your own admission, the sensation of holding someone else’s erect cock was exciting.’
‘He sucked you. Again, you were forced to have your cock in the mouth of someone you not only didn’t like but were frightened of. Had you done that of your own free will and with someone you liked, it would have been enjoyable.’
‘Now just imaging for the moment that instead of Patrick, Leo had been your brother. Imagine you were spending the weekend at home alone and you had both got talking about sex.’
‘Imagine you had both decided you’d like to see someone else erect. So, you had gone up to your bedroom and stripped off. Just think how much you like Leo and how nice it would have been exploring all over each other’s body, feeling each other erect, and probably firing each other. It would have been a lovely experience because you liked each other, you felt safe with each other, and you had both agreed to do it.’
As he spoke, he felt Martins cock swell up under his hand. He started stroking it gently making it throb. ‘You see, your cock agrees how nice it would have been. And your imagination is now working overtime as to how you would have enjoyed it. Am I correct?’
Martin gave a sheepish grin then said, ‘Yes.’ ‘Now,’ Lewis said, ‘You and Leo would have done that and enjoyed it. You would have enjoyed it because you were both still virgins and longing for sexual experience.’
‘The most likely thing you would try next is sucking each other. This you would have both enjoyed because you wanted to do it. Because you were doing it with someone you loved, all your sensations would be pleasure. There would be no pain, no force.’
‘But what about going up my bum?’ Martin asked, ‘That couldn’t be enjoyable.’ Lewis smiled at him. ‘You’re joking,’ Martin said, ‘No one could enjoy that.’
‘Look at it this way,’ Lewis said. ‘You told me you would be worried about having sex because you wouldn’t want to put a girl you were fond of through that suffering. I can assure you that making love with someone you care for is nothing but pleasure for both of you. Providing it is done with consent and consideration. Ask yourself, would there ever be any babies if it was as bad as you think?’
Not waiting for an answer Lewis continued, ‘If Leo had put his cock up your bum it would have felt nothing like your experience with Patrick. For one thing you would have both agreed. Secondly Leo would make sure that he oiled his cock and your bum so that it slid in gently, not go at it like a bull at a barn gate like Patrick did. Then when he pushed in and out it would have slid in and out in a similar manner to what it would do in a vagina.’
Martin was looking at him curiously. ‘You have a lot of knowledge,’ he said, ‘How much is actual experience.’ Lewis smiled at him, ‘Most of it he said. It helps counselling if you know what you’re talking about.’
Lewis could see that Martin was struggling to ask more. ‘I can tell you,’ Lewis said, ‘That before I started counselling, my pal and I had seen each other erect, held each other, fired each other and practiced our kissing together.’
Martin had his mouth open. ‘Since then, I’ve sucked, been sucked, put my cock up a bum and had a cock up me. I’ve also made love to my girlfriend many times. I can assure you it does not hurt her in the least, far from it.’
‘Now we’ll deal with your worries about female sex shortly. Let’s finish off with Patrick first. It’s clear to me from what you said, that bad as Patrick was, he attacked you under the influence of drink.’
‘When he woke up the next morning and realised what he had done, and then found you missing, he left home in shame, never to return. I have no idea if joining the army was a means of escape or if he had ever thought of it previously.’
‘His apology the day he left for the army confirms his regret and your magnanimous comment about still being his brother would have sent him on his way feeling a lot better.’
‘He evidently excelled in the army, hence his promotion. To do what he did at the end showed he had both courage and a lot of good in him.
In view of how he died, I would suggest that what he did to you now remains for ever unknown.’
‘However, for you to be able to do that without spoiling your own life, we need to get the horror of what happened out of your mind. There are several things we need to do to achieve that. But first I need to be sure that him forcing his cock roughly up your bum didn’t do you any lasting physical harm.’
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