The Life of Lewis - Cover

The Life of Lewis

Copyright© 2021 by Lewis Lucas

Chapter 7: Arrests a Will and a Referral

Pedo Sex Story: Chapter 7: Arrests a Will and a Referral - Lewis is 15 and decides to get a Saturday job. Finding one in a Video hire shop helping Mike the manager, he finds himself earning a bit extra every week by having some interesting fitness tests followed by some relaxation including sex lessons and experiences which he thoroughly enjoys.

Caution: This Pedo Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/Fa   Ma/Ma   Ma/mt   mt/mt   Teenagers   Coercion   Consensual   Rape   Gay   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Incest   Torture   Anal Sex   First   Massage   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Petting   Doctor/Nurse   Teacher/Student  

Tuesday evening Lewis had a call from Aiden. ‘On Monday they all arrived at the police station at half hour intervals,’ he said. ‘It turns out none of them had told the others they had been summoned.’

‘Ronnie was interviewed first and when told he was being interviewed regarding a charge of rape, he denied it naturally. I had had a tv put in the interview room, so I showed him the snatch of him naked and then doing his first rape. That knocked the wind out of his sales immediately.’

‘I explained to his solicitor that as it was an old case, we wanted it dealt with quickly. In return for a signed statement admitting it, then a guilty plea it would be dealt with in the Magistrates Court and not go to Crown Court. His solicitor told him he would be mad not to accept the offer, so he agreed.’

‘I arrested him, then he was charged and locked up to appear in court the next day. The Inspector you met was dealing with the others, but I sat in. Len and Johnnie were exactly the same until they saw the video. They were also arrested and locked up.’

‘Jimmy hadn’t brought a solicitor with him. ‘I have only ever done one thing bad,’ he said. ‘I don’t need a solicitor to get me out of it.’ He was asked about the rape and admitted it right away. When asked why he said the others had made him go with them, but he wasn’t using it as an excuse. ‘I always knew this day would come.’ he said.

‘He was arrested and charged, then taken back into the interview room. It was explained to him that it would be on his record and if he was in any future trouble, it would be made known to the court. But your victim told us she felt you were forced into it. She also told us how you returned on your own initiative and released her. At her request you are going to be given a police caution. That means once the desk sergeant has given you a good telling off, you will be free to go.’

‘He burst into tears and said he didn’t deserve it. Then he asked if he could send a message to the victim. I told him I could pass a message on. ‘Please tell her I’m so sorry,’ he said. ‘Tell her thank you for speaking up for me and tell her I have had nothing more to do with any of them after that night.’

‘In court this morning, the Magistrate sentenced the other three to one year’s prison. That means they will be released on licence after six months. There was no mention of the location of the rapes or any details of the victim.’

‘The Inspector we met is delighted at his unexpected arrests so if we ever need assistance in future he’ll be on our side. The one arrest credited to me will be another feather in my cap on my training course notes. So, thank you yet again.’

Lewis rang Margery and passed on Jimmys message and told her the other three had been sent to prison for a year. He didn’t see any point in mentioning remission details. ‘There was no mention of the location or any details of the victim.’ he assured her.

‘That’s great,’ she said, ‘Now it’s definitely all over and done with. Thanks again for everything.’


Saturday morning Ernie Susan and Rupert drove up to the nursing home to see Matron. She had rung Ernie during the week to say she had everything ready.

When they arrived, she took them through to her office. ‘When your mum first moved in here,’ she told Rupert, ‘She was completely mentally alert. She made certain arrangements and also made a will which she left with me. Her will is brief and to the point, ‘I leave everything to my son Rupert.’ Because of that I have no problem handing everything over to you.’

‘Now, I assumed that you wouldn’t want any of her clothes, so I have them packed up separately. If you approve, I will pass them on to the local charity shop. All her small personal bits and pieces I have put in a separate box which you can take away with you to sort through.’

‘Your mum had a small amount of savings when she arrived, I have a statement for you, which shows what has been spent by us at her request over the time she has been here. It finishes off with the funeral costs.’

