The Life of Lewis
Copyright© 2021 by Lewis Lucas
Chapter 5: Naked Internationals
Pedo Sex Story: Chapter 5: Naked Internationals - Lewis is 15 and decides to get a Saturday job. Finding one in a Video hire shop helping Mike the manager, he finds himself earning a bit extra every week by having some interesting fitness tests followed by some relaxation including sex lessons and experiences which he thoroughly enjoys.
Caution: This Pedo Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa mt/Fa Ma/Ma Ma/mt mt/mt Teenagers Coercion Consensual Rape Gay BiSexual Heterosexual Fiction Incest Torture Anal Sex First Massage Masturbation Oral Sex Petting Doctor/Nurse Teacher/Student
‘No,’ Akiro said, ‘In the first class after lunch we had the teacher who had been on playground duty. He could see they were in pain, and you couldn’t mistake their bloody noses.’ ‘What happened to you two?’ he demanded.’
‘The first one stood up and said, ‘We were larking about and fell over sir.’ Then he turned to me and said, ‘Is that true? I saw that you were near to them.’ ‘How did you answer that?’ Danny asked. ‘I said, ‘Yes sir, I think they both tripped.’ ‘Thank you, Akiro,’ he said. Then as I was sitting down, he smiled at me and said, ‘Oh by the way, welcome to the school.’ I bowed to him and sat down. I never had any problem after that.’
‘Great,’ Danny said. ‘Now, you’re doing fine. In a moment I want you to turn over again. This time if you feel ok doing it, I’d like you to take your top things off so I can massage on your skin. He explained about the link between body and mind. ‘I’ve heard that before,’ Akiro said, ‘My dad has often said that.’
‘That’s very good to hear.’ Danny said, ‘So go ahead when you’re ready.’ Akiro sat up, pulled his top off, threw it over onto the chair and lay down again. Then he turned over. As he lay down Danny saw his hairless chest which was quite narrow although wider than his hips. When he turned over, he could see there wasn’t an ounce of fat on him.
Danny massaged the back of his head and started down over his shoulders. ‘How did you get on with the rest of the boys after that?’ he asked. As he moved down his back Akiro told him, ‘I suddenly became very popular.’ he answered. ‘Even the two who had made it clear they didn’t like foreigners on the first day didn’t seem as hostile even though they steered clear of me.’
As he massaged over his cheeks, Danny asked, ‘Did you make any close friends? ‘Four,’ Akiro said after a brief thought. ‘We all had similar interests and had all moved into the area from various parts of the country.’
Going down his legs Danny asked, ‘What were their names and how did they compare in physique and brains with you?’ ‘Bryn, Logan, Luigi and Krystiyan, were their names,’ he said, ‘We became real good friends. Although we all went to different parts of the world after school, we still keep in touch.’
‘Bryn as you can guess was Welsh. He was a keen rugby player and had the size for it. He was about three inches taller than me and twice as wide. Yet he was a gentle giant unless riled. He was by no means thick, but of the four probably the least academic. Logan was from Edinburgh. He was about my height but wider and more muscular. He swam for the school and always had the girls after him. He was probably the second brainiest. He’s still at Aberdeen University.’
‘Luigi was from Rome and must have been one of the few Italians to escape the clutches of the Catholic Church. He was about four inches taller and although slim, had more muscles than me. He was very handsome and had a way with the girls too. I would put him as the third brainiest. Krystiyan came from Ukraine. He was very slightly shorter than me and was well padded but not quite fat. He was definitely the best academically but the worst at sports.’
Danny had gone down to his feet and back up to his head with no reaction other than apparent enjoyment. ‘In a moment I want you to turn over,’ Danny told him, ‘But you’ve felt how relaxing the massage is on your skin so if you feel relaxed enough, strip to your shorts. But don’t worry if you don’t feel ready, just stay as you are.’
Akiro had enjoyed the massage on his bare back, so he didn’t hesitate, he sat up. Danny moved out of the way. He took his trousers off and lay back down. He was wearing a very small pair of white shorts which really showed off how tiny his hips were. Even his legs looked very thin.
