The Life of Lewis - Cover

The Life of Lewis

Copyright© 2021 by Lewis Lucas

Chapter 8: Sexual Assault by a Sibling

Pedo Sex Story: Chapter 8: Sexual Assault by a Sibling - Lewis is 15 and decides to get a Saturday job. Finding one in a Video hire shop helping Mike the manager, he finds himself earning a bit extra every week by having some interesting fitness tests followed by some relaxation including sex lessons and experiences which he thoroughly enjoys.

Caution: This Pedo Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/Fa   Ma/Ma   Ma/mt   mt/mt   Teenagers   Coercion   Consensual   Rape   Gay   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Incest   Torture   Anal Sex   First   Massage   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Petting   Doctor/Nurse   Teacher/Student  

As Lewis moved up away from his waist, Martin relaxed quickly. ‘How do you get on with the other boys at school?’ he asked. ‘Ok,’ Martin said, ‘Being so little I get picked on sometimes by a few of the older boys, but most of them are ok.’

As Lewis reached his shoulders he asked, ‘Do you have any special friends?’ As Martin thought about it, Lewis massaged his head and then told him to turn over.

As he turned and got settled, Lewis said, ‘Before you answer that, let me tell you I’m now going to go down your front just the same. Remember what I told you, I will never do anything to hurt you.’ Martin smiled at him, he was already feeling safe with Lewis but even so, any touch in certain areas brought too many bad memories back.

Lewis massaged his head, then moved to his temples. As he dropped his hands down onto the front of his shoulders Martin answered his previous question. ‘I have a group of about eight who I’d consider good friends,’ he said, ‘But special friends would have to be Oliver and Leo.’

As he moved down over his chest Lewis asked, ‘Why those two?’ ‘We came up from primary school together,’ Martin said, ‘Plus they live near me, so of all my friends, they have spent the most time with me.’ As he answered Lewis massaged over his stomach.

As he moved up onto the front of his trousers, Martin went very tense and glancing at his face out of the corner of his eye Lewis saw a look of fear. As his hand moved lower on his front Martin called out, ‘Stop, please stop.’

Lewis took his hand off right away and returned it to his head. As he massaged his temples, Martin calmed down and relaxed. Still massaging his temples Lewis said, ‘In a moment I’ll go down again. Remember you can say stop as many times as you need to. I’m not repeating it to deliberately upset you. Whoever and whatever hurt you, I am not going to. But until I can convince you and your subconscious of that, we can’t get over your fear. Until we can get over your fear, we won’t be able to do anything about it.’

‘I can understand that Martin,’ said, ‘It’s just when I remember what happened... ‘ ‘It’s ok,’ Lewis said smiling at him, ‘I know. Just say stop as often as you want.’ Martin gave him a slight smile and a nod. ‘Thank you.’ he said.

Lewis moved back to his shoulders and asked, ‘Tell me about Oliver and Leo, describe them to me so I can picture them in my mind.’ He moved on down his chest as Martin collected his thoughts then began.

‘Oliver is the perfect opposite of the Oliver out of the Dickens’s novel,’ he said. ‘He is tall, broad, and strong. At the same time, he’s gentle and nearly always happy.’

‘Leo is about three inches taller than me, and broader, but even so he’s still slim. He’s very wiry and can fight if he needs to. But I’ve never known him start a fight. He’ll always do his best to avoid it. But if he’s driven to it, it’s his opponent who usually regrets it. He usually looks quite serious, but he is in fact very happy as a rule.’

Halfway through his description of Leo, Lewis moved his hands up onto his trousers. He moved a little quicker this time and was halfway before Martin realised.

As he started to panic and opened his mouth to say stop, Lewis’s hand passed over his cock. Lewis couldn’t feel a thing, but the sensation it gave Martin made him stay silent. Instead of the fear he had remembered last time, he was getting a lovely sensation. He relaxed and closed his mouth.

As Lewis moved down onto his thighs, he glanced at him, smiled, and said, ‘Well done.’ Moving on down he asked, ‘What do the three of you do together out of school?’

‘We go walking and climbing together,’ Martin told him. ‘We like swimming, and we go out on our bikes quite often. We also spend time at each other’s houses on our computers or doing school projects.’

‘Where do you go swimming?’ Lewis asked as he reached his feet and started back up. ‘Usually at the local swimming pool,’ he replied, ‘But we do go in the lake over behind the park occasionally. And we’ve swum in the sea when we’ve been on holiday together.’