‘There is a balance of just over two thousand pounds which is now yours. I will write you a cheque for it, once you tell me who to make it out to. Do you have a bank account?’ she asked him. ‘No, I’ve never needed one.’ Rupert said.

‘That’s ok,’ Ernie said, ‘You can make it out to Rupert, then we will use it to open an account for him.’ Matron wrote out the cheque and handed it to Rupert. They collected the box of bits and after thanking Matron they went out to the car.

Rupert gave Ernie the cheque. ‘Will you look after it for me,’ he said. ‘Ok,’ Ernie told him putting it in his wallet, ‘But when we get back home, we’ll go into town and open you a bank account.’

They returned home and had some lunch. When Ernie asked him if he had any preference for a particular bank or building society, he said no. Then he said, ‘Shouldn’t you have that money towards my keep?’

Ernie called him over and Rupert came and sat between him and Susan. ‘That money is a gift from your mum to you.’ Ernie told him, ‘I’m sure she would want you to save it for now. Then you can use it for anything special you might want in the future.’

‘Remember, you are not our lodger,’ Ernie continued, ‘You are part of our family now. You are the only son we are ever likely to have, and we both love you dearly. It is up to us to pay any costs of looking after you as do mums and dads everywhere. When you are older and are working, we will expect you to contribute something to your upkeep from your wages, but until then we don’t expect you to pay for anything.’

Rupert sat quiet. Ernie knew him well enough by now to know he was turning something over in his mind. He left him to it for a while then asked, ‘Are you going to share your thoughts with us?’

Rupert smiled at him, ‘I was just thinking how lovely it was to hear you call me son,’ he said, ‘I never expected to ever hear that again.’ Ernie put an arm around him, ‘As far as we are concerned,’ he told him, ‘You are our son and will be for ever.’

Rupert gave him a hug and a kiss, then did the same to Susan. ‘I’m so lucky.’ he said. ‘So are we.’ Susan told him, ‘I couldn’t imagine having a nicer son than you.’ He beamed at her then went quiet again. ‘Come on, out with it.’ Ernie said.

‘I’ve loved being able to call you aunt and uncle,’ he said, ‘It’s made me feel so happy, but do you think... ‘ he trailed off. ‘Go on,’ Ernie said, ‘You should never be afraid to tell us what you’re thinking.’ ‘Would you mind if I called you mum and dad instead?’ he asked.

Susan burst into tears. Rupert immediately put his arm around her, ‘I’m sorry,’ he said, ‘I didn’t mean to upset you.’ Susan hugged him and through her tears managed to say, ‘I’m not upset, these are tears of happiness. You have no idea how much I have longed to hear you call me mum.’

‘And me to hear you call me dad,’ Ernie said. ‘Rupert,’ he said, ‘I want you to listen to me very carefully now. I wasn’t going to ask you this so soon after you lost your mum, but it has always been our intention to ask you if, instead of fostering you, we could adopt you.’

‘That would mean you would take our surname and become our legal son,’ he told him. It was Rupert’s turn to burst into tears now. ‘That would be wonderful,’ he said. He hugged and kissed Susan saying, ‘Thank you, mum.’ Then he did the same to Ernie saying, ‘Thank you, dad.’

‘I want you to think about it carefully,’ Ernie told him, ‘Then I’ll ask you again in a week’s time before we apply. Just remember, whatever you decide, it won’t affect us loving you. Neither will it affect you making your permanent home here with us.’

‘I won’t be changing my mind,’ Rupert said sounding absolutely convinced.

That night when they went to tuck him in, as they were leaving, he called out, ‘Goodnight mum, goodnight dad.’ They both replied, ‘Goodnight son.’ They all had wet eyes.


On Saturday Lewis and Mike had their usual busy morning at the shop. Whilst they were having their lunch Lewis’s phone pinged. ‘Hi Lewis,’ the message said, ‘It’s Iris from the other school, you counselled me a while ago. Could you ring me when it’s convenient. Thanks.’

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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