The Life of Lewis
Copyright© 2021 by Lewis Lucas
Chapter 4: A Problem From Japan
Pedo Sex Story: Chapter 4: A Problem From Japan - Lewis is 15 and decides to get a Saturday job. Finding one in a Video hire shop helping Mike the manager, he finds himself earning a bit extra every week by having some interesting fitness tests followed by some relaxation including sex lessons and experiences which he thoroughly enjoys.
Caution: This Pedo Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa mt/Fa Ma/Ma Ma/mt mt/mt Teenagers Coercion Consensual Rape Gay BiSexual Heterosexual Fiction Incest Torture Anal Sex First Massage Masturbation Oral Sex Petting Doctor/Nurse Teacher/Student
Friday night Danny signed into his app that controlled the camera in the window box and downloaded the recording from the previous week. He went through it making a copy but editing out the long spells of nothing happening. It took him hours but at the end of it he had clear recordings of over a hundred callers who knocked, handed cash over and left after being given a package.
There were a few shots of the postman and two shots of particular interest. The same man called every three days with an evidently full shopping bag. He was invited in and when he left the shopping bag was plainly empty.
Danny sent the edited version to Aiden via email. Then tired out he went to bed.
The next day he went to Johns as usual. John greeted him with his normal hug and a kiss, then told him his sisters funeral was set for next Friday at three in the afternoon. ‘I picked that time because I thought it might be easier for you getting off school,’ he told him.
As they had their morning coffee John told him, ‘We will leave here following the hearse at two thirty. It will drive past my sister’s old home, then onto the crematorium. It will all be over by half past three.’
‘Afterwards, I thought the three of us might go to the Manor Hotel and have an afternoon tea,’ he said. ‘That sounds nice, I’ve never had one of those,’ Danny said, ‘I know Lorraine’s mum and dad have had one a couple of times and enjoyed them.’
He finished his coffee and went out to work in the garden. John went off to the shops. As mid-day approached and passed, Danny decided John had been delayed and decided to go in for his lunch.
One o’clock came and went. Danny finished his lunch and made himself a coffee. He was just pouring it out when he heard the front door go. John came in looking flustered. ‘That took longer than I expected,’ he said. ‘My sister didn’t know many people, but they all seemed to be out shopping today.’
Danny made another coffee as John put his shopping away. As they sat sipping them, John was very quiet. ‘What’s up?’ Danny said, ‘There’s clearly something on your mind.’ ‘I was thinking,’ John said, ‘After talking to the people I met today, they all knew my sister but none of them were close friends.’
‘But because I was here, I knew because she told me, that she wanted her organs donated and a very simple non-religious funeral. That’s what I want too,’ he said, ‘I’ve already told you how I feel about surviving as a vegetable. But if anything happened to me no one else would know. So, if it’s ok with you I would like you to arrange my funeral if and when it happens. I’ll put something in writing so you will have whatever powers are needed.’
‘I’ve told you, you’re not going anywhere for a long time yet,’ Danny said. ‘But of course, I will do what you want when the time comes.’ ‘I’m seeing my solicitor during the week over the transfer of the deeds to my sister’s house,’ John said, ‘So I’ll get him to draw something up. Then if it becomes necessary you will have the power to give permission for my organs to be used. You’ll also decide to switch me off if necessary. I know,’ John said jumping in before Danny could speak. ‘It’ll never happen. But I will feel much happier knowing that if it does, my wishes will be in the hands of someone I trust.’
Danny got up and gave him a hug and a kiss. Then he went back out to work, and John started some housework. An hour later John got a phone call. ‘Hi John,’ a male voice said, ‘I don’t know if you’ll remember me, it’s Harry, we were on a coach trip together ages ago, then you and Danny sorted a problem out for me.’
‘Yes, I remember,’ John said, ‘How are you?’ ‘Great thanks to you two,’ he said. ‘Maureen and I are married now, and she is pregnant.’ When John congratulated him, he said, ‘I told you at the time I worked with Maureen and a young lad. Well, we are on the third young lad since then. Akiro, the present one is a lovely person. He has been looking glum for a few days. He kept saying there was nothing wrong when we asked him.’
‘So yesterday, when he and I were alone, I told him I knew someone nearer his age who was an expert at sorting people’s problems out. Nothing you tell him is ever passed on, I told him. I know because he solved one for me once. Would you like me to see if he will see you?’
‘He seemed very relieved and said, ‘Yes please.’ ‘So, is Danny still available?’ ‘Yes, he’s here now out in the garden, I’ll go and check with him and ring you back. When is Akiro available?’ ‘Anytime from now on over the weekend and any evening next week,’ Harry said. ‘Give me five minutes.’ John said.
He hung up and went out into the garden.
Reaching Danny, he explained the problem. ‘If you want to see him this afternoon I don’t mind going out,’ John said, ‘I’ve got lots I need to do. But I can fit in with you.’ ‘I can do today if he wants then,’ Danny said, ‘But if he prefers tomorrow, I can do that too as long as it’s ok with you.’ ‘I’ll go and see.’ John said.
He returned ten minutes later to say Akiro would be over in half an hour. ‘Oh, by the way,’ John told him, ‘Harry and Maureen are now married, and she is pregnant.’ ‘That’s lovely news,’ Danny said. He carried on working for a while then put all his things away. Going in to wash his hands he found John sitting at the kitchen table with an obviously Japanese young man who looked to be in his mid-teens.
As Danny went in, John said, ‘I saw you were packing up as Akiro arrived, so I left you to it. I’ve been telling him what a terrible person you are.’ he said with a grin.
Akiro had stood up and as Danny showed him his dirty hands as an excuse for not shaking hands, he bowed to him. Danny bowed back and smiled at him. ‘That’s the first time anyone has ever greeted me like that.’ he said.
After washing his hands, he shook hands with him. ‘Nice to meet you.’ he said. John got up and said, ‘I’m going out. Whatever it is Akiro, Danny will sort it out for you.’ He shook hands with him, then said to Danny, ‘If I don’t see you before I’ll see you here on Friday.’
Danny saw him out, gave him a hug and a kiss then returned to the kitchen. He made them both a coffee then sat opposite him. ‘Now Akiro, whilst we have our coffee let me tell you how this works.’
‘I know you have a problem, otherwise you wouldn’t be here, but I’m not going to ask you about it just yet. First of all, I’m going to get you feeling relaxed with me. At the same time, I’ll ask you all about yourself, your life and your hopes and dreams. In fact, about almost everything but your problem. Only when we both think you are ready will we look at that.’
‘Now, you should know that although Harry knows you are here, he will never hear anything about what you tell me unless you choose to tell him yourself. John has gone out and won’t return until I let him know we are through, so there’s no chance of anyone overhearing us.’
‘If you decide you don’t want to continue, all you need to do is get up and walk out. You don’t need to explain why because it doesn’t matter. If you’re not happy being here, we can’t succeed anyway.’
‘If you do leave, and no one has done it yet, you will always be welcome to return in the future. Now, I have no idea what your problem is so I might ask you a question that touches on it without realising. If I do and you don’t feel able to answer it yet, just say ‘Pass’ and we’ll leave it until later.’
‘I should tell you that I’ve counselled a great number of people of all ages whose problems have included rape, violence, sex of all sorts and many other problems. So, nothing you tell me is going to come as a surprise. Neither need it cause you any embarrassment as I will be bound to have heard it all before.’
‘Before we move on, do you have any questions.’ ‘Not really,’ he said, ‘But I feel I should tell you I find the whole thing very embarrassing. I really don’t know if I will be able to tell you, or anyone for that matter, all about it.’
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