As Lewis moved on up his thighs he asked, ‘So would I be right in thinking you are all used to getting changed in front of each other?’ ‘Yes,’ Martin said, ‘We’ve seen each other undressed since primary school.’

Then he locked his eyes on Lewis’s hands as it moved up onto the front of his trousers. But to his surprise all he felt was a memory of the lovely feeling he had got last time. Of his usual fear there was no sign.

He watched Lewis’s hand move higher up and as it passed over his cock the lovely sensation swept through him once more. He couldn’t stop a smile crossing his face, which Lewis noticed but didn’t comment on.

After Lewis’s hand moved onto his stomach, Martin became aware his cock had stiffened very slightly. He didn’t think it was enough for Lewis to have noticed so he stayed relaxed although very puzzled.

As Lewis massaged on upwards, he asked, ‘Do Oliver or Leo know anything about your problem?’ ‘No.’ Martin replied emphatically, ‘I’ve never told a soul, I’d be too embarrassed.’ Lewis smiled at him, ‘Everyone who comes here feels like that about their problem at the start,’ he said, ‘But it doesn’t take them long to relax and tell me about it.’

‘Really?’ Martin asked, ‘Yes,’ Lewis said, ‘Then once I know what it is, solving it is usually the easiest part.’ ‘Oh, I do hope so,’ Martin said, ‘Iris said you could work miracles.’

Lewis reached his head and took his hands away. He grinned at him and said, ‘I wouldn’t go that far, but I haven’t failed yet. Now in a moment I’ll ask you to turn over again. Because you are relaxing well, I would have asked you to consider taking your top things off.’

He explained the body and mind link. ‘Massage on your skin rather than your clothes is always more successful in relaxing anyone,’ he said. ‘But in view of what you told me about getting changed with your pals, I’ll offer you three choices. Either stay as you are, or just take your top off, or strip to your shorts.’

‘When you feel ready, do whatever you have decided then turn over on your front.’ Lewis stood up out of his way. Martin didn’t hesitate, he sat up, pulled his top off and tossed it over onto the chair. Then he stood up, dropped his trousers, stepped out of them and added them to the heap.

As he stood there in his small pair of shorts it really accentuated how little he was, but nevertheless he was in perfect proportion. He lay back down and turned over.

As Lewis sat back down on the edge of the settee, he put his hands on the back of Martins head, said, ‘Well done,’ and started massaging. As he moved down onto his bare shoulders, he asked, ‘I don’t want to ask too much about your problem just yet, but can you tell me how old you were when it started?’

As he neared Martins tiny waist, he answered, ‘It was about a month before my thirteenth birthday.’ He shivered at the memory. As Lewis moved up onto the back of his shorts and massaged his cheeks, he asked, ‘When did the problem stop or is it still happening?’

As Martin replied, ‘It only lasted one day.’ He felt another lovely sensation inside him as he felt Lewis’s gentle touch on his cheeks. When Lewis moved down onto his thighs he asked, ‘If you could swop bodies with one of your pals who would you choose?’

Lewis had reached his feet before he made his mind up, ‘I think it would be Oliver,’ he said. As Lewis started back up, he asked, ‘Why did you decide on Oliver?’ ‘I’ve been the littlest all my life,’ he said, ‘Both in the family and among my friends. The idea of being the biggest appeals to me.’

As Lewis massaged over his cheeks again, this time getting an ‘Oh that feels lovely,’ from Martin, he asked, ‘Suppose you could only swop one body part from either Oliver or Leo. Which bit would you choose?’

He saw the back of his neck go red. ‘You don’t need to answer that,’ Lewis said, ‘The back of your neck has just answered for you by going red. So, who did you choose?’ Leo came the reply after a brief pause. His neck stayed red. ‘So, am I right in assuming that of the three of you, Leo has the biggest cock?’ There was another pause then as Lewis moved up onto his head, he answered quietly, ‘Yes.’

‘Turn over,’ Lewis said. Martin rolled over showing a slightly red face. ‘No need to feel embarrassed,’ Lewis said grinning at him, ‘Few people are happy with every bit of their body. Probably even Oliver and Leo if you asked them.’

‘Ok,’ Lewis said, ‘You are doing exceptionally well. I’m sure you noticed the difference between last time and the first time when I massaged over your cheeks. That shows how much your subconscious is accepting that I am not going to hurt you. Also think about our discussion about you swopping cocks with Leo. Could you ever have imagined you would have such a conversation with anyone ever?’

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