Once he was settled, Danny massaged his shoulders and asked, ‘Where did you fit in amongst the four of them?’ ‘I was the smallest in height, the smallest in build, the smallest... ‘ he broke off then said, ‘Brain wise, probably between Bryn and Luigi.’
As he moved down over his chest, Danny asked, ‘Did you ever go swimming together. ‘Yes, lots of times,’ Akiro said. ‘Bryn loved to swim because it strengthened his shoulders for rugby. Logan was happiest in the water as he could do every stroke imaginable and dive as well. Luigi was always happy in trunks as it showed off his body to the girls and Krystiyan was just happy to splash around and be with us.’
‘I liked swimming, but I was only average. I did try diving and found I was quite good at it, but whereas I could wear shorts for swimming, trunks were always safer for diving, as entering the water at speed could pull your shorts off. I wasn’t happy in trunks, so I just stuck to swimming.’
Danny had noticed that he seemed to be enjoying the massage on his bare skin, but as Danny’s hands approached the top of his shorts he went tense once more. As he massaged over the top of his shorts, Danny watched his face out of the corner of his eye. He looked more unhappy than frightened, he decided, but he had also gone slightly red.
Massaging over his cock, Danny could hardly feel anything, but given that his entire body was small, that didn’t seem unreasonable. As soon as his hands reached the bare skin of his thighs, Akiro relaxed, and his red flush vanished. Something strange there, Danny thought to himself and made a mental note.
As he went down his thighs, Danny asked, ‘What is it you don’t like about trunks?’ ‘Oh, er, I just don’t feel comfortable in them.’ he said clearly unhappy at the question.
Moving on down to his feet, Danny asked, ‘So how did you get on with the girls at school?’ ‘I spoke to a few who had come to the swimming pool to watch Logan, Bryn and Luigi,’ he said, ‘But none of them were really interested in a skinny thing like me. Especially with all the better bodies around.’ ‘Did you ever ask any of them out?’ Danny asked. ‘No, I didn’t see the point.’ he replied.
As he started back up, Danny asked, ‘So, when you left school were you still a virgin?’ ‘Yes, he answered, then he added sadly, I still am.’ As he moved up his thighs Danny asked, ‘Why do you think that is?’ ‘Because no girl would want to go that far with me.’ he said sounding glum. As Danny’s hands moved on up over his shorts, he was evidently still thinking about what he was missing out on.
There was no reaction to Danny’s hands passing over his shorts. Even as he passed over his cock there was no tension. Then two things happened at once. His cock grew a fraction. It wasn’t much but it was just enough for Danny to feel it. At the same time Akiro felt it and realised where Danny’s hands were.
He went bright red, very tense and drew his breath in sharply. As he didn’t say stop, Danny carried on massaging upward as if he hadn’t noticed. A few seconds later he moved onto his bare stomach. Akiro relaxed thinking Danny hadn’t noticed his growth. His red face faded and as Danny moved on up over his stomach he asked, ‘So, not having a girlfriend, you must have dreamt about the day you did. Who was the first girl you had a night-time dream about?’
Akiro went red again and said nothing as Danny started up his chest. Then he answered quietly, ‘Aisling. She was an Irish girl in the class below us.’ ‘Why her?’ Danny asked. ‘She used to smile at me sometimes,’ he said, ‘And she seemed very nice. Also, she didn’t seem to hang around any of the other boys.’ ‘Did you ever speak to her?’ Danny asked. ‘No, not really. I always got tongue tied on the rare occasions the opportunity arose.’
‘So how many nights was it after you first decided you fancied her, that you had an exciting night-time dream about her?’ ‘About a week.’ he said. ‘And after your first dream, how long was it before you dreamt you were making love to her?’ ‘Two nights.’ he said with the trace of a blush.
Danny reached his head and as he took his hands away, he said, ‘When you turn over, I’m going to go down your back again. When I reach your waist, I’ll take hold of the back of your shorts and pause briefly. Unless you say stop, I’ll lift them up and massage your cheeks directly on your skin before I go on down.’ Akiro didn’t look concerned as he said. ‘Ok.’
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